Closed Forget Me Not

James Michaels

Rebel- Photographer- Romantic- Healing- Uncle
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Gay)
Sexual Orientation
Ten inch sturdy Cypress wood with Thestral hair core
6/30/2013 (49)
James couldn't believe this. After leaving both twins in separate rooms, waiting for them to wake up, and one very emotional call to his brother about what had happened, he collapsed into a chair in the waiting room. Sapphire, he had been told, would need some time to wake up but had no external injuries aside from a bump on the head. Onyx- Onyx had lost a lot of blood and needed stitches. They had needed to shave some of his hair to get to the wound, which he was sure would upset the boy when he woke- if he woke.

James shot to his feet, a hand clamped tightly over his mouth as he paced in a tight circle, one hand wrapped around his torso. His eyes shone with unshed tears. He was on edge, shaking visibly, paler than a ghost. How could she do this? How could he not have seen this coming? He should have protected them, should have been the one to take his sisters wrath. He could have tracked Myra down, any of the times she shut herself off from the rest of them.

James was barely holding himself together, doubt and fear and blame twisting his gut.
((Godmods approved))

Kira rushed to Mr. Marshs flat, remembering the way from the one time she and Sapphire had stopped by to say hello. She nearly stumbled into the door, banging on it until the man answered. "I'm so sorry Mr Marsh- we have to go- the twins- Mr Michaels- so much blood, Onyx- Mr Michaels told me- come on," she was pale, shaking, crying, but she was able to pull the man along and let him apparate them to St Mungos.

She let go of Mr. Marshs hand, hurrying over to Arc and sitting beside him, curling up in the chair and hiding her face in his shoulder, clinging to him as they waited to hear anything.
It had been a regular day off for Colin, his sleep in welcomed after a long week of working in the library and his entire body feeling well rested and relaxed as he eventually woke up to begin his day. He had been looking forward to his lunch date with James all week, quickly showering and choosing a well suited outfit for the occasion, buttoning up his shirt and soon styling his hair in an effort to look his best as he got ready for the outing. He was blissfully unaware of what was unfolding elsewhere when he checked his watch, realizing James was a little late. Not thinking much of it, at first Colin simply shrugged and decided to make himself a cup of tea as he waited for James to arrive. When the kettle had boiled and the cup of freshly steeped tea was in Colin’s hands, was when he heard banging on his door. Still not thinking much of the unusualness of the situation, Colin smiled as he placed his cup on the counter of his kitchen and moved to open the door, expecting to greet James but his eyes instead landing on Kira, the last person he thought he would see that day.​
Suddenly a bit confused, alarm bells finally began to ring in the back of Colin’s head, his worries soon confirmed by Kira’s words when she spoke, not fully wording sentences but the short fragments of what she did say giving Colin enough of an indication something was very wrong. On edge, Colin quickly grabbed his coat and apparated to St Mungo’s alongside Kira, letting go of her hand when he finally saw James. James looked a mess, and Colin felt his heart twinge in his chest. He approached James, wordlessly pulling the man into a tight hug in an effort to comfort him. Colin still didn’t know the exact details of the situation but he didn’t need to know, he just needed to know he should be there for James, to hold him and support him through whatever was happening. "Hey, I'm here." Colin said softly, rubbing circles into James' back with his hand. A sudden disaster was a lot to take in at once, especially when others around him were distraught, but Colin tried to keep it together for James' sake.​
James nearly jumped out of his skin when he was pulled into a hug, shutting his eyes when he heard the familiar voice. "Colin," He choked out, bringing up his hands to clutch at the back of Colin's shirt. He stood there a moment, trembling, struggling to breath through the fear the had gripped him.

"Mr. Michaels? She's waking up,"

He pulled away when he heard the nurse speak, gripping Colin's hand tightly a moment before hurrying after the woman. He came into the room to see his niece, her eyes fluttering open. "Sapphire," He breathed, rushing forward to her side and grabbing a hand in both of his.

He fell back as the nurses shooed him to the side, a sense of relief washing over him as after what felt like an eternity he was told Sapphire could be released, as long as he kept an eye on her, agreeing easily to bring her back should anything else happen. He sat with her, holding her hand tightly, unsure of who else was in the room as he told his niece what he had gathered had happened.

The hours passed as the group waited, James eventually sending Arc and Kira back to the house with Sapphire to get her settled at home for the night. Once they had gone, James collapsed into a nearby chair, tears in his eyes and head in his hands. Onyx had to wake up. He had to. James couldn't lose him. "Please," He breathed, shakily, "Please, my little Nyxy, please be okay."
Colin held James tight, continually rubbing circles in his back to comfort him, refusing to let go until a nurse appeared, saying someone was waking up and causing James to pull away. It all felt so surreal, such a sudden change in what he expected from his day to something terrifying, and a situation he still wasn’t sure of. In a small way Colin was thankful no one had told him what had happened yet, knowing if he was fully aware of the seriousness of the situation in detail, the reality of it would hit him, making him unable to keep himself together. He was barely keeping it together as it was, seeing James so broken. But Colin reminded himself to breathe and stay calm, to be the rock James very clearly needed. He followed James and the nurse into a room, keeping close to James but not so close he was in Sapphire’s space as he watched on, relieved more than he could admit to see Sapphire was alright. Colin stood nearby as James sat with Sapphire, not speaking himself or stepping in to interrupt and simply letting James say what he needed to say.​
As hours passed, Colin had gathered bits and pieces of what had happened, enough to understand James’ emotional state and enough to keep him close to James as more time passed, not wanting to leave his boyfriend alone. When Sapphire was cleared to go home and left with Kira and a boy named Arc, Colin stood by James, keeping his hands on James' shoulders as James slumped into a chair near Onyx’s bed. He wanted to reassure James everything would be okay, but he didn’t know if it would be, and didn’t want to lie to James and give an answer he didn’t know was the truth. Instead he stayed quiet for the most part, still keeping his hands on James' shoulders comfortingly, to reassure him he was there wordlessly. Colin was at a loss of what else he was meant to do, the situation was so overwhelming.​
James let out a shaky breath, moving a hand over Colin's on his shoulder. "I'm sorry," He managed quietly. "I think we have to reschedule lunch," James tried to joke, but it fell flat on his own ears. He ran his thumb over Colin's skin. "I swear, somehow, I'll make it up to you." He promised shakily, struggling to breathe.

It was then that Onyx stirred in his bed, and James was at his side in an instant. "Nyxy," He breathed, brushing the boys hair back as the boys eyes fluttered open. Onyx whimpered softly, and James called for a healer, stepping back as they came into the room and falling back against Colin. "Thank the gods," He breathed, leaning heavily against his boyfriend as relief washed through him.
Everything had gone dark, but slowly things began to come back to him. First it was sounds- was someone scheduling a lunch? He shifted, feeling coming back next. He whimpered as the throbbing of his skull became more apparent, strong enough he almost didn't feel the soft touch of the fingers against his forehead. He leaned into the touch just a little, whining when it disappeared. His eyes opened, and for a moment the world spun. He blinked rapidly, whimpering, disoriented as suddenly there were people all around him. What was going on?

He sat up, slowly, with the help of someone in a uniform, struggling to understand what was going on as they checked him over. After what seemed an eternity, they started asking him questions. He didn't know the answers to any of it. He didn't know what day it was, where he was. The person speaking to him scribbled something down, before asking him his name. "My... name?" He asked, voice a little raspy. He tried to think, but couldn't find anything to grasp onto. "I... I don't know." He answered slowly after several moments. "I... don't remember."
Colin shook his head, squeezing James’ shoulders slightly. “Don’t apologize, it’s alright. We can reschedule when all of this is over. You don’t need to make it up to me for this, I want to be here and support you, you’ve done nothing wrong.” He responded before sighing; his emotional and physical exhaustion obvious as he then yawned. Hospitals were exhausting enough as is without the stress of seeing people at their worst with sicknesses and pain, but again, he tried to keep himself together. Thankfully, it wasn’t long after that before Onyx began to wake up, and Colin’s tense posture relaxed slightly when James rushed to his side. Colin watched on quietly, not wanting to interrupt the healers doing their job or James from making sure his nephew was safe. He allowed James to lean against him, listening as the healers asked Onyx questions he couldn’t answer, which made him begin to worry everything was worse than he first thought. His worries were soon confirmed when Onyx said he couldn’t remember his name, and he felt his shoulders tense up again as held his breath, looking between James and Onyx with concern of what this all meant, but most importantly how everyone could help Onyx recover from what was happening.​
James felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach, his hand raising to cover his mouth as the staff continued their check-up on Onyx. Time seemed to blur, both dragging and rushing in odd intervals as James anxiously awaited the final verdict. Eventually, James was given the final verdict.

Onyx had suffered massive head trauma, his wound requiring ten stitches but otherwise he was physically fine. Mentally... Onyx had virtually no memories. He had retained the basics- speaking, eating, walking, but otherwise had no recollection of anything else. Not himself, not his life. Nothing.

James was told Onyx would be kept at St. Mungos for several days, under observation, and that he himself should go home and get some rest. He would be contacted if there were any changes. James felt sick, weak, unsure what was going to come next. All he knew was that he would be keeping Onyx very close while he struggled to find a way to help his nephew rebuild his life.

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