- Messages
- 36,981
- OOC First Name
- Cyndi
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Wand
- Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
- Age
- 4/2005
Cyndi had been back in New Zealand for a few days, but she'd asked Cameron for some additional time before she picked up Eleanor. She sorely needed it, needed to come to terms with all that had just happened. The loss of a parent was no easy thing, and Cyndi had been in such go mode that it didn't hit her until she was leaving England, leaving her siblings and father behind. Cyndi had spent the days since she'd been back in a room, shades drawn, just in bed though she'd assured Cam and everyone else who had asked that she was fine. She'd left once, for a night of drinks, wondering how exactly she'd made it home the following day. Thankfully, she had taken the entire semester off of work and had been allowed to do so. She knew she would not have been able to be in work right now, not with a bunch of hormonal teenagers when she was feeling so raw. On the third day, she forced herself out of bed. It was partly due to fear that Cameron would come over if she didn't send word she was alright and partly due to knowing that she needed to be there for her family. She'd only been exchanging brief updates with Cameron but something seemed to be going on with him as well. She couldn't quite remember all of the details, wasn't even sure if he'd mentioned them now that she thought about it.
Opening her curtains did a world of good and the shower she took did even more, and soon Cyndi was on her way toher Cameron's place, the hood of her black wizarding robes drawn enough to cover her face. She didn't want to run into an overly friendly neighbor, a former student, or a colleague. The woman looked tired and felt as if she had aged years over the past few months. But more so, she just couldn't handle conversation with someone who wasn't family. In spite of their divorce, she and Cam were family. Their lives had been intertwined for years with no sign of that changing any time soon. Feeling the security spells wash over her, Cyndi moved forward, the feeling of safety coming from more than just the spells surrounding the home. Cameron had never skimped on security for the family. Cyndi could feel tears welling up in her eyes once more and her fingers dove into her pockets for her tissues. She scolded herself, what if Ellie answered the door, and quickly swiped at her eyes.
Opening her curtains did a world of good and the shower she took did even more, and soon Cyndi was on her way to