Firsty :) I got some ikle first years ;)

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Max Blake

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cool shiz
Sebastian Hall
I will need several flings flirts and crushes, he isn't one to stick with one girl, he flirts with everyone. He is adventurous and loves the forbidden forest just because it's forbidden! Sebastian is a blonde gryffindor.

Gracie Williams
Gracie is bouncy bubbly and fun. She loves meeting new people and you can generally find her in the garden. Her voice is like a angels and she loves white roses and singing to the birds. Gracie is outgoing and is a amazing dancer. Gracie does, ballet, tap, jazz, clogging, hip hop, modern, jump rope, gymnastics, and ball room. She is a blonde ravenclaw.

James Smith
He is a dancer but more of just hiphop/modern. James Is slick and smooth but is kind of bratty. I could see him having a couple of enemies. He is in a dance group with Gracie, but it's just them to for now. James is a pretty good ballroom dancer too. He needs friends, enemies, and a girlfriend or fling at least. He is a brounett slytherin.

Kona Mason
KOna is quiet and not so shy. She lives in her own world, which is the kingdom she rules. She talks to the people that don't exsist and they are like a foot tall. Kona gets in trouble for talking to them and she had to go to the crazy ward once. Her mother died and her father abandoned her. She lives with her foster mom Cathy Johnson. Kona is very intelligent. She needs friends and somebody that makes fun of her.
Hey Harleigh :)

I would like to offer Alice Hills...

I was thinking that she could be a close friend or even a possible mentor to Gracie Williams. I think they would get on quite well and although they are quite opposite on some things, i think that this wouldn't be a hinderance to them....

Let me know what you think :)

Sure Kate <3 id love too...
Gracie would def be up for it...
We could do it in the garden cuz she is always there :)
That sounds great ^_^

The only small and completely minor issue is that Alice doesn't really go outside much..... perhaps they could be in the common room as it is in the evening and soon for curfew?? I don't know :erm: If not, then go with the garden idea :lol:

Could you please start it as i am quite busy :wub:

Thanks :hug:
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