Fourth Years, Lesson Two


Noel had to admit he was an bit nervous for this class. It felt wrong to perform an unforgivable curse on an student, but he knew the reason for it. And he didn't done it out of hatred or the wrong reasons so that was what he had told himself this morning. As he saw that everyone was inside he cleared his throat. '' Hello and good morning everyone.'' He greeted the class with an friendly smile. He had to work extra hard to make people at ease today. '' It is not often allowed to cast any of the three Unforgivable Curses, as you have learned in your previous years. You know the consequenses if so.'' The brown haired man told them, while looking strictly around the room. '' But since the Hogwarts Board of Governors and the Ministry of Magic find it important, that you learn about these curses, an exception has been made.'' He than explained them, they needed to know it was not his idea. '' I will demonstrate to you these three curses over the next couple of weeks. And today we will start with the Imperius Curse.'' He than walked around in the classroom, looking over to the students. '' Some might think it is the least dangerous out of the three, but if cast with the vilest intent, this curse can become quite dangerous. And you'll soon learn why.'' Noel than explained and turned his back to the students, taking an deep breath.

He than turned around as he took his wand and looked at them with an friendly smile. '' Those of you who signed the consents forms, would you please come forward?'' He waited for the students and watched as they gathered at the front of the classroom. Once they had lined up and made sure everyone could see well he gave an reasurring nod. He thought it was very brave of the onces and was sure to reward them for it. He than raised his wand arm and said calm. '' Imperio.'' For each volunteer. He than looked seriously. '' Dance on top of the desk in front of you, please.'' He than told them in a kind way but commanding. And watched the students climbed onto the deks and did exactly like he told them too. And looked at the rest of the students who were watching how they reacted. Perhaps it looked funny, but it was horrible in a way. '' That's enough. You will stop now.'' Noel than spoke. And they did as he told too. He than would end it soon, and told them friendly. '' Please lie down on the floor and don't move anything.'' He than said commanding. And saw how they lay motionless on the ground until he lifted the curse. He was glad this was over, but kept his face straight. He gave them some time to sit and gather themselves before he continued. '' Thank you volunteers. You can sit down again. For your brave help you can come see me after class. I have some delicious candy as a thanks and you will recieve extra house points.'' He than told them, as just a small token of appreciation. As everyone sat down again he looked over to the students who were placed under the imperio curse. '' Now, volunteers. Can you please share how you felt whilst under the Imperius Curse?'' He than asked them, curiously wanted to hear from them and good for the others to know who were just watching. He nodded and continued.

He than stood before his desk and leaned towards it. '' As you could notice. The Imperius Curse allows the caster to take total control of the person you cast the spell on. Only through exceptional strength of will can one resist the curse and defend themself.'' He than explained to them. '' The best way to prevent another from casting this curse onto you is to disarm or completly disable the caster before it is too late.'' Noel than finished the explanation. And moved on to the homework assignment. '' For homeowrk, please write an essay about the Imperius Curse and hand it in before next Thursday.'' He than finished off. He dismissed the class and handed over the candy to the volunteers. And sat down after his desk again.

Those who are interested in having the Imperius Curse placed on their characters, please roleplay accordingly. You will receive extra housepoints. Others, please write your character's reaction.

For homework and extra credit, write a short essay about the Imperius Curse.
With everything else going on - duelling, Quidditch, Valentine's - Audrey hadn't thought too much about the upcoming demonstration class. She'd thought about it enough to get Dion's signature and a rather amused note from him (something like 'tell your friend Teddy to take pictures', a suggestion she pointedly ignored) so she was free to participate, but that was really it. It hadn't really hit her until she got into the classroom and was called to the front. Still, she wanted to impress Professor Waldgrave, and she trusted that he wouldn't hurt her. Audrey put on her best smile as she stood before the professor, feeling a little smug in the spotlight but deep down kind of shy as well. She flinched as the spell hit her...

...and then there was stillness. Audrey was vaguely aware that her body was moving, in the sense that she was still breathing and everything. Beyond that, she had no control or even really a clear idea of what she was actually doing. She had no idea she was dancing in jolting steps, spinning and kicking and waving her arms like she was listening to her favourite song, and she woke up a few moments later on the ground, her hands flying up to pat down her chest and legs, feeling strangely vulnerable and out of place. It left her with a rather sick feeling she didn't expect to have, and she couldn't really bring herself to look at the rest of the class. "I..." she started, uncharacteristically quietly when she was asked for her opinion. Even the thought of candy from the professor wasn't enough to make her smile. "I couldn't feel or do was kinda like I was somewhere else." She shivered - was it cold in here? Audrey went back to her seat after a moment and hugged her chest, deciding that even if it was with Professor Waldgrave she really didn't like the loss of control and awareness that the curse had put upon her. There was no physical harm done to her, but she still felt like she'd lost something important and never wanted to have that feeling again.

The Imperius Curse doesn't sound as bad as the other two unforgivable curses at first but if you think about it it's actually really messed up! The victim of the curse turns into a harmless puppet and even though it doesn't kill or harm it takes away someone's autonomy and the caster can make them do some really messed up things. For example, the caster could use it to make someone else commit a crime - maybe even murder which makes it just as bad as the killing curse! Or they could do horrible things to the curse victim and they wouldn't even know, which honestly makes me feel really sick to think about! I'm glad you didn't do anything to hurt me Professor but I never want to be under the curse again!!!
Callie had been a little nervous about this class. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the unforgivables were just a branch of magic not really worth thinking that deeply about. They were bad and that was it. Bad and to not be used. She didn’t take out her notes or books and just watched and listened as the professor went over how bad the spells were and then did still bring someone up to do the spell on them. She then watched the person had the spell be put on them, it made her wince, but she couldn’t look away from it. Couldn’t bring herself to tear her gaze away from it. Eventually it ended and the volunteer spoke on it before they were allowed to leave. With a last few words.
Enoch walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took his usual spot in the room. His gaze moved towards the professor as the man got started. He was paying a little more attention in this class. Curious about the spell and how it would look. He was curious about all of them, though this one most of all. He was sure it would be terrible to actually live under it, but perhaps it wouldn’t be. He watched as one of the students had the spell cast on them and then the professor was giving them more information about it, he was interested in how it felt but the student didn’t give a lot of detail about it. The lesson was then wrapped up and he headed out of the room.
Marley had a mixture of feelings about dada this year. The last lesson when she had learned that they would be learning about the killing curses, it had made her a little tense. The thought of learning about the curses had just made her nervous. The Hufflepuff quickly packed her things before heading down to her dada class. Once she arrived, she took a seat in her usual spot and took out the things she needed before placing them on the desk in front of her.

Marley then moved her attention towards the professor as the professor had gotten started with the lesson. The Hufflepuff had been curious on who had signed consent forms, but she was able to find out soon enough. She listened carefully to what the professor had to say, nodding along that she knew that these curses were extremely dangerous and whatnot. But if it was extremely dangerous, why were they doing it inside a school? She then watched as her classmates were being controlled by the professor, She didn't know if she wanted to continue watching this play out. Marley winced a little as the professor controlled them. The Hufflepuff made sure to take note of everything that was going on, as she didn't want to miss out on anything important. She also nodded along to what the professor was saying as she wanted the professor to know that she was understanding the content that was being given.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed. Marley quickly packed up her things and tided her area up. She then says a quick and appreciative thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out of the door with the rest of her friends and classmates.
Teddy didn't have the adult consent he needed to have the Imperius Curse placed on him, but honestly he was more comfortable watching the demonstrations rather than participating. He wasn't surprised that Audrey had volunteered and Teddy watched her bizarre, jerky dance steps. lt felt wrong seeing her like that, like a puppet on strings until she collapsed to the ground. After Audrey gave her quiet response and returned to her seat, Teddy felt terrible for her. For a moment, he considered making a joke to lighten the mood, but decided it was a bad idea, not that he could think of a joke anyway. Instead he leaned over the table toward her and quietly said, "Audrey. You alright?" His voice was lower than usual and softer. At the end of the lesson, he took the time to check in on her because that had been rough.

The Imperius Curse is one of the three Unforgivable Curses that allows the caster to take complete control over another person. When a person is under the Imperius Curse, they become a puppet and do whatever they are instructed to do while feeling a sense of calm and happiness while doing it. It takes a lot of mental strength to resist successfully.
Lucy wasn't really looking forward to this lesson. She definitely didn't want the curse cast on her, which thankfully wasn't mandatory, but she didn't particularly want to see it being done to someone else either. But it was what the lesson was, so Lucy headed to the classroom and took her seat. The lesson began, and Audrey was one of the volunteers. Lucy watched half in shock at what Audrey was doing - something completely against her will. It was horrifying, and Lucy never wanted to see that ever again. She was actually a little bit angry at the professor, even though she knew it wasn't really his fault. Lucy saw Teddy go and comfort her - Lucy decided to leave him to it and check in on her later back at Ravenclaw dorm.

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