Flowers for the future

Eleanor Hope

former hufflepuff and queen of flowers ♕✿
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
The Queen of Flowers was more than ready for the next Wild Patch Club event. Eleanor had organised it all by herself and was very proud of what she achieved. She hoped the flyers she had handed out the day before were going to be excellent in getting people to come along for the Brightstone weekend. After all, she would hate for all of her efforts to be for nothing. The idea of creating a time capsule was Eleanor's best yet. A large table stood on the grass in the middle of Takarokaro park decorated with chains of colourful flowers twisted around the table legs. Pieces of parchment and quills sat on top of it. This would be where people will be able to write notes addressed to people in the future. The capsule she had made sat beside the table which was yet again decorated with colourful flowers. A note was also attached to it:
To be opened in the year 2054
Courtesy of Hogwarts New Zealand's Wild Patch Club, 2044​
Eleanor couldn't wait to see what sort of creations the club had come up with as she set up another table for food. A generous amount of snacks would hopefully get people coming along. When she had finished, she stood back and marveled at what she had put together. A flower crown sat on the girl's head as she began to place a numerous amount of other flower crowns in the time capsule, hoping the people in the future would appreciate them.

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to another Wild Patch Club event! Anyone can attend but be mindful that there's only until the end of the Brightstone weekend to finish this up. This is a time capsule so feel free to put whatever you want inside of it and in ten IC years we can open it up again. RP lengths do not have to be long and can be OSW style. If you would like to join the club, simply post a gif in the Accio page. If there are any questions, don't hesitate to send over a PM!
Rose was so so so excited for a Wild Patch Club event. She hadn't hesitated to join the club last year, and now she was so glad she had. She arrived at the place the flyer had indicated and saw only Eleanor there yet. She had officially met the girl only a little while ago when she had given her a yellow rose, but she really liked the Queen of flowers. She bounded up to her. "It looks so good!" She told her with a grin. She read the note and then sighed. "2054 sounds so far away, doesn't it? We'll be adults." She hoped her offering for the time capsule was alright. "Is it okay that I only brought two photos?" She asked Eleanor, hoping that was the sort of thing she could put in it. "One of me with my friends and one of me with my sisters. I bet in ten years we'll still be the same but older." She said with a grin. She watched the girl add flower crowns to the time capsule, wondering if they would dry and look pretty in ten years or just wither away. She supposed she had to wait and see. "Are you only doing the crowns?" She asked curiously.
Tholomyes was certainly curious about what the new queen of flowers had in store for them with her leadership, and he'd been happy that most had remained the same, that they'd still grown the flowers for the rose giving celebration and that taking care of the garden was happening. But he was certainly keen for the first mostly solo event that the new leader had promised them. Not just because Theo was keen to see her succeed but because the wild patch events had always been a different and active thing to take part in. The boy arrived at the sight and smiled at Lilyanna's twin, the current queen of flowers. He smiled with ease at her, giving a little wave but not going over to speak to her. Tholomyes had brought a few things with him, a few pictures of the gardens that he'd gotten and then a few drawings of the school that he'd done. The teen wasn't sure what else he was supposed to have brought and this seemed to be a good idea. A little drawing of what the school was from his view. He stood beside the table and just waited, sure of himself and where he needed to be, to just let the event unfold and be out of the way enough but there if people had questions.
Lydia had been unsure as to whether or not to attend the latest wild patch event, largely because she was a little worried that she had nothing to contribute to it. She had of course done a lot during her time at the school but she didn't know what she had to show for it, the teen being one of the older members of the club had gather up all the previous leaflets from the previous events that had been done by the wild patch and was holding it in her hands as she made her way to the event. She was dressed in a more summery way that was really needed for the autumn weather, with the flower crown adorning her head. She was glad she was taking the time to come to it, as she arrived at the event. It was a club that Lydia had been in for quite a while, she knew it would be silly for her to not attend when this could be her very last wild patch event, as one of the older students she knew she could at least help out a little, that and she was eighteen and therefore she could do magic outside of the school if anything went wrong, but the hufflepuff had full faith in the young leader. It wasn't like she expected Eleanor to get them into trouble the same way that Orwell had. The seventh year walked to the area and smiled at those who were already there and began to write a little note in a bit of parchment for the future people
Noemie was nervous, she had never gone to one of the special events before, she'd been a part of the club since she'd started at the school but she'd never really taken part in anything, fearing too much that they wouldn't want her in it. But the girl was feeling more confident and she'd been doing far more in this semester than she'd been doing in any other before. Between the quidditch, the monthly and now this, as long as it wasn't getting in the way of her classes she was happy. The teen smiled slightly as she went to the event, and she had brought with her the last issue of the monthly, it seemed like a silly thing to maybe put in but she was thinking that it would be interesting to actually see what had been written before. She knew that there was a version in the library but who would ever bother to look at it if they weren't a part of it. the part veela was smiling to herself, as she arrived, looking between the people at it, she didn't know who most of them were aside from just being members of the club that was organising it, that was it, and she knew the other ravenclaw from the team. That was it, but she knew that it wouldn't stop her from enjoying her time at the event.
Lauv arrived at brightstone village, eager to find out what this might be about. The girl was so new to the school hadn't brought anything with her, but she intended to at the very least leave a note. The girl didn't know of the people at the event when she reached it. She stood a little at the side, trying her best to not appear too awkward but she knew that she probably wasn't really managing it. The young slytherin was looking towards where someone else was writing and the moment that she was done, the girl moved to it and read what she was supposed to do, and that was definitely something she could do. She stood leaning over with the quill loosely in her hand as she thought of something to write, what message could she pass on to the people in the future, to those in ten years time who probably wouldn't even know who she was. She'd be out of the school by then. It seemed so far away but she knew it would pass in next to no time. The young slytherin finished her message, with a few inscriptions in her native language, some well wishes and the right writing of her name before moving away from the space to let someone else have at it.
As people began to arrive, Eleanor beamed and waved at each of them as they approached with a smile on her face. People were actually coming to the event and she couldn't be more delighted. When she saw Rose, she smiled at her. "2054 isn't that far away." Eleanor said. "It's going to go by really quickly and there'll be a whole new group of students at Hogwarts to be able to look at it." The Hufflepuff nodded when Rose showed her the two photos she had to put in the capsule. "That's perfect!" she exclaimed. "You'll be able to see how much different you look, even if you still look the same." Eleanor thought photos were a great idea, especially the ones that muggles used that didn't move. It made her wonder whether or not Lily would show up as she continued to lay down the flower crowns in the capsule. "I'm not sure. I might write a note or something too." she replied, looking over at the girls that had just written a note at the table she had set up. "What about you? Are you only putting the photos in?"
November hadn't been to a Wild Patch meeting before. While she had been intrigued by the clubs at the school she spent too much of her time in the Library to really join any of them. While being allowed down to Brightstone she thought she might as well see what the time capsule was all about. She hadn't had much in the dorm to bring, or anything of real importance to the year. But she brought a piece of paper with the current house points written on it. She thought for the students who would be there in ten years it would be interesting to see how the houses were fairing with the point system. She had thought about it enough to even add in an explanation of the point system as far as she knew it in case they didn't have the same system in ten years. She simply signed the paper with her name, not bothering to add a picture of herself or anything. The young teen didn't think she would be important enough in ten years time that a picture of herself would be cool for anyone to look at. Plus, not having any friends in the picture with her would probably look weird. November did know Eleanor, she had been there when the young Hufflepuff had been homesick during her first year. November was grateful for the older girl, having a role model seemed important and Eleanor seemed like a pretty good role model to her.
5,943 - Ravenclaw
6,955 - Hufflepuff
3,777 - Gryffindor
5,493 - Slytherin

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