Follow Your Nose

Amelie Marchand

Nosy | One of an Triplet
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 9 Inch Beech Wand with Veela Hair Core
Amelie her search went on as a question popped inside of her mind. After breakfast she wondered who made their food. Could you do magic like snap your fingers and there was food? Or did people actually made them? Amelie asked several students but those didn't knew. Or they only guessed. Now she wanted an answer and a true one. The brunette wanted to find the place where they made the food and see for herself. As she was walking around the castle she figured the most logic place would be somewhere low. It would be stupid if the kitchen would be all the way in the tower. It had to be somewhere near the Great Hall. Amelie opened some doors randomly when she smelled a delicious smell around the hallway. She decided to follow her nose instead of her eyes and landed at a door that stood open. When she pushed it open she looked around her to see if nobody was following her. And if they were she hoped they would help her out, instead of running towards a professor or something. It wasn't that she wanted to break rules or be punished, she just wanted to know. And when the brunette had something in her mind she wanted to know it. When she arrived she saw a big kitchen, a smile appeared on her face as she figured this would be the place. And her day couldn't get better when she saw a big pink cake standing on a table. Could she take a bite? Or was that sad for the people or creatures or magic or anything that made them? But perhaps if she did try someone would tell her not to, and she would find out who worked here.
Coleman Baros had a lot to plan out, but right now, the Ravenclaw was hungry, so very hungry. He ventured down into the kitchens to get some fries. He opened the kitchen doors and found the house elves. He walked up to them and asked for some fries. Some were also going on with making a cake, but he didn't want cake. Maybe. Well, it wouldn't hurt. As he walked up toward the cake, he noticed that there was another girl peering at the cake. His hand dug into the pocket, and his little companion snitch came out, and it floated around his shoulder. It was Amelia Marchand. He took note on who was who in his year and house. Other houses, he couldn't come up with anything at all. He smiled toward her and said, "I don't think the house elves would mind if you had one piece, you know?" Coleman looked behind him to see that they were working on his fries. Non-frozen fries, wow, they really worked to help! He could not wait until his snack was ready. "How have you been, Amelia? You have sisters, like, twins or something, right?" He was a twin himself, but he was not nearly as bold as his sister was.

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