Fourth Years Lesson Four

Mallory smiled as the last of her students walked in. She stood up, readjusting her soft red robes, rose petals interwoven into her elegant, braided chignon. “Good morning, everyone,” she greeted. When they were all seated, she began to move slowly across the front of the room. “Today we’ll be doing the Muffliato Charm and the Silencing Charm. What does the Muffliato charm do?” She asked, calling on a student with their hand raised. “Very good, dorogoy, five points. The Muffliato Charm creates an unidentifiable buzzing noise which stops anyone being able to overhear your conversations that they’re not supposed to hear,” she reiterated, walking slowly.

Now, can anyone tell me the difference between the Silencing Charm and the Quietening Charm?” she asked, her hands clasped in front of her. “Exactly right! Five points, dorogoy,” she smiled warmly before continuing on. “The Quietening Charm reduces noise, but the Silencing Charm will stop all sound,” she repeated, stopping by her desk to rub Amara’s ears, the Sphynx having popped her head up to blink lazily at the woman.

There’s no movement for this beyond just pointing at your target, and the incantations are as follows,” she motioned for everyone to repeat after her. “Muffliato, muff-LEE-ato, is for the first spell of course, and si-LEN-see-oh is Silencio, our second spell.” She ran over the pronunciation a few more times, making sure the students understood, before moving on. “Pair up, everyone, and practice these for the rest of the lesson. I am right here if you need any assistance.” She promised.​
Apolline had been having a good semester, things were generally falling into place for her, the only issue was her brother. She had known that Henri would be difficult, but it seemed he didn’t attend half his classes, and when he did barely did anything. She had found out in speaking to him about it, and was trying to coral him into going to more classes. But she wasn’t sure how much it had worked. She just didn’t want him showing up their mum though she knew he really didn’t care about that. Apolline grabbed the last few things she needed and then headed to find her brother and drag him to class.

Apolline walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She looked up at the professor as the woman got started and nodded along with what the professor said, making sure that she was getting down what the professor and others were saying about the difference between the two spells. She then repeated the wand movement and the incantation as the professor went over them. They were then allowed to try the spell in pairs. SHe practiced the two spells with the person she had paired with, concentrating hard on it. She managed both spells by the end and felt pretty happy. When the lesson was wrapped up she packed up her things and left the room.
Kyousuke was feeling an edge of tiredness, but he was otherwise in good health. His thoughts still wandered to Hazel when he wasn't disciplined enough. He was dealing with it though, finding solace in study as exams were beginning to loom on the horizon. He raised his hand for the first question, answering it. "The muffliato charm creates a buzzing noise, so people can hide their conversations from eavesdroppers," Kyousuke said. He raised his hand again but wasn't surprised that he wasn't chosen again. He was disappointed to pair up, but did as instructed and practiced the spells. He actually struggled at first, much to his dismay, but after a few goes he got the hang of it. By the time the lesson was over, Kyousuke felt like he had the spells down.

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