Free to a Good Home!

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Tess Lillis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Okay, so part of me returning is that I kinda need to cut back. A lot. And so I have a few twelve characters free to a good home. Some are families, others are family members of my own characters, some may be slightly developed. But they're really just sandboxes ready to become anything or anyone.
This family has a few traditions and rules to go with it, which can be found on the biography of the head of the Lillis family, Riley Lillis. I'm keeping a few of the ones I can't bear to give up, but am offering up:

[color=mediumblue]Benny Lillis

Benny is a friendly, bubbly and musical Ravenclaw Second Year, with no playby. Do what you like with him, so long as he's available for family things.

<COLOR color="#CC0066">David Mayfield
David is the father of Benny Lillis, Olive Mayfield, Riley Lillis and Peter Mayfield. No ideas, but I needed to make him to make it all neat and tidy with the whole family made.

Ellie Mayfield
Ellie lives in Dunedin, New Zealand and is a Muggle Social Worker. She's David's sister. Again, barely developed.

Lili is the family's houseelf. 'nuff said. She's pretty loyal and such. Yeah. uhm.
Yes, I'm giving away the whole family. Lost all inspiration.

Jaydi Richards
She's motherly and stuff. Is the headmistress/teacher of Kowhai Wizarding Academy. Yeeaaaaah. Underdeveloped much?

Jessica Richards
Jess is Jaydi's youngest daughter, she attends the Academy.

Sarah Richards
Sarah's a bit of a brat, tbh. Especially to adults. I can see her becoming a bit of a bully or something. She's a first year.

Zavier Richards
Zav is pretty similar to the Weasley twins, in that he loves mischief but doesn't want to hurt anyone. In his time away from school he virtually lives in Zonkos.
here are the others that don't fit into the families.

Alina Sidorov
I think Zach asked me to make Lina one day, but we never did anything with the characters. She's quite a solitary person, she's Russian, and she suspects the worst of everyone.

Jaimee and Laani Dalmoir
I'm giving these ones away together. Because they're too cute not to. Uhm, their mother Abathyn gave the custody of the sisters to Dympna Belladonna, but I'm thinking they'll never see their mother again and be all evil and such. uhm. They do have playbys but a) no idea who, and b) they're kinda growing up so they need new ones.

Laura Montiez
I made Laura back when I still thought twins were cool :tut: not that they aren't, but not everything needs to be in pairs. Her twin sister is Isobel Montiez, a Slytherin played by Maddiie. She's a third year at last check (oops..) and she's pretty friendly and such. Laura is Argentinian and her English is very spotty especially when agitated, though improving a lot. If you can tell me who her playby is, it'd be amazing. I've been using the odd Spanish words in the roleplays, mostly the same as Maddiie and any sentences she says in Spanish are written in English.
Well, thankyou all for reading my little novel. Now, when I get down to one, everyone should take these characters off my hands.

ONE. ♥​
I would like Laura Montiez please. Can you PM me all of her details like bios etc and tell me everything about her and this person who has her twin. Can you do that asap for me hun?
I can take Sarah Richards or benny Lillis if you want :)
i can take david of your hands if you want
Raze - you can take them both if you like! :)

David - sure thing!

I'll PM you both passwords and such. Thanks so much!
Alright, I'll take both... :)
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