Floating through Walls

Chris Davis

Well-Known Member
Chris floated through wall after wall after wall. You would think that he would always have something interesting to do, being a ghost and all. But it was quite the contrary at that moment. He was rather bored, he had nothing to do at all. So he just floated through the corridors, on and on.
Zazuka was walking with a book in front over her face. She had bought Inkdeath for Kailey but she took it from thier room so she could read it herself. She was distracted by the adventures of the young heroen when she felt something cold go though her. She yelped and looked around for what could have coused the sudden chill.
Chris wasn't paying much attention to where he was going. This caused him to go right through a student. He stopped and turned around. It was a girl, he wasn't sure what age. "Hello, I'm sorry for floating through you. You probably recieved quite an odd feeling from that, I don't doubt."
Zazuka fixed her glasses and smiled softly. "Quite alright I don't soppos the attetion span gets any better when one's dead. Something good to know." She said laughing. "On the other hand I really should not have been reading and walking at the same time. I'm Zazuka Bones. I've not met you and I know a lot of the ghosts in the castle." She added with a bright sun shine smile.
"No, it doesn't. Not one bit." Chris laughed slightly as he smiled. "Nice to meet you Zazuka. And now you will know this ghost as well. I'm Chris Davis. I would shake your hand, but mine would just go right through yours."
Zazuka nodded. "I would feel strainge again but that's not to say I am not used to strange feelings. I get them all the time it's all white noise by now though. What is it like? Just flowting though solid things that is. I would think that one would feel it a little bit." She said her dreamy voice getting a bit dreamer as she thought.
"Well, to tell you the truth, I don't really feel anything from it. Not anymore at least, I'm used to it by now. I do it so much. But it does feel quite odd, all the same. Whenever I think about it." He thought for a few minutes, just thinking and doing nothing else. Then he looked back at Zazuka and said, "So what house are you in Miss Bones?"
Zazuka thought for a bit about what it would be like to be a ghost. She thought about the freedom that would come with being made of only spirit then thought that she would actually have to die to become like Chris. That was an unpleasent thought more so that she remembered Andrew. Zazuka thought it better to be a bird then.

"I'm a second year Ravenclaw. Very proud of it too as it is that there are very little Ravenclaws at this school. You could say that we are an indangered species." She said laughing softly. Zazuka could remember seeing but not talking to Ms. Rose Landers when she visited her grave every now and again. Zazuka wondered why she hadn't talked the her then thought that maybe she was a shy ghost.
"You probably don't want to be able to float through stuff, I would say. The only way to do that would be to become a ghost. And you don't want to do that, you've still got a full life ahead of you." As Chris said this, he thought. He hadn't been but a teenager, around eighteen or so, when he died. Many times he wished he could have lived a full life. Oh well, there was no use being upset about it. There was no way to change the fact that he was dead. Taking his thought off this, he looked at Zazuka and smiled, laughing at her joke.
Zauzka tilted her head. "Can you read minds?" She asked. Zazuka had been thinking about being able to float though things and being a ghost. "I think I will study to become an Anamagus. I think being a bird would be wonderful. What would you become if you had the choice?" She asked curios to what Chris would want to be.
"No, I assure you that I don't have any mind reading powers. I can tell what a person is thinking sometimes, but it is no power." Chris smiled as Zazuka talked about wanting to become an Anamagus. He thought at her question before answering. "Probably a lion or tiger, something along those lines."
"Why?" Zauzka asked simply. She started to walk again. She hadn't been heading anywhere in particuler but she didn't want to just stand there. "You can walk with me if you like." She said with a bright smile.
Chris gladly took up the offer and started floating along beside Zazuka. "Well, because they have the freedom of course, they're mighty and powerful, and also majestic at the same time. I've always been intrigued by them. They fascinate me." He thought about this as they went on through the corridor.
Zazuka nodded. "Kinda the same facination I have with anything that has wings. Butterflies in particuler. I love the way they are so colorful." She said her voice getting dreamyer. "Do you remember what you like when you where alive?" She asked then her eyes went wide. "If you want to answer if you don't that's ok too." She added quickly. She knew that some ghosts where not comfterble with remembering thier life or the fact that they are dead. For exsample the ghost in the third floor girl's bathroom.
They went along through the corridor, Zazuka walking and Chris floating. He looked at other students as they passed by, looking at him. Then his companion asked about something to do with when he was alive. He thought for a few minutes, debating on what to answer. Finally he spoke. "It's ok, it does not bother me. I fondly recall the time when I was living. I remember it well enough, actually I don't think death has changed my personality any, I always suspected it would. Oh, I'm terribly sorry Miss Bones, what was your question?"
Zazuka laughed into her hand. "I think you just answered it. I was just little sorry for asking it because I have met the ghost girl in the bathroom on the third floor and she wasn't very nice about being dead. I heard she hurt two girls that where going to visit her or something like that." She said again her voice dreamy with wonder. "Then again she could not really be ghost." She said remember that there where diffrent types of spirits.
"Well that's good," Chris said as he laughed at himself. He did this quite often, actually. "I don't mind questions like that, I accept the fact that I am dead. And don't mind that ghost in the third floor bathroom, she's just not happy about being dead, that's all."
Zazuka tiled her head. "How can you tell that she's a ghost and not a polterghist?" She asked. She wondered what the diffrence would be even though she had done a little reading about them and had met afew of the other ghosts.
"Actually, I don't know for sure, I just know that she's not happy." Chris smiled and thought about this. He didn't go in girl's bathrooms much even though he was a ghost, but he had met the spirit they were talking about once or twice. If met would even be the word that you would use.
Zazuka laughed into her hand softly. "Well alright. No one ever goes there you know into that bathroom not since that happened." She said thinking about the story she had heard. "Have you met others? the students I mean." She asked. She knew that some of the students where scared to talk to the school ghosts.
"Oh yes, I've met plenty of others. There are some that don't seem to fancy talking to a ghost, but I know a good number of people here." Chris said as he thought about all the different students he had met.
Zazuka smiled wide. "Did you go to Hogwarts when you where alive?" She asked wondering if all the ghosts here where former students or teachers or somehow connected to the school.

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