First Years!

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Steve Quigley


Steve Quigley
He is a first year Hufflepuff. Now Steve is a bit of a wallflower. He likes to stay under the radar, blend in with the crowd. He is a sweet guy. He is caring , kind and a real sweetie. He loves to play the drums, sing and draw comics. He is a good at it too but no one ever know because he never tells anyone. He is modest and does what he does purely for his own amusement.He is friendly and protective. He has two little sisters who he loves to play with and he finds them adorable. He doesn't like sport at all which made him the target of teasing and a small bit of bulling in his primary school. He was born in England and lived their for two years before he, his mum and his step-dad moved to Cork in Ireland. He doesn't liked adventure or going outside his comfort zone.
So I need friends, lots of friend. Basically everything. A best friend would be great, maybe someone who likes to be on adventures, someone who will get him out of his comfort zone. But then some friends who are like him? I'm open to anything and don't be afraid to post ideas
Hey Johanna!

I have Eugene here to offer. He is my first student character on this site and I am pretty excited to RP with him. They could be friends or even best friends! :D Eugene is somehow an opposite of Steve but he is a nice guy and the two of them could make good friends and Steve could keep him in line while Eugene makes Steve open up to other people and be adventurous.
He was born and brought up in a muggle suburb on the outskirts of Glasgow,Scotland.His father William Smythe was an Auror and his mother Mary Ravenheart-Smythe was a house wife and they were quite well off.They lived in a manor with Eugene's grandmother Alice Smythe.However, when Eugene was only 8 years old his mother went missing and soon after his father initiated a search for his mother and after a few months he went missing too.

After that,Alice Smythe looked after Eugene as best as she could because she was old and couldn't do much house work.Eugene ended up learning how to do all sorts of housework without magic including cooking which he was quite good at. He was homeschooled in Math and English.In his free time he liked to wander the woods behind their manor house and he learned how to hunt animals with a bow and arrow.He also liked to ride his father's old broom and he learned how to fly on it.He also played pranks on the muggle children sometimes because he didn't have any friends to play with and he was bullied by some of them.

So generally Eugene is friendly,intelligent but not bookish,a prankster,adventurous and a bit mean sometimes.He likes reading,flying broomsticks,muggle music and cooking.He wants to learn everything there is to magic and then he wants to become an Auror like his father.

So let me know what you think :)

I'll gladly offer Roxan as a friend! She's quite shy and quiet, likes reading and exploring. She's not that good at starting a conversation, but she could partake in one! She has a little brother. Roxan is quite under-confident, and doesn't like to speak in large crowds. Like I said, she's not much of a talker, but she's a great listener, and I'm hoping to let her get some friends that will boost her confidence a bit.

I hope I can thread with you soon! :)
Eugene and Steve
That's great. I was thinking in the current rp that he would be a good contrast for Steve! I think they'd be good best friends ^_^

Roxan and Steve
I think the two could be shy and quiet together :r Maybe the two of them start helping themselves be more confident or something like that? Not straightaway, over some time? What do you think!

Thanks for reply :hug:

Hey Jo! :hug: (I'm gonna be calling you by that nickname from now on :p )

I have Erik here. I can offer him as a friend or a bestfriend! Here's a little something about him: He comes from a broken family. His mom and dad got divorced four years ago. He’s very easy-going and is very hyper. I mean, seriously hyper. He’s always moving around and he can’t stay put for more than 5 seconds. He’s diagnosed with ADHD so that pretty much explains everything. And because of his ADHD, he’s very clumsy. He often ends up breaking something; either it’s a thing or a body part. He’s also very sarcastic and is very funny. He loves joking but sometimes, his jokes go overboard. He doesn’t realize he’s hurting someone’s feelings but when he does, he won’t care. He’s talkative and is devoted to chocolates. There isn’t really a day when he’s not munching one. He doesn't really realize that chocolates only make him more hyper. He thinks it calms him down. He’s also very protective when it comes to people (or things) he loves and he can be very rude sometimes. His softer and more angelic side is his musical side. He’s been playing the piano ever since he was 5 and he started playing the violin two years ago. What do you think?

Roxan and Steve
I'll get to that as soon as I can! ^_^ Thanks for starting it!

Hey Nico! :hug:
That's okay. Erik sounds good I think he'd be a good thing for Steve. He wouldn't know what to think of him at the beginning but once he see's the softer side I think the two could get on nicely! Would you mind starting this please? I'm already really behind in replying :r
Hi me again! :p (Roxan Fairbrother!)

I also have Kaoru, a Hufflepuff. He's usually always smiling, making jokes and he's quite friendly. He's Japanese, and also a little insecure, but he tries to hide it. He can be a little clumsy, always tripping over or banging into something. He lives with his two older brothers, Kisho and Kenzo, and their guardian. His dad was never around, and his mum died a while ago. That's how he's insecure, he's worried everybody will leave him. That's his main far, the other being thunder, making him jump a little and giving him a shock. He's also prone to having nightmares around a certain time of the year, but that's not really important :p He absolutely LOVES to make friends.

Hope this info is ok XD
Hello ^_^
Kaoru and Steve
I think the two could get along nicely. Steve probably won't approach first. He isn't exactly very friendly at first, he doesn't try to make friends. :r I think he would like Kaoru anyways once they get to know each other! So yes who would you like to start?
Sounds cool. ^_^ No problem. I'll do it later maybe.
I have Margo here for times Steve feels like adventuring outside his comfort zone. She's loud, mischievous,rambunctious, outgoing and loves adventure and pranks. She'd but that comfort zone of yours wide open. If you want to know more there's a link to her bio in my siggy.

Shes very friendly loyal and kind heated too, so it wouldn't be a stretch for them to become friends I think.
I'm so sorry. This is such a late reply, I totally forgot about this :r
Steve and Margo
I think yes, that could work. I'd like to get him out of his comfort zone and I think after he gets over the loudness he would quite enjoy her company! ^_^
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