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Orion Snow

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Unyielding Pine Wand with Acromantula Web Core
I'm caught up on RPs and such for the time being, and with finals soon to be over, I am a little restless and eager to RP my new firsties, as well as other students if others want to PM me for something. Anyways, here it goes!</SIZE></COLOR></FONT>

Havoc Zhefarovich Gryffindor Pure-blood
Not true to his name, Havoc is very much a noble person, with high morals and outstanding skills. He is
the older twin to Chaos Zhefarovich, and younger brother to Demonia Zhefarovich. His father is a rebel
and so is his mother, but those traits didn't fall on him. Instead, he plays the peacemaker and enjoys the
life without pranks and believes that rules need to be followed. He could be a stick in the mud, but he is
actually a fun character. He loves adventure and would love a bunch of friends. He might not be able to
keep the friends after graduation or have them over to the house, it would be fun while it lasted. He isn't
really biased on blood status like the rest of his family is. He is just worried that something would happen
to them if he hung around them a lot. What I need: Friends, enemies, just everything. He's cool I promise


Chaos Zhefarovich Hufflepuff Pure-blood
Meet the one that will keep the Hades craving from coming into school, which is a long time from now. So,
meet Chaos, who is true to his name. He is sinister, someone who enjoys watches someone get hurt, and
pushes the boundaries of rules. He is the opposite of his brother in almost every way. Chaos is definitely
prejudice and doesn't want to associate with the lower blood statuses. He can and will use every single
awful word to describe those of lesser statuses. However, contrary to that, he is fiercely protective over
his cousins who are part-veelas. He adores Quidditch and pulling pranks on those, especially when it hurts
someone. Chaos will likely not have many friends. What I need: Maybe a best friend, victims, enemies.


Orion Snow Ravenclaw Unknown blood
This guy is cute, adorable, but most importantly, he is socially awkward. Born to Antoine Snow and Astraea
Essen. He is a Snow, and he is the son of the Snow's hitman, who was crazed and a wanted killer who
"went" missing a while back. Living in peace with his parents, Orion was somewhat horrified to be going to
school in Hogwarts New Zealand. His cousins went there and Antoine felt that he needed to get along with
them. Orion is very hard to open up to other people his age as he had never been around anyone his age
before. He was shoved into a new world and he feels out of place. Naturally, he is quiet, and wants to be
alone since that was how he was at home. What I need: Friends that can help him open up. Enemies I
guess, and whatever else you guys can think of! He is a good person underneath, he is just a little distant.


Kairi Styx Slytherin Pure-blood
This is the youngest daughter of Kalif and Nicolette Styx, and often considered the baby, along with her
twin, Kassye. They do not look alike, but Kairi and Kassye are definitely not similar. Kairi has her dad's
cold demeanor, but once her temper is flared, she resembles her mother and father. She is a bit on the
hot-headed side, and believes that anyone within a certain intelligence level should be around her. She
can be described as being stuck up. She is also very prejudice, and only wants to associate with those
that she deems worthy. She doesn't have a wide range of options, so I can only see her with a few close
friends. What I need: One close friend of a good social status, enemies, and a few friends. That's all!


Marius Zhefarovich Gryffindor Part-Veela
My newest character, and he is one of the quads made by Arnost before his untimely death. Marius is the
son of Evette Belo, and also has Bisera, Fantine and Desislav. He also has LeAnn as a half-sister. He is also
a Part-Veela. He is definitely one of those Zhefarovich's that is rare to come by, and he is definitely just like
his dad. Wise in some way, witty, and sarcastic. He is known to throw insults at people that get on his nerves
and will gladly tell them what he hates about them. He has a high sense of ego and arrogance. Marius also is
close to his brother, Desislav. He feels like they were robbed with being sorted into possible separate places.
He was sorted into Gryffindor, and hopes to be with his brother. What I need: Friends, enemies, just about
everything! I promise that he will be worth RPing with, well, all my students are actually!​
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So, there are my firsties! I do have other students, which will be listed below. If you want to RP with me and don't have a student that can fit with these, then you might with these students below! So, feel free to post here or PM me for anything!

Nikandros Matthias: 7th Year, Prefect
Damon Kyle: 7th Year, Prefect
Bryce Chamberlin: 7th Year, Prefect
Sergei Zhefarovich: 7th Year, Prefect
Erik Metzger: 5th Year
Matt Greene: 4th Year
Blaine Matthias: 4th Year
Vladimir Zhefarovich: 4th Year
Vixen Zhefarovich-Dolohov: 4th Year
Nicolas Styx: 3rd Year
Mason Greene: 3rd Year
Damianos Styx: 3rd Year
Ivaylo Zhefarovich-Dolohov: 3rd Year
Lucien Snow: 3rd Year
Logan Vacarius: 2nd Year
Vulcan Zhefarovich: 2nd Year
Lucas Chase: 2nd Year
Bothizar Styx: 2nd Year
Asa Romanes: 2nd Year
Asparuh Zhefarovich IV: 2nd Year

Here I have the cutest Finn Urie. I have a feeling he will probably be enemies for most, except maybe Orion and maybe maybe Havoc? Mainly because he is a mudblood Muggle-born.
Finn is a prankster, and he loves playing. He is stubborn, reckless and frivolous. He loves playing pranks and I can see a prank war growing between him and Chaos? He is pretty loud so he might either be too much for Orion or perfect for Orion. And I don't think he would like Marius much, and would love to play pranks that would crash his ego.


This is my darling Clara Antolini. She is mixed blood, but most of her family are magical. Clara is a Fourth Year in Hufflepuff, and while she may not get on with a bunch of your First Years, maybe she could work with another one of your characters? Clara is an absolute sweety, and doesn't have a malicious bone in her body. She is a great friend, super duper loyal and a great listener. But, she won't stand up for herself and she hates confrontation. She is verging on the side of depression but she isn't even sure what that is. She doesn't trust easily and is constantly weary that everyone is talking about her or that everyone hates her or is using her. At the moment, she has a crush on the Librarian, Stefan Archer xD
Anything will do my dear ^_^
Donna! :hug:
Finn Urie
Havoc: I think Havoc would be reminded of his brother, and try to get Finn out of his pranking ways since he doesn't have much tolerance for it. XD
Marius: Actually, Marius loves causing trouble as much as the next person, so he might actually be a good friend toward Finn!
Chaos: Chaos would probably get into an all out war, once he figures out exactly what Finn is. XD It could start out as pranking, before Chaos gets really violent with it. He tends to do that, a lot.
Orion: Orion would be extremely nervous around him. If he continued to bug and be around him, Orion might eventually come around!

Clara Antolini
Vixen: We discussed this in skype. Vixen can also turn Vladimir and his little crew away from her if necessary. She is pretty much a control freak, but she is a loyal friend. She might find her little crush a little redundant. XD
Marius; Ahh, so they could be trouble buddies and have fun and be naughty together! Such bad influences.

Chaos; I reckon it could be cool to RP their (non) relationship, especially since Finn would think it is something fun until Chaos gets violent and then he would be really confused.

Orion; This is up to you, Finn would probably be relentless, and not really realize too much that Orion is nervous.

Vixen&Clara; I would really really love this and a big RP with Vladimir and his crew hating on Clara with Vixen would be really fun ^_^
Finn Urie
Marius: Oh yes, and if Cyndi is interested, we can have Marius' brother join in! They are so freaking close and stuff.
Chaos: Oh this sounds like a great deal of fun! When do we get started?
Orion: It could be one really odd looking friendship. XD But possible, and fun, regardless!

Clara Antolini
Vixen: That it would be! But first, we have to get them close, otherwise, Vixen wouldn't be as hardcore about protecting Clara. I can start this one if you like.
Yes please to starting. And I'm sure Cyndi wouldn't mind :r
What would you like me to start?
P.S. you know my track record with replies!
You know my own records with replies too. xD
Um, do you mind starting the one with Orion? I can start the other two, and we can drag Cyndi into the one with Marius, maybe make her start it. :r
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