Noel was ready for the lesson of today. Instead of giving his lesson in the classroom he had led his students down to the lower levels of the castle for their final Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson of the year. Their final lesson with him was going to be a short one. A semester's worth of teaching three classes was kind of heavy for his first year as an professor. But he liked it, that was the most important thing. And next year it would go even more easy. But exams were still there too. Besides, this lesson was all about letting the students decide what they wanted to do, he would give them the opportunity to leave and study in the library if they didn't want to practice their wandwork.

''Right, everyone come in, there's plenty of room for everyone,'' Professor Waldgrave said excitingly. It was the last lesson for the first years and they could decide for themselves where they wanted to spend their attention too. ''I'm going to keep things short and simple today. The room we're in right now is the Duelling Chamber and is open to all students. You may freely practice your wandwork here,'' Noel wondered why he had never participated in dueling when he was an student. But he had other stuff like quidditch and classes, leading the brotherhood and later on being an head boy to be busy with. He than waved his hand toward the many dummies and practice targets throughout the room. ''You may also try to duel with other students but keep in mind that professor supervision is required to do so. If you are interested in learning how to duel, you may want to consider joining the Student Defense Association. Hogwarts also gives its students the opportunity to duel one another competitively by organising a school duelling tournament, these are open to second years and above.'' He than told them. ''You are free to use the rest of the class period to prepare for the end-of-semester exam if you want. Feel free to practice your wandwork or leave to study in the library.'' He knew that not everyone wanted to practice the spells they had learned in class this semester, so figured that some of them would leave the Duelling Chamber in favour of studying in the library or somewhere else that was quiet enough. Both parts were important, for the exam.

If some decided to leave here and do whatever they pleased would be their own loss. It wouldn't be his fault if those students failed their end-of-semester exams. ''Remember that the exam will consist of a practical and a written portion, meaning that you will need to study both.'' And with that he let the students do as they pleased while he stayed behind to supervise those that wanted to practice their wandworks.

Roleplay the lesson. Tag @Professor Noel Waldgrave if you want me to interact with your character!
Tori stepped into the Duelling Chamber, her eyes widening with excitement. This was one of the places she'd been most curious about since arriving at Hogwarts, and she could hardly believe their final Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson would be held here. The room was filled with dummies and targets, offering plenty of opportunities to practice spells. She listened intently as Professor Waldgrave explained their options for the lesson, already knowing she wanted to stay and practice. Tori was determined to be prepared for the end-of-semester exam and saw this as the perfect opportunity to sharpen her wandwork skills.

As some of the students drifted out to study in the library, Tori decided to stay and try a few spells on the practice targets. She started with the Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus, focusing on her form and pronunciation. With each attempt, her confidence grew, and she quickly moved on to practicing the Stunning Spell, Stupefy. She was careful to pace herself, remembering Professor Waldgrave's advice about balancing both the practical and written portions of the exam. Tori glanced around the room, seeing a few other students practicing as well, and felt a sense of camaraderie. As she continued her practice, she made a mental note to review her notes later, but for now, she was fully immersed in the thrill of casting spells and perfecting her technique under the professor's watchful eye.

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William felt a surge of excitement as Professor Waldgrave led them down to the Duelling Chamber for their final Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson of the year. He had always been fascinated by duelling and the opportunity to practice his wand work in a room specifically designed for it was thrilling. He took a moment to admire the various dummies and targets spread throughout the chamber, eager to see how well he could perform the spells they'd been learning. William decided that practicing his wand work was the best way to prepare for the practical portion of the exam, so he focused on perfecting his movements, feeling determined to do his best.

He appreciated the freedom the professor was giving them to choose how they wanted to spend their time, but he knew this wasn't the moment to slack off. William was determined to balance his time between practical practice and study for the written part of the exam. With a renewed sense of purpose, William took a deep breath and began his practice, eager to make the most of their final lesson.

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