🌹 Rose Giving forgetting one tiny detail

Theodore Nightray

daredevil • just can't resist • cocky
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Manticore Venom Core
Theodore did not expect how long it took to find Amory Raven and the interesting chat that followed soon after. Unfortunately for him, classes still went on despite the love that was in the air. Seriously. How inconsiderate of the professors really! But that was okay, Theo was not about to be deterred! Besides, it was perhaps a good thing since class was just about the only place that Bailey couldn't avoid him. It was still early enough that class wouldn't be starting yet, but he was pretty sure Bailey would already be in the classroom. And so he rushed to his class - Defense Against the Dark Arts - and slammed open the door in a grand entrance. "Bailey Walden-Cade, light of my life, there you are," he cried out as he rushed towards her, dropping to one knee and presenting the bouquet of yellow roses. "For you, though I swear it's nothing compared to your radiance!" he said passionately, sh!t-eating grin on his face.
Bailey just wanted to sit and focus on her upcoming lesson which was partly why she had gotten there early, but her solitude had been broken no sooner than she had sat down by a voice she had come to be far too familiar with against her will. “What do you want Theo?” She asked as the idiot got down on his knee with a rose in his hand. “Bite me,” She said suppressing an amused smile as she swiped the rose from his hand. “Put me out of my misery, who’s it from?”
Well that was an offer and a challenge if Theo ever heard one so he grabbed Bailey's hand before she could swipe the roses from him and then lightly bit her index finger for just a moment before kissing the back of her hand, a smirk on his face the whole time before he placed four yellow roses in her hand. "Well, let's see," he said as he opened the notes because she did ask who it was from and not for the notes themselves and started reading them, out of her quick reach. "Oooh one's from Elio, tell me darling are you holding out on me for my best friend cause last I heard he was very much taken," he commented as he flipped through the next one. "Ooooh another boy, popular aren't we? Daiki?" he turned to her brow raised. "And two unsigned ones. How scandalous," he said with a grin. Not that any of them really were since they were yellow roses, but still, it was quite fun to mess with her and he still hadn't given her the notes.

Dear Bailey,

You're a great friend, thanks for having my back. Good luck with the whole Quidditch thing!

Elio <3
Thanks for giving me a chance!

Thank you.
Bailey took the bunch from Theo with a scowl and rolled her eyes at his response. "I'm holding out on you because you disgust me," She smiled sarcastically at him as she read the notes. "As for Elio, been there, we're friends now which I'm sure is an alien concept to someone like you,"
Of course the insult just went in one ear and out the other. The part where Bailey's been with Elio though... that stayed in between his ears. "Oooooooh, and dear cousin Mikael knows? How interesting," he says as he slid up to sit right beside her.

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