Fourth Years Lesson Three

Mallory was sure the fourth years would enjoy the lesson today, as there were two spells they’d be learning. She herself was a little weary of this lesson, already dreading the headache she would have after class. She should probably take a nap after this lesson. She smiled, standing and smoothing out her sunshine-yellow robes. She made sure the sunflower tucked behind her ear was secure, before moving to stand in front of the students. “Alright, my dears. Today we’ll be covering the amplifying and the quietening charms.” She smiled softly. “These are complete opposites and quite effective in countering each other. When you use the Amplifying Charm, you can use the Quietening one to even out the effects, to save you using Finite.”

She walked slowly through the class. “Shouting and using the Amplifying Charm applies the same stress to your vocal cords. When you use the charm for long periods, your voice will be quite hoarse,” She explained, with a gentle smile. “The Quietening Charm is comparable to that of a whisper, and one under the effects of this spell would barely be heard." She smiled.

There’s no wand movement for this, you just need to point your wand at your target. However, let's see who did the reading and knows the incantations.” She looked over the class, choosing a student. “What is the incantation for the Amplifying Charm?” She asked. She smiled at the answer. “Very good, dorogoy. Five points. And what is the incantation for the Quietening charm?” She asked the class, choosing another student.

Very good, dorogoy. Five points for you, too. Now, let’s go over the pronunciation of each spell as a class, I want to make sure you all have a good grasp of how to say these spells. Repeat after me, dears. We'll begin with Sonorus for the Amplifying Charm, ‘soh-NOHR-us’, wonderful, and the Quietening Charm, Quietus, ‘KWIY-uh-tus’ Excellent job." She clasped her hands, smiling at the students. “Alright, dears, partner up and spend the rest of the class practicing these spells. I’ll be right here should you require any assistance.” She assured them, moving back to her desk, watching her students in case they needed her.​

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