Flying to the Ravenclaw Table

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Freckles had recovered enough to return to his mistress with the last letter and thankfully it had taken nearly another month or so before she had the chance to write back. She came often to the Owlery and sat on the steps, summoning him to her but allowing him respite by letting him sit instead on the balustrade of the steep steps. He adored his mistress but instincts being what they were he could not help his nipping and clawing at her, which she took rather well really.

He flew in through the huge stained glass windows along with a few other owls and went in search of the Ravenclaw table, finding it he then soared up and down the length of it until he found who he was looking for. He dropped the letter before the boy and girl and without waiting for a reply, he flew off again.

My dear friends,

Give up hope of ever seeing me again. I am huddled this very moment over the small light that my wand allows and I try desperately not to make any noise, even the scratching of my quill could bring a volley of abuse on my head nowadays. I feel like such an outcast here and am once again all alone. Harrison had written to his parents explaining about me and my condition and in horror they pulled him from the school. He is now firmly ensconced in some magical equivilant to Hogwarts in America. I have been banned from writing any letters either to him or to any of my friends at Hogwarts. I must now only write to my mother and god-mother and even these missives are read first and censored before being dispatched.
It is the dead of night and I have risked facing all manner of punishment by attempting to get this to you both. I wish I had never taken our friendship for granted and long for the day when I will see you both again, my dear dear friends. I am only writing to you now to beg you not to write to me anymore, as undoubtedly I will not get it. The last letter was censored so badly there was barely any of it left to read. You are both in my thoughts constantly and it is the memory of our friendship that gets me through.

I hate to admit this but I feel as if I need to change somehow to fit in here but I fear what that change could do to me and for me in the long run.
Don't ever forget me,

Zazuka was sitting down to her new edition of Binzenghast when the letter came. She often read when eating it was just a habbit to her now when she wasn't sitting with Andrew exchanging food and kisses. Zazuka was thinking about that while reading another of Edanial's nonsencical yet funny comenteries. The letter droped into her heavely sweetened porage. She ripped it open expecting to find words of encoregement and hope but instead she found a plea not to write back. No, she was losing contact with her best friend. Zazuka's first thought was to go find Brian but as she read the letter for a second time tears started to drip down her face. Zazuka never cryed though her nature was soft but today as she read how her best of all friends was being treated she let soft pearl like tears drip down her pail face.

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