Flora Kadie Ayley

Flora Ayley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Full Name:
- Flora Kadie Ayley

Date of Birth:
- May 13th 2014

Current Age:
- 10

Basic Appearance:
- Well I have long curly straw colored hair and fairly pale skin(but I tan nicely in the summer). I'm short at 4'6, of course thats to be expected I'm only ten, I'll grow soon enough(hopefully). My face is square shaped which I think matches my hair style. My eyes are light purple, they are my favorite thing about me. I'm not fat, but I'm not model thin either which is good because the size of some of those girls scare me. I love wearing dresses and skirts so I usually wear those when its warm enough but I'm not completely against pants, especially when I have to do chores around my parents book store.

- Well I don't know if I'm the best person to describe my own personality, we all really think were different in out own heads don't we? If I have to do this though I guess I would describe myself as kind to others, gentle, and a mix between out going and shy. If I don't like someone I wont start drama and try and be nice to them. Sometimes I wonder if people can see past that or not. I know for sure my mother can, which I'm greatfull for because we all need to vent sometimes and I know shes always there to listen. Oh I'm sorry I got side tracked... I can be very shy around older people but I don't have trouble making friends with people my own age.

- Well lets see... Theres my brother Josh, or Joshie as I call him. I love him dearly even if he isn't my real brother. My family adopted me after Josh lost his wife and daughter so sadly I never got to know the happy Josh. My parents always told me though he seemed much more like his old self around me, something I was very proud of(until that woman came along anyways...). Theres also my parents David and Betty, they adopted me when I was a baby so I just consider them my real parents. Maybe one day I'll try and find my real mother but until then I'm perfectly happy with my mommy and daddy. They own a bookstore you see so I never have to worry about a shortage of books to read. I love Mommy and Daddy and big brother so much, I don't know what I would do without them.

- None yet, but I would love to get an owl when I start school so I can send letters home.

Area of Residence:
- St Helens, England

Blood Status:
- Unknown, it was a closed adoption.

- From what they told my Mommy and Daddy my birth parents are from England if thats what you mean.

Special Abilities:
- None that I can think of, and trust me I'm not being humble. I'm just your ordinary girl with nothing really to call special.

Interests or Hobbies:
- I love reading obviously, how could you not having it shoved down your throat all your life? I also enjoy skipping rope and other games. I have no real interests or hobbies yet, theres still so much out there to experience in life.

Additional Skills:
- None that come to mind, unless of course you count being able to do multiplications a skill.

- Well... I'm rather good at cheering up sad people apparently. I'm a hard worker and I hardly ever complain. Thats really all I can think of.

- Well first of all theres mean people, I've never been good at sticking up for myself. Yucky bugs like cockroaches scare me so much, mostly because they mean something is extremely dirty. I possibly can't name them all, I'm a ten year old girl for crying out loud I have lots of weaknesses.

Describe your character in three words:
- Well now thats a hard question... I would have to say: Kind, helpful, polite. Don't think I'm trying to seem better then I really am please but those are just three things I aim for, what everyone should really.

Favourite place to be:
- Defiantly my backyard, Mommy has such a lovely garden. Even when its raining I like playing back there.

- I have a few friends from my street and I love them dearly, I don't know that I'm going to do when I go to school.

Hogwarts House:
- I'm not even there yet silly.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Well obviously to get through school without failing to badly and hopefully not make to many enemies.

Best school subjects:
- Well if you mean muggle school then math and science.

Worst school subjects:
- Probably gym and music. I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

Extracurricular Activities:
- I'm in the school's art club. We mostly make things with the school mascot to help raise school spirit.

- I'm far from it.

Current Job:
- Well I have chores at home and I guess that could count as a job.

Plans for your future:
- Hold up, I'm only ten most times I don't know what I'm doing for the day let alone my future.

Your Patronus:
- Whats a patronus?

Your Patronus memory:
- Um still not to sure on the whole patronus concept but if your looking for a good memory probably my 10th birthday with my family and friends. We had a pool party and spent the whole day swimming and having fun then my first sleep over ever.

Your Boggart:
- My what? Oh something that scares me? Clowns.

Your Animagus:
- Probably some pushover animal.

Mirror of Erised:
- I'm perfectly happy with my life as is, I guess I could be a little more confident though.

A page from your diary:
- Thats private! You promise you wont tell anyone?

Dear Diary,

My friends came over after school today. We had to work on an English project together and it was lots of fun! I'm just glad Mommy can use magic or we might have never gotten the glitter glue out of the carpet. I actually think a glittery carpet would be pretty don't you? Anyways Anna took it home since shes the most careful with that kind of stuff, were going to get an A for sure. Then at dinner Mommy told me Joshie finally set a day for his wedding. Hip hip hooray. It just means hes one step closer to not caring about me anymore. If thats what makes him happy though I wont stop him. On to happier matters though. Its almost Christmas break I'm so excited! I love Christmas so much, everything is so festive. I've saved up my allowance to buy all my friends and family real presents this year instead of making them. Mommy says I should spent my money on myself but that would be selfish. I get lots of presents from Santa on Christmas anyways. Oops Mommy and Daddy are coming to say goodnight. Talk to you tomorrow diary.

Lots of Love,

Heyy Sammy!

I have a few questions to help you develop your character.
You can answer them IC or OOC.

1. Has Flora always known she was adoptted?
2. How and when did she find out that Santa Claus didn't exist? Or is she still a believer?
3. Would Flora ever want to meet her real parents?
4. If she could change one thing about her appearance what would it be?
5. If Flora was to meet an model thin girl, who was the same age as her, how would she react? And what would her first thought be? And what would she say?
6. Has Flora ever broken a bone or come close to it? What happened?
7. Would Flora ever want to meet her biological parents? Why? Why not?
8. What is her favourite item of clothing? Why is it her favourite?
9. What would be her ideal holiday? Where would she go, who with and for how long?
10. How do you think she will settle into life as a witch in New Zealand?

If any of these questions are confusing, say, i'll explain better.
1. Has Flora always known she was adoptted?
I've known since I was about four, I mean it wasn't hard to figure out. My parents and brother all have pale snow white skin dark hair and dark eyes, and I have blonde hair some what tan skin and purple eyes.
2. How and when did she find out that Santa Claus didn't exist? Or is she still a believer?
Santa doesn't exist? :cry:
3. If she could change one thing about her appearance what would it be?
I would want to look more like my family. I think there beautiful, and when I look at myself it just reminds me that I don't fit in.
4. If Flora was to meet an model thin girl, who was the same age as her, how would she react? And what would her first thought be? And what would she say?
Well I wouldn't say anything, that would be rude. I would however be worried though. I just don't think you should be able to see someone's bones through their skin.
5. Has Flora ever broken a bone or come close to it? What happened?
Oh no I've never broken anything but I almost did break an ankle when I feel out of my friends tree house and somehow landed on my feet.
6. Would Flora ever want to meet her biological parents? Why? Why not?
I'm not sure how to answer that. I mean I've always wanted to know why they gave me up, but I think it would hurt mommy and daddy if I tried finding them.
7. What is her favourite item of clothing? Why is it her favorite?
Defiantly my Red and white poke-dot dress.
8. What would be her ideal holiday? Where would she go, who with and for how long?
Oh I would love to go to South France. The only time I've ever been to a beach we had to go home because it started raining.
9. How do you think she will settle into life as a witch in New Zealand?
I will be fine I think, I'm loving the warmer weather and all the sun. I will miss my parents until holidays though...

Thanks for the questions! ^_^

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