Open Flashy Flying

Salem Lee

🌻Quality Quidditch | Enjoying the Little Things🌻
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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03/2041 (20)
Open after Marjike and Jess post with Isaiah and Jordan

Salem had always loved watching Quidditch, and not only because so many of her friends were on the team, but she'd never been much of a flyer. She'd never quite gotten the hang of letting go of the broom, and unfortunately to kind of needed your hands to do most things during a game. Still, the benefit of having so many friends on the team meant it was easy enough to get her hands on a spare school broom and drag some of them down to the pitch to mess around for a bit.

"So have you guys ever hung upside down? Or done a loop de loop?" Salem asked eagerly, swinging her borrowed broom up over her shoulders from where it'd been smacking into her ankles as they'd made her way out onto the pitch proper. She hadn't really been down here since flying lessons in her first year and Salem had to take a moment to take in just how vast the pitch looked when you were on the ground instead of the stands.
Isaiah had been thrilled he had managed to get himself a starter position on the team, excited for the prospect of finally being able to play during a real game. It also meant he felt like he needed to get a lot more flying hours in, try to sharpen his skills in one way or another. Which was exactly why he had let Salem drag him down to the pitch without too much protest. "Nah, dude." Zay shook his head at her question as they made their way onto the pitch. "Can't be that difficult though, right? I feel like I've seen people do crazier things on a broom." He grinned as he hopped onto his broom and pushed himself off into the air, hovering just above the ground. "Wanna go try?"
Jordie had been meaning to get down to the pitch anyway, needing to put in more practice for the team, so when Isaiah and Salem had appeared saying they were going he was quick to join. He'd been wanting to spend more time with them anyway. He'd had his broom over his shoulders, both arms hooked around it. He chuckled, both at Salems' question and Zays' answer before taking off into the air with them. "I'm not sure," He offered up himself. "I don't think I've seen anyone being so flashy during practices," He told them. "Though my older sister did get knocked off her broom by a bludger once."
Salem grinned when Isaiah seemed to game to try out a few tricks, returning his grin and joining him and Jordie up in the air. She was a little wobbly, definitely not at ease as much as the boys but she didn't mind, enjoying the slight chill of the breeze now they were away from the ground. "It's crazy you guys are out here all the time, it looks smaller from up in the stands," she said, starting a slow loop of the pitch just to get used to being back on a broom for a bit. "Bludgers hurt a lot, huh? I guess falling probably hurts too come to think," she added, glancing down and shrugging. A fall would hurt, for sure, but it wasn't like they couldn't fix it easy enough in the hospital wing if they really messed up. "Just gotta hold on real tight, right?" She added, the grin from earlier returning as she gripped her broom a little tighter.
Isaiah nodded when Jordie mentioned he hadn't seen anyone trying to be flashy during practice. It made sense if he thought about it. People wanted to show their best during practice, he did too, and he didn't think broom tricks were the best way to go for anyone wanting to sharpen their quidditch skills. "Probably because no one wants to get told off by their captain." He grinned in response, his grin quickly turning into a grimace when his friend mentioned his sister had been knocked off her broom once. "Which is exactly why I chose to be the one that holds the bat." Zay shrugged. As long as he was the one swatting at the bludgers he was cool with it. "For sure." He nodded when Salem mentioned holding on tight, figuring Jordie and him were perhaps a bit more confident on their brooms than she was. "I reckon being upside down wouldn't be too hard though? We're already leaning to one side a lot of the time so maybe if we just lean a little further.. Kind of like rolling around sideways?" He said, cocking his head as he attempted to figure out if that would work. Getting upside down probably wasn't as hard as holding on and managing to get back up.
Jordie listened to the others talking. "I think that's all about speed, mobility." He mused. "If we're really going to get into some flashy flying though, maybe we should only do it one at a time? So the other two can support, help if something goes wrong." He ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe we should get a Professor out here? Just for back up." He thought out loud, looking between the two of them.
Salem laughed at Isaiah's explanation, trying to imagine having to fly with only one hand all the time, holding out one of her arms in a test of her balance as they talked. It was a little harder, but once she shifted her weight on her legs, it wasn't so bad. Thankfully she wasn't scared of heights. "We don't need a professor, it'll be fine," Salem said confidently, already lowering her body along the handle of her broom and wrapping her arms around it tightly. "Piece of cake," she assured the boys, thinking for a moment before trying to tilt and roll her broom over to the right. It was just like climbing a tree, except the branch could float away at any moment. Easy peasy. "I feel like a sloth," she added with a grin before letting out a little noise of surprise as her broom finally rolled around enough that she was upside-down, hugging the broom as tightly as she could. "Now what??"

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