First Years Lesson Two

Mallory was pleased to see she remembered each students’ name as they came into class, smiling fondly at the lot of them. “Good morning, my dears,” She greeted when everyone was seated, standing from her desk. Her mahogany hair was wrapped in a braided bun, small pink flowers dotting her hair to match her powder pink robes. Peter slept peacefully in his rocker by her desk. As she stood Amara stirred from beneath her desk, stretching and jumping on top of the wood to groom herself. Mallory paid no mind to the Sphynx cat. Her robes swished softly around her feet as she began to pace in front of the desks.

Now, I do hope you did your reading. Can anyone tell me what spell we’ll be using today, and what it does?” She asked, smiling warmly and motioning for a student to answer. “Very good, dorogoy, five points for you,” She continued on again. “Lumos, my dears, is a very simple spell, and very useful. It is a spell that illuminates the tip of your wand and allows you to see in the dark, working much like a candle or a flashlight.

Mallory smiled, pausing in the front of the room. “Today, I would like you to find a partner, perhaps someone you don’t know. I would like the two of you to work together not just today, but for the remainder of this semester. Your grades are separate, of course, but I would like each of you to remember that your education is not something you must pursue alone. You have support, both from your Professors and from your friends.

Mallory smiled, folding her hands together. “Does anyone have any questions about todays spell?” She asked, taking a few moments to answer all of her students before resuming the lesson. “Alright, my darlings, let us go ahead and begin.” With a wave of her hand, she dimmed the lights. “I am right here if you have any other questions. When you have successfully cast Lumos, try to counter it with the spell Nox,” She instructed calmly.

Mallory wandered throughout the room, offering help to all who asked, moving back to the front as their time drew to a close. “I have seen remarkable work out of all of you today, my dears.” She turned the lights back on again. “Remember to do your reading, next week we will begin work on Wingardium Leviosa. Have a wonderful day, my darlings,” Mallory moved to sit back at her desk, smiling fondly at all of her students as they were dismissed.​
It was second week of lessons and Lilith's nerves had definitely calmed down. She had already begun falling into a comfortable routine and familiarizing herself with the study blues. Honestly it hadn't taken a lot of effort, but nevertheless she had. As she walked into the Charms classroom she was met with the comfortable atmosphere that the room had, instantly making her muscles relax a little further.

Lilith had taken seat at the front of the room again, just so that she had a good view and was able to take notes if there were any to take. As the Professor began her teaching her cat jumped on the desk and it was all Lilith could do not to audibly aww at the cat. Seriously, if Lilith hadn't liked the Professor before she sure did now. Raising her hand at the question she spoke out the answer. "Lumos, it is a charm that lights up the casters wand tip, transforming it into a torch of sorts were they in need of some light in a dark room or well anywhere dark I suppose would work?" It might not have been the smoothest answer, but it was out there none the less. The Ravenclaw smiled at the praise and listened further, noting down whatever she could.

Lilith felt her heart sink at the mention of partnering up, she had half a mind to just turn to her best friend Eoghan, like she always would otherwise, but she had promised to challenge herself this semester so she turned towards another housemate of hers. Truly it wasn't that big of a leap, but at least she was trying and not just falling into the comfortable safety net that was always there. "Hi, would you like to partner up with me? If not that is totally fine and I get it." She spoke quickly as she approached @Elijah Edogawa , to her utter relief the boy agreed and so they began practicing. It took Lilith a few tries, she was still nervous though Eli was someone she knew it was still, well she didn't quite know why but she just felt nervous. Lilith tried both of the charms and by the end of the lesson she had grown more comfortable with both and she thanked the boy for being her partner before eventually heading out from the classroom satisfied with her progress.
Winnie wasn’t sure about whether or not to go to the valentines day dance, she knew that if Vikram asked ehr, she’d feel like she had to say yes, but she also really wanted to keep focused on her work, and such a night out wasn’t going to help that. It was just too early in the semester - though really for Winnie anything other than right at the end of the semester was too early for a night off. She was sure that others would disagree, wouldn’t be thinking this over this much, but she was. She finished getting herself together and then headed out of the room.

Winnie walked into the charms classroom and took a spot at the front of the room. She took out her wand and her book, though she really hoped that they’d do a spell, they had been asked to read about one, so surely that meant they’d get to do it. She raised her hand to answer the question but the professor picked someone else, she tried to not be annoyed about it. The professor then let them get started. Winnie took her wand and then with some ease, cast, ”Lumos,” and immediately the spell worked. She proudly held her wand up a little, just to show off, and then quickly after said, ”Nox,” and it worked too. She practiced the spells over and over until the professor wrapped up the lesson and she packed up and left the room.
Offering weekly study sessions to his siblings has started to take a bit of a toll on Eli and he's having trouble sleeping. It's not so much about the work load really, but it does mean he has less time to focus on his own work because he's busy helping Jonah and Rose - Sayuri can mostly fend for herself, and he's not surprised by that because she had good grades last semester. Inviting Eury is next on his list and he's beginning to wonder if he shouldn't ask his sister Hinata if they can join them on their study session since he can't see it being any worse.

He looks up when he hears Lilith ask if he wants to partner up and he nods yes, tiredly, before following on with what she's doing and trying to pay enough attention. He's good at the class, and given he's read ahead it's not really that much of a problem, but he doesn't like Professor Grayveson all that much, he finds her attitude far too bubbly for this particular course. Maybe if it's an elective, he will allow it, but for something like this that he doesn't have a choice but to study, he doesn't think the attitude makes a lot of sense. He's also not sure he's a big fan of being referred to as someone's darling because if he's anyone's darling he's his mum's darling, and he isn't her darling anyway (that's unobjectively Jonah) so he's definitely not the Professor's. Parents might say they don't have favourites, but any child with siblings knows that's just not true. He doesn't know why parents lie about things like that. He practices with Lilith until the end of class before looking over at Sayuri and nodding to her to walk out with him.

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