Firsties Alert

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Tracey Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
So here is one of my little firsties.

Tracey Cameron is a sweet little girl who fits into Hufflepuff perfectly, she is kind and caring, extremely maternal for an 111 year old, and bubbly to boot. It's very hard to get her annoyed unless you know exactly how and she doesn't like making enemies. I'd like a couple of friends for her in her own house and year, though she already has a male best friend maybe a female one would be awesome too. She's still in the childish phases of life so a boyfriend won't be necessary for a long time.

The second of my firsties is Tracey's best friend, surprising as that sounds.

Marcus Caine is a sneaky little boy who just became a new Slytherin. He does things that would be most benificial for himself and, if it weren't for the terrifying idea of facing her brother and his mates, would probably drop Tracey as soon as he could. He does like her and often wishes he could be that carefree and happy but can't bring himself to be that nice. He enjoys fighting and violence as well as getting on peoples nerves. I'd like a couple of mates for him, maybe some that give him a hard time about being friends with Tracey. I wouldn't mind a couple of annoyances or enemies and maybe a crush but nothing serious.

The final thing I'm looking for is a first year girl, it doesn't matter what house but I doubt a Slytherin would work, to become bestest friends with Tracey but she'd hate Marcus. There is a long term plan in store for her so PM me if you are interested in it.

Lots of love and cookies to those who reply !!!

Well hi!

I have Adriana here, she's a first year Slytherin and she can be a little rude. Though, once you get close to her she'll do anything and never really want to hurt you. She's a bit of a gossip and very talkative too. Finally, she's protective of anyone close to her, and won't hesitate to confront someone that hurt her friends.

I can offer her up as a non-serious crush for Marcus, since she'd be too shy to tell a guy she liked them, anyway. ^_^
Honestly, I think she'd be against it. But she would only tell him if he said he didn't really like Tracey.
Would you mind starting one? I'm a little busy at the moment.
Summer i have stefan if you want him. He is a hufflepuff firstie so maybe he and tracey can be friends.
I have tara Sitara, she is a 2nd year puff, I know you want firsties, but she could be a sort of friend/mentor for her, Tara is a typical puff, and enjoys drawing and painting, and she comes from india. I cant think of much else to say but that is that, if you dont want a 2nd year i wont mind.
he will defened his friends if he has too. he wouldnt let any thing happen to her as he is a big softie. he is a buding young musician who writes his own song. if you want any more info pm me
I have characters to offer as well.. :D
First one is Sophia Leingod she's a hufflepuff... She is a fairly odd and intelligent girl. She enjoys cooking, cleaning, and basically all things that are traditionally considered "feminine". In reality though, Sophia is no really that "girly" she never considers gender as something that domineers her. She never really cared if her friends are boys, girls or anything else.

Ryuuji here is from Ravenclaw. he's rather athletic and he loves adventures. well... he's pretty sadistic at times too, but he does care about his friends.

I also have Fayt Aurelious, he's a slytherin..

Fayt comes across as being a mostly emotionless, cold child, focused solely on his interests and his vow to protect his sister.Though he is capable of portraying himself as a charming, cheerful, lenient individual, typically when on the presence of his adoptive parents, he is quick to revert to being unsympathetic when he no longer has to hide his true self. Fayt is a person that doesn't like to admit defeat, and it's with this stubborn behavior that he'll push through obstacles with a single-minded resolve to win, to advance, and to do anything and everything perceived as necessary to achieve his goals.
Despite everything, however, under the surface there's still a 10 year old boy. Prone to acting egoistically with a self-centered point of view, he can be quick to irritation when his demands aren't met, and sink into a moody frustration when his plans are compromised.
Right guys, sorry, slightly behind.

Adriana : Sorry it's so late.
Dave : That is what he'd do, not what he's like. What does he like? Personal traits?

I think the first two would be awesome for Tracey :) Are you wanting best friends, good friends or anything specific for their relationship?

Fayt sounds good for Marcus as well. The same questions apply.
Marcus Caine said:
Right guys, sorry, slightly behind.

Adriana : Sorry it's so late.
Dave : That is what he'd do, not what he's like. What does he like? Personal traits?

I think the first two would be awesome for Tracey :) Are you wanting best friends, good friends or anything specific for their relationship?

Fayt sounds good for Marcus as well. The same questions apply.

Sophia can be a best friend or so since they are from the same house, they would have a lot of time to talk, and for Ryuuji, ha can be a good friend.

Fayt can be some sort of a friend/rival for him since they pretty much happen to have the same personality.. :D
hes a gentle but sometimes violent person. hes intrested in everything he can put his nose into.
If you're still up to the bestie-plot I have my new main (this account) to offer for Tracey. ^_^
I'll PM you the rest, :) just dropping off the fact that due to her family's unfavourable interactions with Death Eaters, it now takes very little for her to hate Slytherins.
Tracey Cameron said:
Fayt : I like the idea's for Tracey, do you want to start a couple for them ?? And for Marcus I'd say one RP first and then see how they work together??
Sure, I'll start a topic for Tracey, can you start the one for MArcus though? :D
I've got Vito Machiavelli to offer up for Tracey. He's like Tracey in almost every way except that Vito's more grown up.
Tracey Cameron said:
Ryuuji Tsukino: Sure, I'll get on that today :)

Vito Machiavelli : Then he sounds like a great friend for her :) Do you want to start one or do you want me to start one?
Great! I'm going to start one today as well.. :D
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