Closed Follow the Per- Compass

Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • just a little lost • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hinata really should have figured that she should have waited for Jo before trying to return to the Common Room. In theory, going back to the Common Room straight from the Great Hall after dinner would be fine. These days, Jo had started to bring her back to the Common Room after meals, and while he thought it was weird that she still didn't know most if not all the routes, he still showed them to her like a good brother. The problem was probably that he'd shown her a lot of routes. She got confused by right and left most days that even if she knew she had to turn right somewhere, she could have turned left instead. But Jo wanted to spend some time with Ro today - triplet time - that she'd assured him she could just make it back on her own. She started great (she did not) that she found the stairs only after fifteen minutes. But then she needed to use the bathroom and the walk back to the Common Room would take her at least another thirty, if she was lucky. So she left the stairs on the third floor (it was the second) in search of the bathroom. It took another ten minutes.

And here her dilemma lay. She'd tried to retrace her steps to the stairs and merely found more corridors. She retraced her steps back to the initial corridor only to realize halfway that she'd been trying to use the route she thought she used to go to the bathroom from the stairs. And now, well. She didn't know where exactly she was. She'd initially thought she got off on the third floor, but it didn't look like the third floor unless she just hadn't been to this part of the floor before. What's worse is that it was night time so it could be curfew anytime but she didn't have a clue how to get back to the Common Room. It was then that she saw a person walking the corridors. She probably should have just asked for directions, but Hina had always shied away from interaction so she instead decided to follow the person. She couldn't tell yet who they were since they were a bit far away and it was quite dark with only the torchlights at night. She did hurry though, because she didn't want to lose her ticket to the way back to the stairs.

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