fossils are old, with a carver

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Oscar Fossil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash



Pulling the old characters out the closet. This here if you can't already tell, is
Lily Fossil, once known as Livia Delaney. Now, she's a dancer, and a fifth year
Slytherin. She has little ambition in the magical world and thinks very little of
magic in general. She thinks sometimes it's the best, and then she also thinks
it's the worse. Lily is someone who's mind changes often. Lily is a b!tch, she's
harsh and sarcastic. She doesn't really care about other people's feelings and
finds it very difficult to apologise for anything. She had very few friends, if any
and is now as a fifth year realising, it isn't smart to get no friends in High School.
Friends and Enemies. Is everything she needs.



Pulling the old characters out the closet. This here if you can't already tell, is
Oscar Fossil. Oscar is obviously the sibling to Lily, but after for so long believing
they are proper siblings, it turns out they are only half. Oscar has always lived
in the shadow of his sister. And no matter how hard he tried, Oscar could never
break free of it. By some luck the magical gene he got too. Oscar is forever
grateful about it. He's a third year Ravenclaw, and he's very laid back, he loves
reading and writing. He's sporty, but more into muggle sports than magical sports
He likes to take everyday one at a time. He doesn't really think that he should
rush anything, but he had no idea what he wants to do with his life. So he needs
to be pointed in a direction. And taught how to actually care about his future.
Friends and Enemies and a girlfriend. Is everything he needs.
<SIZE size="50">



Pulling the old characters out the closet. This here if you can't already tell, is
So, this guy here is new. He's an 11 year old boy, who is destined for HNZ in
thenext term. He's a nice boy. With currently few friends. He has an obsession
with fantasy, and loves all things magical. He's a bit of a klutz and tends to get
a little carried away with fantasy. Sidney is the eldest of his family. He has two
brothers, and will soon also have a sister and brother, his mother is pregnant with
twins. He comes from a good family. Both his parents are magical, and work in the
ministry. The are very loving, and have taught Sidney well. he is very trusting and
he is very loyal. He can at times be a little sarcastic, but overall, he's a nice guy.
He's friendly and happy. Kind to those around him, and very protective of his family.
Friends and a future girlfriend and Future Final. Is everything he needs.

[color=53bfb1]BY APPLE OF CAUTION 2.0[/color]
Hey Emzies. :) I have a couple of people to offer for you.


-Adriana Clarke-
She's my first year, and is, basically, a spoiled brat.
She'll do anything to get what she wants and won't
hesitate to hurt anyone in her way. The thing is
that she just doesn't know how to really hurt people.
She's a little hesitant when it comes to insults, and
she just needs someone to teach her how to really
be an uncaring b!tch. Maybe she can be a
sort of mini-Lily, trying to mimic her?


-Eleona Bexley-
My third year, a true hufflepuff. She's very kind and
hates whenever people get picked on. Though if you set
off her temper she'd just lose it completely, not even
thinking. In general though, she's just a sweetheart. She's
also a bit of a worrywart, not so much that
people think she's weird, but enough that she gets very
nervous. Around her best friend Claude she acts very self-
assured, to contrast his usual spastic demeanor. As for hobbies,
she loves to play violin, and she loves to play
muggle sports. Mainly, she plays football/soccer.
I can offer her as a girlfriend to Oscar.
Hey Emzies! :tut:

I can offer Cosette here. She plays the flute and loves to draw.
Also she seems to be shy around people but once you get to know her she can be a bit of a chatterbox.
Cosette can brighten up your day at the same time ruin in when someone ruins her day.
Among the Mayfair triplets she's the youngest by a few minutes. I miss using Cosette and hope her to be active soon. At the same time I'm trying to make her very special, in terms of special abilities and talents and more. She could be a best/friend or maybe a girlfriend. I'm open for your ideas. ^_^

:hug: Mimi!

That sounds good. I think it would take a little while for Lily to really adjust to having a first
year friend. but, she would be openly mean to her, in which showing her how a true Slytherin
/b!tch should be. Leading her on the dark path of evil.
Would you like to start something or would you like me to?

Sounds good. I think they could get a long very well. I think he would really warm to her. And
he is room mates with Claude, so they have that connection. I think they could actually make
good friends.
Would you like to start something or Shall I?

:hug: Cosette

That sounds good. I think they would be good. I think he could feel the need to try to be better
than her, since she's the eldest of three, and he's always the youngest and the one told the
least, least trusted. Etc. So it wouldn't be by her doing, but more his. I think they could have
a nice little friendship
Would you like to start something or Shall I?

As for the girlfriend offer, from both of you, we should RP first, and see which is best.
So, we know they'd get along. Before they date.

Also, Someone has been added, so another person for Y'all to RP with.
Hm.. How about you start one for Eleona and Oscar, and then I start one for Adriana and Lily? xD
Hullo Emzies :hug:

Mimosa will be looking for some friends when she attends Hogwarts, and I'm up for a future girlfriend at some point if you are ;)

Mimosa is an optimistic young girl who seeks wealth and tries to do the best in everything she can. If an oppurtunity arises for something, she will be certain to accept it and make the most out of it. She is friendly with everybody if she can be, and making friends is something she has a natural talent for. She strives to suceed and will also help her friends do the best they can too by helping them when they need her. She is brave, and willing to stand up for herself, as her mother taught her to, and is not scared of a fight. However, she avoids these situations as much as she can. She hates bullies, and will always grass them up. It would be unfair not to, especially for the victim of the bullying. If she feels something needs to be done, she will go to all lengths to make sure it gets done. She never gives up on something she wants, and hopes to be sucessful in life.

Let me know! ^_^
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