Forget About The Boy

Karah Love

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 16 Inch Sturdy Rowan Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Dear Audrey,

How are you doing? I hope you are fine and enjoying work and all that. Everything is very pretty much the same around here but I have a favour to ask... I don't know if you would be willing to give me any advice but I was thinking since you seem to know how to deal with boys and all that maybe you could help me out? If not, that's totally fine. I'm just kind of confused right now.

Audrey Love was sitting at the house, playing with Arabella. She was waiting on Lindsay to get back from the shop so that she could go into the studio. She needed to put the finishing touches on her new single. It would be released next month. Audrey frowned as she saw an owl tapping on the window, not knowing who could be sending her a letter. Audrey quickly read through the letter, a smile coming to her face. A small chuckle escaped her lips. Shaking her head, she wrote a reply and sent it back with the owl.
Dear Karah,

I'm doing well, just still working on my single. It's going to be released soon! I can't wait to play it for you! How are you doing? Boy trouble eh? Of course I don't mind giving you advice! So what's up? What's confusing you?
Love ya sis,
Dear Audrey,

You must be a nervous wreck with it. If it were me... not that it would be, I sing like a dying cat... I would be freaking out. Have you decided a name for the song yet? Well my friend, Ezra (you've met him, blond, tall-ish, acted like a fool in front of you) and I were catching up and he starts starring at me... Like weirdly, you know? So I said it was because of the veela charm and he told me that he didn't feel it and then I tell him that it doesn't work on people who aren't attracted to girls in the first place and then out of no where he kisses me! What am I supposed to do with that when I like Michael? (You've not met him, he's a little shy.) Avoiding him isn't doing me much good, we have every class together! I'm a little lost with this whole thing... I mean just last year I thought I got the cooties when Michael and I kissed. I'm hardly ready for some dramatic thing, you know?


Aww thanks little sis, not nervous, just ready for it to come out! I just hope people like it! Not really sure on a name yet...Gotta do that asap!
Oh yeah! How could I forget him!?
WOW!! He kissed you! That's huge! Did you kiss him back? How did you feel?
Well Karah maybe he has actual feelings for you. I mean that would explain the kissing and the staring. Have you ever considered that? I mean you do spend a lot of time with him.
Maybe avoiding him isn't the best thing to do Kare. I mean it just makes things awkward. You should approach him and have a conversation with him. Just tell him you don't feel the same, that he's just your friend, if that's how you offense but you seemed awful jealous when he was ogling at me. Are you sure you don't have feelings for him? Cause it seemed like you did that day...
What did Michael say?


Well let me know when it does have one.

Sort of, I mean it was just my initial reaction. When someone kisses you, you kiss them back. I don't know, mostly confused. But he's my friend, how could he? I mean it doesn't make sense. We hated each other when we met, now he likes me like that. No, out of the question. Well it's going to be awkward anyway, right? But how will he react when I tell him that? That wasn't jealousy. That was embarrassment, I think. I just wanted you two to like each other but this stupid veela thing makes it hard.

Well, I haven't exactly told Michael yet. Should I? I mean it's not like he and I are together. yet


It probably is going to be awkward. I still think the best thing to do is to confront him directly. You can't hide forever. I think his reaction depends on what he feels about you. Tell him you want to be just friends. It will be extremely awkward for a while but eventually he will fall for someone else and go back to just being friends.

No, don't tell Michael. Unless you want him to be jealous. It will make him paranoid about Ezra.


You're right. Maybe I should talk to him. But... how do I say it without making him hate me or think that I'm too good for him because I'm definitely not. He's one of the best humans I've ever met and if I felt anything for him I would be lucky to have been kissed by him. Oh god, why am I writing this?

Isn't honesty important though?


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