Open Fragments of Color

Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer| ACCIO 📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (13)
Open after Dan posts with Minerva

Hazel quickly slipped out of the dimly lit Potions classroom after class, eager to escape the dark dungeons for a bit. As she passed a few other students, she didn't notice that her necklace snagged onto something. Not until it broke, scattering beads all across the floor. Hazel gasped, her hand flying to her neck. Then she groaned, her stomach sinking as she saw all the gold, green and purple beads scattering around her. She had worked hard on that one and had only finished it last night. She must have not tied it correctly. Hazel sighed, setting her book bag down with a resigned thud, and knelt on dungeon floor. Quickly, she began to gather as many of the scattered beads as she could, her fingers moving quickly to prevent them from being trampled or kicked away by passing students.
Minerva wasn't paying much attention as she made her way out of potions, she wasn't particularly bothered if her potion had been correct the main thing was it hadn't blown up in her face or melted the bottom of her cauldron. Anything else would be a bonus. She heard a crunch as she began making her way out of the dungeon and looked down to see she had stood on some kind of bead and had completely missed her classmate on her knees trying to gather them up. "Sorry," Minerva grumbled having made her task invertedly harder, she knelt down to try and gather up any that had gone further afield as a result of her intervention. "What happened?"

@Hazel Ashworth
Hazel grimaced slightly when a girl stepped on one of the beads, but she knew it couldn't be helped. She was pleasantly surprised when she then went on to help her. Hazel shot the Gryffindor a grateful smile. She didn't really know Minerva that well, just that she was in her classes an in Gryffindor. She had always seemed a little mysterious to Hazel. "I think I messed up the knot when I made it." She said with a grimace. "Or maybe used string that was fraying? I'm not sure." She said, putting a handful of beads in her pocket. "Thanks for helping."
Minerva was surprised when Hazel began to describe the potential reasons why her necklace may have broken because she talked like she had made it, and went on to confirm as such. "You made it?" She didn't know anyone who made things themselves, she wondered if she did it with magic or with her hands, she didn't know many witches who would make something the 'muggle way', it seemed a lot more personal.
Hazel saw a few more beads and quickly reached over to grab them, some were a little dusty now and she wondered how often these corridors were cleaned. She glanced up at Minerva's question, a proud smile appearing on her face. "Yeah, I make all my accessories." She said, gesturing to her dangly earrings were also made of beads and had little feathers at the bottom. "I love making my own things." She said, glancing around again. "I think some rolled away." She said, glancing around and not seeing many beads left.
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Minerva wasn’t easily impressed, at least that was what she liked to think and tell people. She looked at the dangly earrings that Hazel pointed out and smiled at them, they were cute and looked well made, it was a shame she had seemingly messed up with her necklace. “That’s cool,” She said quietly as she puled out her wand. “Accio beads,” Nothing happened, she had hoped to be able to summon any stragglers but clearly it didn’t work if she didn’t have some specific in mind. “I thought that would work.” She added, her face falling a little.
Hazel smiled as she saw Minerva look at her earrings, trying not to look too proud of them. She gasped when Minerva pulled out her wand and tried to summon the beads. It didn't work, but Hazel still thought it was genius. "It should have, I bet we got most of them and the rest are just too far away to summon." She said with a smile. "That was such a good idea, I swear I forget I can do magic half the time." She said with a slight shake of her head. "Probably because we can't do it at home. What good is having a wand if I can't hex my little brother?" She joked lightly. She cast one more look down at the ground, trying to see if she saw any more beads. Giving up, Hazel got to her feet. "Thanks for helping."

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