Flying through the window;

Steph Shirley

Well-Known Member
'Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather'.
It was 1.30am, Steph had been out of the castle since 4 o clock, she had been in the forest, writing songs and playing her guitar.
She had fallen asleep on the forest floor, and woke up, in the dark, cold, creepy forest. Steph had jumped on her broom, and flew inbetween the tree's. Steph was a good flyer, so she hadnt crashed into anything. When she had flown out of the forest, the jumped off her broom and ran up to the doors in the enterance hall, they were locked.

Steph ran around the castle, trying to open doors and first floor windows. Everything was locked, Steph groaned, looking up to the towers, none of the windows looked open. But a small window caught her attention, it was closed, but not fully closed. She jumped on her broom, not really thinking about the height, or danger of what she was doing.
Steph rose into the air, her guitar on her back, and her pad in her hand. She was a little shaky. It took a while to get up to the window, as she was going so slowly, carefully and trying to be as quiet as possible.
Steph got up to the window, she reached out, opening it slowly, and climbing through, carefully. She sighed with relief when her feet touched the ground, she put her guitar on the floor at her feet, and did the same with her broom. She shut the window as quietly as possible. And pulled out her wand, 'Lumos!' She whispered, her wand tip instantly lit. Steph looked around, quickly recognising that she was in the fourth floor corridor. Steph sat down on the cold stone floor, and placed her wand on the floor, so it lit the small area where Steph was.
She rubbed her eyes, sighing. And looking up and down the corridor, wondering if anyone else was up..
Sam scratched his head, his eyes were squinted from tiredness. He had awoken to find himself on the floor of the common room. He figured that he must have been sleepwalking, something he never did. He also relised he must have fallen down the steps as he was sore all over. Checking the time Sam groaned, he was wide awake and it was too early in the morning.

Deciding he should go down to the kitchens Sam left the hufflepuff common room. He through on his Hogwarts Hoodie with his name neatly sown on the back of it and he just wore his plain grey pyjama bottoms. Sam saw a dim light- though not dim enough to stop his eyes from squinting further- he then saw a girl. Not a Hufflepuff from what he saw. It was Steph. The girl that had helped them throwing the paint balloons. "Steph?" Sam said quietly in a craoky voice. "What the heck are you doing out here?"
Stephs eyes were closed, she was lost in her thoughts when she heard a voice say her name. She jumped and her eyes flew open, at first she thought a professor had caught her, but after a longer look she saw it was Sam, a boy who she had helped throw paint bombs one time. 'Sam! Erm, i went out, fell asleep, flew through a window,' Steph patted her Scarlet Streak next to her, 'You know, the usual.' She smiled softly.
'What about you? What are you doing out at this time?' Steph asked Sam, eying his pjs and hoodie.
Sam laughed quietly, "Yeah. Your usual daily activities," he teased, he pulled out his own wand and muttered 'Lumos'. He saw here Scarlet Streak clearly. "Nice one." Sam winked, he had an Emerald one and he loved it. "Oh...I woke up just there to find I was sleep walking. I think I fell down the stairs aswell." He laughed while rubbing his arm. "I was just gunna go down to the kitchens. I'm not even tired and I really have nothing better to be doing." Sam said shrugging his shoulders. "Were you planning to stay there for the night...?" Sam smirked at her, she seemed to be in quite a comfortable position.
Steph laughed quietly, 'Yeah,' Steph stroked her broom, 'Your the one that sold it to me, remember?' Steph laughed.
'You fell down the stairs?' She asked, 'Wow..' She laughed.

'The kitchens?' Steph asked, forgetting that other people actually eat, Steph herself hadnt eaten properly in weeks.

Steph laughed slightly, 'I might,' Steph laughed, but she was being serious, she didnt fancy waking everybody up in her dorm, Steph was bound to fall over something. Or end up making unneccisary noise.
Sam raised and eyebrow trying to remember, "Right yeah." He said absent-mindly. He vaguely remembered it but he had served so many students since he got the job it was hard to keep track. "I was given a streak for my birthday." Sam said happily.

Sam couldn't help but laugh a little when she said 'The Kitchens?" It was like she didn't know what they were. "Yeah. Y'know that room with food and house elves?" Sam teased her light-heartedly. "It must be a right pain in the bum walking up to the seventh floor everyday." Sam smirked. That was one of the plus's of being a 'Puff. It wasn't far from everything and it wasn't cold either like the dungeons.
Steph laughed, 'Oh right, sorry it didnt click,' she laughed again.

'Erm, its good exercise. And anyway, i barely go anywhere, other than flying. And classes occasionally.' Steph told Sam, truthfully.
"That was like me last term." Sam said deciding to sit down opposite her. "I decided I'd try an improve my grades..concentrate a bit more." he added. He really did want to try harder, especially if he wanted to prove to his parents that he could suceed highly even if he was in Hufflepuff. Sam even hoped for prefect someday but that day seemed miles away. "But mind you..I still spend all my free time on the pitch. It was a real letdown that there was no Quidditch season this year." Sam said disappointedly. "I would have loved to try out."

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