🌹 Rose Giving For a house-elf? Really?

Kanako Kurosawa

Determined | Fair-weather | Composed
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Kanako couldn't believe she had to deliver a rose to a house elf of all things. What a ridiculous task. She entered the kitchen, loudly asking: "Hey! Where's Dakrey?" She looked around for an elf that showed any kind of recognition to the name.

Dakrey was pottering around the kitchen preparing dinner for the students when he heard a student enter the kitchens and ask for him by name. It was unusual for someone he didn’t know to want to speak to him specifically, the only students that came looking for him were one of the Cade children of Miss Eury. “You come to speak to Dakrey?” He asked the girl as he approached her, his hand on his chest as if to indicate he was the elf in question. “What can Dakrey do for you?”
Kanako wasn't sure how she really felt about house elves. They were weird looking and honestly couldn't people do cooking and cleaning just fine? But she held back her reservations. "Someone's sent you a rose. You know, for Valentine's day. Here." She handed over the rose and note, leaning down to do so.

This is for being my friend. Happy Valentine's Day Mr. Dak!
"Thank you," Dakrey took the rose from the girl, the house elves had been busy preparing for the valentines feast and it hadn't occurred to him that he would receive a rose himself, why would someone send a rose to an elf after all? He looked at the note and while he couldn't make out the whole thing, he spotted Eury's name and smiled a toothy grin, clutching the note to his chest. "It's from my friend,"
Kanako gave the house elf a scornful look. So a house elf could make friends and she couldn't? She huffed. "Glad you got something nice," she said sarcastically before leaving the kitchens, pretending she wasn't bothered by this at all.

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