First Years, Lesson Four

Landon leaned back against his desk as he waited for his first years to arrive. After everyone had taken their seat, Landon said brightly, "Hello! I hope you're all in a good mood because today we will be checking our pumpkins. Put on your gloves and workrobes, because you will need them. You will be harvesting your pumpkin. Also, grab your pruning shears. Follow me!" Landon happily went out of the greenhouse, excited to see how everyone's pumpkins were getting along. He had his black, leather gloves on and the shears in his left hand and he hoped everyone else did too.

"Locate your pumpkin. All of them should be ready to take off the vine. Take out the pruning shears and have a firm grip." Landon demonstrated with his pumpkin. "Snip your pumpkin from its vine, like so. It may take a bit of strength." Landon easily snipped his from the vine. His pumpkin was free and he just smiled at his students, proud of all their efforts so far as he watched everyone begin to get to work. The man went around to each of the first years and helped them if need be, which he rather enjoyed doing. Thankfully, everyone seemed to get it and, once he was sure everyone's pumpkins were off the vine, he retrieved his wand out of his pocket and spoke again.

"Now, we will be taking the pumpkins to the castle. We'll have to levitate them as they will be much too heavy to carry yourselves and I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Everyone must attempt to levitate their pumpkin. Whether or not you have learned this in Charms yet, the levitating charm is Wingaridium Leviosa." He made the students repeat the words correctly, and then practiced the swish and flick movement. "Cast the charm on the pumpkin, and we will be going off to the castle." Landon cast the charm on the pumpkin and levitated it a bit above the ground. "I'll follow you so we won't have any screw ups." Landon walked behind them, making sure there weren't any mistakes and that no pumpkins fell onto the ground. Once they got to the castle, they went inside and lowered their pumpkins down in the entrance hall. Landon had ordered a few house elves to meet them and take them away, which they did. Once they were done, they left to go back to the greenhouse.


Assignment: RP the lesson. At the end, tell the house elf what you want your pumpkin to be turned into. Include a picture for extra credit. Please also note, RPing your character simply lifting the pumpkin with their bare hands will get them an EE grade.
Alana was reasonably happy with her pumpkin from the previous lesson and was looking forward to checking in on its progress a week later. She made her way into the greenhouse for her latest lesson and took her seat while she waited for Professor Carter to begin the lesson suspecting she wouldn’t be in place for very long.

Professor Carter got things started by welcoming them back and informing them they’d be checking on their pumpkins before leading them out of the greenhouse to the patch where their pumpkins were growing. Alana grabbed her pruning shears and followed the professor. She located her pumpkin as instructed and began to prune, she gripped the vine firmly and snipped it off so it fell to the ground with a thud. As they would be taking them up to the castle Alana took out her wand and pointed it at her pumpkin, “Wingardium Leviosa,” She said firmly and her pumpkin rose in front of her. Alana followed the other students and Professor Carter up to the castle and set it down in the entrance hall.

Once the house elves arrived Alana felt like she was put on the spot to think of what she wanted her pumpkin turned into. What did people carve into the pumpkins? She had never been a big Halloween fan so she wasn’t sure. “Can you carve a witch stirring her cauldron into mine?” It wasn’t particularly scary and was probably something considered an offensive stereotype in the magical world but it seemed like the kind of thing muggles might carve into their pumpkins.

Once they were finished with the house elves Alana returned to the greenhouse to grab her bag and once they were properly dismissed she left.

Rosalind was feeling merry. She made her way down to the greenhouse, wondering how her pumpkin was doing. She put on her robes and gloves as instructed, grabbed the pruning shears, and walked out to see all the pumpkins growing. She confidently snipped the pumpkin off the vine, pleased with the snapping sensation as she did so. "Wingardium leviosa," Rosalind said, watching as her pumpkin rose from the ground. She took it into the castle, carefully concentrating as she did so. When she reached the house elf who was there tov receive it, she paused for a moment. "Can you make a flower jack-o-lantern?" she asked, wondering if that was possible. The house elf seemed to nod and appeared to think themselves capable so Rosalind didn't question it. She just hoped it looked pretty.


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