Fourth Years, Lesson Six

Landon glanced up from a book he was reading before noticing that it was almost time for class. Landon flipped the book he was reading on its side, remembering the page he was on. Once Professor Carter was sure everyone was settled after walking into the classroom, he began to speak, "If you didn't know, today will be your last lesson before it starts to get serious and you will be heading into your OWL year. Unless of course you are repeating, but no one here seems to be needing to do that so that's not a worry!" Landon was happy with how well his students were doing and was glad to be seeing them grow up to their senior years where he knew they'll all do well. "This lesson is going to be fun, and I would appreciate it if you could all participate. Now, who can tell me what a bubotuber looks like?" Hands were raised and Landon pointed to a student sitting in the front row. He beamed when they managed to get the answer right.

"Yes, exactly right! 3 points to your house! Next question: How do you extract pus from a bubotuber?" Landon acknowledged someone sitting further back this time and happily listened to their explanation. "Thank you! 2 points to you." he told them, happy that they were all willing to answer his questions. "What colour are the dead leaves of the Abyssinian Shrivelfigs?" It was an easy question and a smaller student managed to get it right. "1 point to you!" he exclaimed, giving them a curt nod.

Once he was sure his students were able to answer any question thrown at them, Landon hesitated before speaking again, not really sure how he was going to cope with seeing them all grow up. "Now, because you're all wonderful witches and wizards, I'm going to give you all a small gift of admiration in hopes that you'll do well in your OWLs next year." Landon reached underneath his workbench and retrieved a box full of muggle study stationery, from pencils to sticky notes to old sharpeners. "On the way out, please don't hesitate to grab any of these. They’re muggle stationery... As a child I tended to use these a lot and... well, just take one." The man scratched his head as his students began to stand up and make their way out of the greenhouse, some deciding to take what he was offering and some not. He tried not to let the latter get to him too much as he happily waved them all goodbye from the greenhouse door, sad to have to let them go to another professor but confident that they would all do well nonetheless.


Homework: RP the lesson. The first three different people to answer the questions get house points.
Elodie was feeling a little more relaxed now that the semester was almost over- going home for the breaks were always such a sweet little treat, like a reward for behaving so well at school. Humming, and happy with herself, she gathered up her things and headed to class.

She took her place in Herbology, giving the Professor a shy little smile. She enjoyed this class, and Professor Carter was very nice. She had brought along a little gift she'd asked Byron to send her, having collected a few little trinkets to give to her Professors this year. As her way of thanking them. She didn't want to call attention to it, though, so she just took a few notes of their last lesson.

When they were dismissed, she walked up to the desk, trading the snowglobe (a little replica of the castle set on a simple black base with the Professors name engraved on it in gold caligraphy) she had for the gift the Professor offered, slipping the stationary into her bag and trying to take off before he could catch her.
Millie felt a rush of gratitude as Professor Carter praised the class for their progress, reminding them that they were about to enter their OWL year. The fun quiz he gave on bubotubers and Abyssinian Shrivelfigs added a lively energy to the classroom, and Millie enjoyed participating, feeling proud of how much she and her classmates had learned over the past year. When the first question was asked she raised her hand to answer it, “It kinda looks like a black slug,” She smiled and listened as the quiz continued.

When Professor Carter presented the muggle stationery as a parting gift, Millie was genuinely touched by his thoughtful gesture. She carefully picked out a set of sticky notes, thinking they might come in handy for her study sessions. She smiled as she waved goodbye to Professor Carter, knowing that his encouragement would stay with her as she prepared for the challenges ahead. As she left the greenhouse, she felt both a little sad to be moving on from such a supportive professor but also excited to see what her OWL year would bring.
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Veronica couldn't help but smile at Professor Carter's enthusiasm as he quizzed the class on bubotubers and Abyssinian Shrivelfigs. She appreciated his light-hearted approach to what would be their last lesson before the intensity of OWL year began. As the questions were tossed around, Veronica listened choosing not to answer of them herself, it didn’t surprise her when Millie was one of the students who did.

When Professor Carter mentioned the small gifts, Veronica was pleasantly surprised. She found it endearing that he would offer them muggle stationery, something from his own childhood. As she made her way to the door, she decided to take a set of sticky notes, appreciating the personal touch and the gesture of encouragement. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing this was the last lesson with him, but Veronica felt grateful for his support and confident that his lessons had prepared them well for the challenges ahead.
Teddy arrived for Herbology feeling tired. His brain felt stuffed with facts he couldn’t wait to dump on an exam paper just to get it over with. The few weeks before exams were his least favourite for workload and just wanted them over so he could celebrate his birthday. He listened to Professor Carter's lesson, hoping to be picked for a question since he knew the answers. But no, he wasn't called on, which left him a little miffed. When the lesson shifted to gifts, he perked up, only to be slightly deflated by the sight of the muggle stationery. He'd seen it all before in Muggle Studies, but he managed a polite thanks to Professor Carter as he pocketed the supplies. He was going to miss his Herbology teacher next year, even if he was suspicious about Professor Carter profiting from selling the plants his students harvested. He was still a good teacher.

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