For the Love of Stars

Astraea Vale

Climbing Ivy
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 14" Sturdy Pine Wand with Doxy Wing Core
The main thing that Astraea was looking forward to when Hogwarts started again was the Astronomy lessons. Of course, getting away from her brothers was a benefit, especially seeing as Osriris would be at the school next year. The winter meant that days had been short, so Astraea had spent the majority of her holiday evenings watching the sky, drawing her own maps to the heavens above. Now, however, with winter over, the days were starting to stretch out, and there was a stupid curfew in place. Still, it was dark enough after dinner for Astraea to make her way up to the North Towers; sure, an obstructed view of the sky, but one with more time leniency for her to get lost in the stars. And that's exactly what she did, forgetting her equipment next to her, as she leant on the window and gazed into the sky.
Jupiter has mixed feeling about school, sure he was pretty excited to be back at the castle, but he also missed his family somewhat. Maybe not Mercury so much, he wouldn't ever miss his brother stealing his things all the time. But one thing he was looking forward to catching up on was his astronomy lessons. The castle towers offered a great view of the heavens, and Jupiter fully intended to work on mapping out his star charts a little more fully while he had the time. So, he was quick to rush up to the tower almost as soon as he was done eating, though was a little surprised to find he wasn't alone. "What are you doing up here?" He asked, stepping a little closer to the railing as he hugged his star chart and telescope a little tighter to his chest. "Do you.... mind if I....?"
Upon hearing footsteps, Astraea was snapped out of her contemplation of the stars, and turned her head to see another student approaching. Ignoring their sudden presence, Astraea reverted her gaze to the sparkling nighttime sky. Having spotted the Aquila constellation, Astraea knelt down to get her map out to make sure she had made note of any differences she may have missed. The voice of the student made her look up as he asked what she was doing. Astraea stared at him in confusion. "I didn't realize a reservation was required to look at the stars." She replied curtly, before standing back up with her things. Still, she moved aside slightly for the boy as he stepped closer.
Jupiter was pretty sure he had never spoken to the other girl before, though he did recognize her from some of the classes they shared with the Slytherin's. So he at least knew they were in the same year, even if he was quite sure he didn't remember her name. "No," he shot back almost automatically, "I mean... I was just wondering, was all." Maybe he had sounded a little accusatory in the way he had asked, which hadn't been his intention. He'd just been curious and hadn't really been expecting anyone else to be up here this late. Though he did take note of the chart she was working on, unable to stop himself from inching closer to try and peer at the work.
"I suppose etiquette requires me to ask you the same question. Though judging by the items you are carrying, I would assume you are also here to 'look at the stars'?" Astraea asked, nodding at the equipment he held. She noticed him peering at her work, so she opened it up and moved it so it was in between them. Far be it from her to stop anyone from admiring her work the stars. "I am making sure the Aquila constellation still looks the same today." Astraea told him, looking from her map to the sky again.
Jupiter smiled, almost a little sheepishly, as he nodded his head. "Yeah. I was hoping to try and get a head start on Astronomy this year and fill out my chart a little more." Which certainly wasn't against the rules or anything like that. He just adored space and could spend hours and hours just sitting there watching the stars fly above overhead. Thankfully, the girl wasn't against him taking a peek at what she was doing, Jupiter putting his own things down, so he could unroll his own star chart. "If you want, we could work together? We can compare charts."

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