Florence Saint-Nice Lafayette


Florence Saint-Nice Lafayette<i></i></I><i></i><i></i><i></i><I><i></i>​


Full Name:
Florence Saint-Nice Lafayette

Date of Birth:
30th November 2014

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Platinum blonde hair, slim small build. Pale and very clear ice blue eyes. Her hair is usually worn down in a very straight manner. Or tied up. She dresses smartly, but is quite stylish in the clothes she wears. 

Very kind and honest. Overly polite and incredibly well mannered. Out-going and excitable (at times, with people she is close to). Not very shy. Smart and hard-working. Worries about being accepted, but is often not shown

Mother, Edwina Lafayette, older sister of Elizabeth Williams. Maiden name Chelsea. Witch, attended Beauxbatons. Then went to Cambridge to study music. While on an exchange year met her now husband. She is a brunette, with green eyes. Tall and very slim. She is a careless person and very forgetful. She is a self involved women who spends little time with her children, although claims to love them. They have been brought up to be the pearls of French high class society. She is an author, of a set of French children's books and self help book.
Father, Louis Saint-Nice Lafayette. Wizard, went to BeauxBatons. Was a year above his now wife. He has taken over control over the Paris school of Music, which is a very exclusive and expensive school for only the most gifted musicians of Europe. He is the head master. He has a lot of time for his children and spends a lot of time preparing them and perfecting there mannerisms and politeness so the are, as previous said the Pearls of French High Class Society. He is a very strict man but with other adults very socialable. He has platinum blond hair like Florence and blue eyes, and like both his children pale faced. He comes from a very powerful family.
Brother, Michel Gabriel Lafayette. 8 years old. Brown hair, quite pale faced. Very musical, plays the clarinet, trombone, and the violin. He is a little more rebellious, but not very. Just slightly. He is however a little less independent then his sister and a little more shy.

Two cats. One called Marie and the other Louis

Area of Residence:
Just outside Paris, about an hour outside the city. Beside the music boarding School her dad runs

Blood Status:
Mixed blood

Half english, half French. With nordic roots on her dad's side and some French roots on her mum's side, which is English

Special Abilities:
Being able to play 3 instruments, the Cello, violin and the flute

Interests or Hobbies:
Music (cello) and Archery

Additional Skills:
Speaks French, English and Latin

Music, being well mannered, Archery, making friends

Overly polite at times. Being annoyed when she gets things wrong. Feeling of inadaquence, which makes her feel very self conscious although attempts to not show it

Describe your character in three words:
Polite, Out-going, Honest

Favourite place to be:
Laduree in Paris

Has a number of friends.
Close friends with her cousin Charlotte Edwina Williams

Hogwarts House:
None yet. Is a hopeful Ravenclaw

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To be a good witch

Best school subjects:
None yet

Worst school subjects:
None yet

Extracurricular Activities:
None yet

Paris School of the Fine Arts for girl 2025

Current Job:
Student, musician

Plans for your future:
To be the head mistress of the school her family owns or to be a famous musician

Your Patronus:
Swan - Family symbol

Your Patronus memory:
When she got her first cello with her parents at age 5. She has kept this one even though it is too small for her

Your Boggart:
Her parents not accepting her

Your Animagus:
Swan -for it's simple elegance

Mirror of Erised:
Being a famous classical musician

A page from your diary:
A vous,

Word has reached me of My cousins departure to New Zealand. I wonder for why she did not tell me of her plans. I will go to her, but mama says I must decide where I go. Be it Beauxbatons, or the newest of schools Hogwarts New Zealand. I say this is a hard decision. If I attend Hogwarts, I will have my cousin, but if I attend Beauxbatons I will follow in the foot steps of my parents. If it were me, I would stay at home and learn from home, to show my parents I am as smart as them. But they refuse to have me. So I must decide. Michel has been uncoperative with this. He giggles and says it is a hard decision and I am using it for attention. It would be the end of me if my parents heard such a barbaric thing. Though it is not untrue. I guess I should flip a coin. Maybe then I will know what path to chose.
Je t'aime,

Florence Saint-Nice Layfayette

<SIZE size="50">Credit to !narwhalsvsunicorns@caution2.0 for image!
Hey Florence, I just have a few questions for you! :)

1. Do you have more specific ambitions for Hogwarts? Like ones that could relate to your interests?

2. Was their an event in your life that has you fearing rejection?

3. What do you love the most about playing the cello?

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