First Years, Lesson Six

"Hello, everyone! Please, take a seat. Today we will be revising for our exams!" Professor Carter greeted his class with a smile on his face, looking forward to seeing how well each and every one of them would do in the exams. He didn't want his students to be stressing out on it too much and was eager to make them feel comfortable. "Let's start, shall we? When I ask questions you don't need to raise your hand, just stand up and answer." Landon started to pace around the room with his mug of coffee in hand. "Name 3 essential tools for gardening." The Professor didn't choose anyone because they understood immediately what he had ordered them to do. A student jumped up from their chair and answered, "Forks, Trowels, and Spades."

"Very good! 3 points to your house." Landon nodded once and continued, "What are the 2 types of Spades?" Again, a student from the back of the class stood and said, "Digging and bordering." The Professor, yet again, nodded and smiled at his students. "2 points added to your house!" They were getting the hang of it which made him really confident that he taught them well this year. Landon walked back to the front and faced his students. "Next question: What spell did we use to grow a pumpkin half way until it is ripe?" Another student stood up and answered, "Sementis Medicates."

"Add your house another 1 point!" Landon exclaimed and placed his mug on his work table before clapping his hands together. "Now, for the rest of the lesson you may study either here, in the library or wherever you please. Good luck in your exams.” With that, Landon sat down at his desk at the front of the room, keeping an eye on those that decided to study in the classroom.


Assignment: RP the lesson. First three different people to answer the questions get house points!
Elijah slipped into his seat as Professor Carter began the lesson with a cheerful greeting. He felt a little nervous about the upcoming exams but was relieved when he realised today's class would be a review session. As Professor Carter started pacing with his mug of coffee, Elijah listened carefully to the first question, "Name 3 essential tools for gardening." He thought for a moment, and then raised his hand to answer. "Forks, Trowels, and Spades." He was glad when the professor indicated that he was right. He listened as the professor handed out points and continued with more questions. Each time someone answered correctly, it boosted his confidence. He knew the answers as well, and it was nice to see his classmates doing well. He tried not to look after at Jonah, sure his brother would try and avoid his eye, but failed, looking over at him a couple of times. Each time he noticed his brother, he just sighed sadly. @Jonah Edogawa

When the class was given the freedom to study wherever they wanted, Elijah decided to stay in the greenhouse. He felt more relaxed there among the plants, and it seemed like a good place to focus. He took out his Herbology notes and started reviewing the different spells they had learned, like "Sementis Medicates" for growing pumpkins. As he flipped through his notes, he jotted down a few key points and made a quick mental list of any topics he needed to brush up on. Elijah was determined to do well on the exam, and with the greenhouse’s calming atmosphere, he felt ready to tackle his revision head-on.
Herbology was alright, not her favourite but not her least favourite either, Lilith had decided this semester. There were a lot of interesting things to the subject and she was sure that in the upcoming years it could make it's way to the list of her top liked classes. For now though it was just fine.

Lilith was glad to hear they'd be revising, that meant no trip to the forbidden forest, or anywhere else unsafe. She much preferred staying in the safety of the castle grounds for now at least. The first year listened to the Professors explanation on how the revising would go and as it started her housemate Elijah was the first to answer a question. Lilith made sure to note that down on her notebook dedicated for the lessons. Come second question she shot up from her seat and answered confidently. "Digging and bordering!" As she was awarded two house points for her right answer she sat proudly back down and listened to the rest.

By the end they were given the chance to either stay in the classroom or go to the library if they pleased, turning to look at Eoghan she said quietly "Would you like to stay here or come with me to the library?" Before waiting for his reply.

@Eoghan Blyth
Vikrams first semester was drawing to a close. He had to admit it had gone well. His clubs had been interesting, his classes gone well, and he liked to think he'd made a good amount of friends. He had a solid routine, one he enjoyed, and plans for the rest of the year. Ready for the day, Vikram ran a hand through his artfully tousled hair and headed to class.

He was expecting mostly review, and he wasn't disappointed. He let the other students answer the questions before he settled down in his seat, enjoying the ambience as he went over his semester notes. He continued to study until they were dismissed. He gathered his things, gave the Professor a soft smile, and left.
Nox felt a mix of anticipation and determination as he took his seat, ready for the revision session with Professor Carter. He appreciated the relaxed atmosphere, sensing that the professor wanted to keep everyone calm and confident ahead of the exams. As the questions began, Nox watched his classmates eagerly stand up to answer, impressed by how quickly they recalled the essential gardening tools and types of spades.

When the time came for self-study, Nox decided to remain in the classroom. He pulled out his notes, flipping through the pages that covered everything from magical plant care to useful charms for the garden. He could feel the energy in the room, a mix of concentration and quiet chatter, and it helped him focus. He jotted down key points he wanted to remember and occasionally glanced at his classmates, gauging their readiness. The informal setting made him feel more prepared and less anxious, and he felt a sense of camaraderie with his peers, knowing they were all in this together.

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