First Years Lesson Three

Mallory couldn’t believe the year was already halfway over. She really couldn’t. She thought she really had been doing well, none of the students seemed to outwardly hate her, though she could sense several that seemed annoyed in classes. That was to be expected, however, she didn’t expect every student to adore classes. She hummed lightly, setting up the classroom for that days lesson, eager for class to begin. Peter was babbling a bit in a playpen tucked a bit more behind her desk, a little closer for while he was up and active, staying where she could keep an add on him.

Mallory smiled as she let the first years into the room, waiting until they had all settled in her seats. “Good morning, my dears, I trust all of you did your reading.” She was quite sure there were several students that hadn’t, however, so she flicked her wand, the chalk raising behind her to write out in an elegant script. “Wingardium Leviosa,” she began, starting to pace a bit around the room. “This is the charm that does what?” She asked, motioning for a student to answer. “Very good, dorogoy, two points for you.” She smiled, walking slowly across the front of the room, her hands crossed. “Wingardium Leviosa is the charm that will allow objects to fly. It is a controlled flight, it requires your concentration and the object you are enchanting will follow the trajectory of your wand. Can someone tell me the motion for this?” She asked, calling on a different student.

That’s correct, excellent answer. Two points for you.” She smiled warmly, continuing her pace in front of the room. “The wand motion for this is swish and flick. Let’s try that now, shall we?” Mallory raised her wand, having the students copy her in the motion. “Of course, breaking your concentration breaks the spell, but there is another counter to your spells. Can someone tell me the counterspell?”

Mallory called on a different student, smiling warmly at them as they answered. “That’s correct, Finite is the appropriate counterspell. Two points,” She took a moment to smooth out her lilac robes, adjusting one of the lilac buds that dotted her braid. “Now, for the next little bit, please do concentrate and practice this spell. When you have successfully lifted your feathers,” she waved her wand and feathers appeared in front of each student, “I would like you to practice using finite to end your spell.”

Mallory let them practice for a little bit, before calling for their attention again. “I notice some of you have already made great strides with this spell already. For those of you who feel comfortable- or confident enough- feel free to practice this spell on heavier objects. Please be careful, however, and try not to hurt yourself or your classmates. While I have your attention, please take note that your homework for today is, of course, reading the chapter on the Accio spell as we will be doing that one next week. I would also like you to go over both Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa and give me two examples for each spell around how you can use this in everyday life,” She smiled warmly at the students, letting them get back to practicing when she was finished speaking.

The class eventually began to draw to a close, and Mallory soon dismissed her students, complimenting them on their work and taking a note to herself of who could stand to use improvement and who was excelling. She moved to take Peter from the playpen, bouncing the tiring baby and moving to get him back to her room and his crib.
Two Points for each question answered
For the homework and 5 points please list two examples for each spell and how this can be used in everyday life.

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