Fish and Friends

Shalamar brightened considerably.
"I would love to show you how" her smile was so natural, so instant that it seemed to transform the once serious features and gave a glimpse at the true nature of the girl beneath the heart ache. She was such a gentle spirit, caring and willing to please those she cared about and Shalamar knew she would care for the girl before her, love her like a friend perhaps even like a sister.

As Artemis spoke about what she liked to do, Shalamar was in awe.
"I have never been taught to sew clothing but I can do tapestry work. My sister has written to tell me she is now learning the art of tapestry and her small fingers ache every night when she goes to bed. It is to help her learn discipline and patience, something I fear I lacked too at her age" she looked at her fingers remembering the long hours she too had to spend kneeling in a very rigid position as she worked the threads through the cloth.
"Would you mind showing me, how to sew clothes?" she knew her family were rich and did not buy their clothes in normal shops like other people but as a result of their silk factories, had tailors and seamstresses come to their home and hand make their garments. As a child she did not understand the amount of work and effort that had gone in to what she wore but now she did and took so much more care.

It amazed her what Artemis was capable of and wished she were as gifted as her new friend, she admired the suit she wore and would dearly love to see the dress. Then Artemis began to tell her the strangest of things and Shalamar wondered if it was because her friend was part-goblin that she was able to communicate so well with animals. For some reason her birthmark seemed to twinge or at least her shoulder that it covered.

"I think that is wonderful, that you can speak with animals" she could only marvel at Artemis when a distant bell peeled loudly. She scrunched up her face in dismay.
"Arithmancy" she smiled as she very slowly yet with graceful movements stood up beneath the willow tree.
Once again she could not keep her delight from her face when Shalamar offered to teach her. "'Ye'd really? Oh Shalamar, that would be wonderful! I'd like to learn all I can about fighting." Oh dear, that probably made me sound so uncouth. Art's little toes twinkled in her white buckled shoes, causing them to flop back on forth in excitement. "I could teach you what I know, too. But We wouldn't have to climb a tree or anything."

Artemis was shocked and extremely pleased at how much Shalamar seemed to have in common with her. "Oh, I could never do anything like tapestry work. It must be terribly difficult! But I certainly will show 'ye all I can about sewing. Here..." she smiled at Shalamar. The ghost of a memory passed over her eyes as she remembered doing this exact same thing with Jareth. Now that Art had actually made her Yule Ball dress, the example she showed to Shalamar was perfect in detail as she recalled every hand stitch she made on the shimmering enchanted cloth. "This is my dress," said Artemis, withdrawing her wand from the little white pocket of her suit. Flick the flick of a spell, there she drew in one spiraling line the impression of her dress that revolved slowly in front of her. "Oh, if ever you need something for a special occasion... valentines day is coming up I believe," she winked slightly at Shalamar. "Just drop me a line and I'll make you something fabulous."

Her pointed ears twitched on her head as she heard a distant bell ring. Shalamar was right, they did have Arithmancy. "'Ye take Arith as well? Why don't we go there together?" she asked, watching the graceful angel-like creature stand delicately. Artemis brushed a clover from her suit and stood also, barely coming up to Shalamar's waist at a 3.2" high. Together they walked to the top of the hill, and Artemis had never been so pleased to make a new friend before. Shalamar was just the sort of person she looked up to, and she looked forward to introducing her to a few other friends. After all, she could tell that this was going to last.

End Scene​


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