For the first time

Rayn Jung

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
[sub]Rayn trudged through the deserted hallways of Beauxbatons while massaging the back of his neck with his hand, a habit he acquired in the last year or so whenever he felt stressed. He briefly wondered why the castle was so empty when he realized it was a Friday and that the sun was starting to set. Of course there wouldn't be anyone around at this time. Smiling to himself, he continued his careless wandering in hopes to find an empty classroom. It had been a tiring day for Rayn. He pulled an all-nigther trying to cram every last bit of information he could for the Charms test earlier this morning, only to find that he failed the exam with a capital T. He was so sure he would have aced it too. Charms is his favourite subject by far and it always frustrated him whenever he got less than he'd expected. He wasn't expecting an Oustanding, just something along the lines of an E or at the very least an A.

It didn't take long before Rayn found himself an unlocked classroom. He cautiously slid the door and quietly called out, "Hello, anyone here?". He let a moment of silence pass before swiftly stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. One might be thinking, what is Rayn doing in an empty classroom by himself on a Friday night? Rayn wasn't a loner, he had his fair share of friends but he needed his personal time too. Sighing in relief, he wandered around the room before picking on a random desk to sit on. Letting his legs dangle in the air, he scanned his surroundings. It was a small classroom and could probably hold no more than 15 students, quite unusual for a Beauxbatons classroom. Rayn decided that he liked this classroom. It was small but cosy and reminded him of home.

Home. Rayn enjoyed his time in Beauxbatons but sometimes he couldn't help but miss home, especially his mother's cooking. His mom could make the world's meanest kimchi jiggae (kimchi soup) and he missed it dearly. Closing his eyes, Rayn let a wave of nostalgia hit him and found himself singing his mother's favourite song, a korean ballad by Kim Bum Soo. It occurred to him that he hadn't locked the door and that anyone could easily walk in on him singing. Rayn wasn't worried though and continued. Aside from himself, who else would lurk the empty castle?
Beauxbatons Academy. The place of magical education that was attended by Pheobe for the last five years of her life. Of course shshe liked studying in the decorated french halls, but sometimes she wondered what it would be like to study abroad. She was french after all so it would make sense right. She shook her head as she thought about her exams last term. She had done rrelatively well, getting a few As and a couple of EE's and one O. She had worked very hard for those marks and she was glad that she had achieved tthem, she certainly wasn't dumb, but she was not the smartest girl in the worl. Her mother often joked that it had something to do with the fact that she was a blonde. The thought of all those times she had been called a dumb blonde made her cringe. Of course she knew they didn't mean it. But that wasn't the point. She sighed and moved towards the unused classroom. She sometimes liked to use the place as a sort of study area. It was much more fun when she could study with another person or something. She needed to study her dance routine. She hoped they hadn't charmed this room to not accept installment charms.

Opening the door Pheobe was slightly surprised to see that it was already occupied. The door swung shut behind her and she bit her lip in anxiety. "Oh Merlin. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't realize this room was occupied." she smiled at the boy and helsd out her hand to him to shake. He was a very good looking boy, about her age, hopefully. "I'm Pheebz, im a member of the Dance Commanders, you know that new group that's running the school?
[sub]How wrong he was. Rayn was so immersed in the song that he hadn't even noticed the door jerking open or slamming shut. It wasn't until he heard a voice other than his own that he knew he wasn't alone anymore. He turned towards the sound and took in the sight of a girl not far from his age. Blonde, petite and very, very pretty. Rayn quickly got off the desk and made his way towards her. "It's okay. I wasn't doing anything special anyways." He took her hand in his and gave it a good shake before letting go, noting that she had very soft hands. He liked soft hands. "I've heard of them, yeah. Nice to meet you Pheebz, I'm Rayn." He had heard of the Dance Commanders but he knew nothing much about them aside from the fact that they were the newest clique in school. They were a quite unique group, considering that all of them were dancers. Rayn, for one, is unfortunately born with two left feet so dancing is almost sheer impossible for him. Believe him, he had tried and nearly twisted both his ankles. Singing was far more easier and natural for him so Rayn decided to stick with just that.

Glancing around the room again, he wondered what business would such a pretty girl have in a place like this? Was she possibly from this class and had left something behind earlier and was coming to retrieve it? Or was there another reason? He knew it was not his business to pry but he was curious. From the way she acted, it didn't seem like she was here to get something. Her surprised reaction upon seeing him in the class told him that this was probably not her first time coming in here at this hour either. Cocking his eyebrow up in curiosity, he asked "So how'd you end up here on a Friday evening?"
Pheebz smiled at Rayn and sat on one of the tables nearest to him. She used this room alot for her dancing as it is one of the best and acustics in the walls were rather good. It meant she could really hear what she was dancing too. The other day all the Dance Commanders had been in the room praciticing. She nodded at him. He was rather cute. "Oh I'm sure you were doing something. People don't come in here for nothing you know." She told him laughing slightly and crossing her legs. She really loved her Beauxbatons uniform. The blue matched her eyes and the silk formal uniform was so nice on her skin. Though of course right now she was wearing the cotton jacket and skirt. She still liked it. "Nice too meet you too Rayn. I must say. You have a very interesting name." It was quite a nice name. It reminded her of that movie with the horses and with Spirit and Rayn. It was one of her favourite Muggle movies.

She then smiled at him when he asked her why she was there. She smiled at him before answering. "Well, I have a dance exam rather soon and I need to work on my dance. I usually come here because the acustics are pretty good. Though I have no music, so I didn't really think it through." She laughed slightly as she flicked her hair over her shoulder. It had been alittle bit dumb.
[sub]Maybe it was his need for some distraction or the way her voice lightly echoed about the room that he decided Pheebz was special. He liked the way her features played into a smile and, for a fleeting moment, he thought about what it was like to have a taste of her ruby lips. He quickly pushed the thought to the back of his mind and returned to reality. "You're right, the acoustics in the room is surprisingly phenomenal." Rayn said whilst nodding his head in agreement. It was no lie as his brief moment of singing earlier could easily testify.

While she moved to sit on a desk next to him, he took the chance to quickly examine her physique. One could easily tell that her body was made to dance with her slender figure and long limbs. She explained that she had wanted to practice for an upcoming exam but had forgotten to bring her music. Rayn laughed as he nodded in understanding. He was the most forgetful person in the world and has had his few share of dumb accidents. "So what do you plan to do now that your plan failed?" Rayn teased.

Pheebz watched Rayn as he moved. He was so, oh what was the word? Elegent. Elegence radiated from him in waves that almost made pheobe wonder if he could dance. She smiled as she loked at his arms, his legs, other various parts of him and wondered if he had ever had a girlfriend. She had had one boyfriend before, but it had never been anything serious. They had never gone very far. She smiled as he agreed with her and looked away from him so as to hide her blush, which she undoubtly thought he had to have seen. It wasn't like it was alittle blush, it was like she was a friggen tomato. She but her lip to steady herself before looking back at him and answering. Merlin why does he have to be so gorgeous? "Yeah, acoustics are definately of a high priority in this section of the school. I'm pretty sure the Headmaster said something about some upgrades too." She told him happily. Mere had told her about it as she hadn't been at the last student meeting. She so hoped it was true. She would love that so much.

She couldn't help but notice what looked like a sizing up. Had he been checking her out? Atleast now she didn't feel as dumb as she had earlier. There was obvious interest there from what she had seen. She pouted slightly at his next comment. Her ruby lips creating a perfect pout. She get them from her mother. She was a beautiful woman as she remembered from the pictures. Her adoptive parents had been sure to get some pictures for her to look at. She looked at him from teasing eyes and tilted her head. This should be fun. I wonder... "I don't know really. You have any ideas? She asked, crossing her legs and leaning back against the table. She really loved her school uniform right now.

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