First Years, Lesson Five

Landon had a rough night the night before. The Mandrake party went on all night, and he had to break it up, and clean the mess. He didn't mind them having too much fun, but he hadn't expected the party to go on for so long. After all, the man had only been studying mandrakes for a couple of years and he was only just getting used to the way they behaved. It was quite an interesting subject though and the man just chuckled at the thought of mandrakes having more fun than he could ever have. After all, they'll have a much shorter life than he will and he was slightly glad they were making the most of it.

Landon leaned back against his desk as his class began to walk in. "Hello all! I am sure that everyone enjoyed your pumpkins from last lesson." Landon smiled around at them all, knowing that he had enjoyed them himself last night with some potato mash. "We are going into the Forbidden Forest and gathering our next project. We will be supplying mistletoe." Mistletoe had many magical properties that Landon did not know about until reading up on it. Despite this, it was the closest thing to muggle plants that he would be teaching about and was excited for it nonetheless. "It is for the Yule Ball, so we will have plenty of it.

"Whether or not you all are accustomed to this weather, we should get going."
Landon put his gloves on. "Grab your gloves, pruning shears, and a bag." Landon handed each student a small burlap tote bag and walked outside, hoping the others would follow. He wondered whether or not they would see a creature, however, they weren't going far into the forest anyway and it wasn't like they were in any danger.

He stopped at the path. "You'll notice along this path the many bushes and trees. Mistletoe is parasitic, believe it or not. Birds carry their seeds and they grow on bushes and trees. Perceive the clump of mistletoe around us. What you will do is put on your gloves, and get out your pruning shears and clip off the sprigs so they'll fit your bags." Landon demonstrated, and soon after they started, they had full bags.

The man led them back out of the forest and to the greenhouse. He set his bag down on the trestle table. "Now, we shall take the strips we've acquired and snip off the mistletoe with their leaves. See how the berries grow in groups together, with the leaves surrounding them. Cut them like this." He verified, where the berries and leaves were all still connected. "And there you have it," He waved his hand and the sprig hovered a bit in the air, "a sprig of mistletoe. Get started, and you should have them all done by the end of class. I expect you to throw your scraps into that barrel for the compost heap. Then place your mistletoe in that large trough over there, where I'll cure it and add something else to it. They'll soak there until the ball, when they'll be ready to be hung up. You may leave."


Assignment: RP lesson, it doesn't matter what you do. You may godmod me (to a certain extent and to where I would still sound like myself). Include a picture of mistletoe for extra credit.
Alana Cosgrove eagerly attended her Herbology lesson, noticing a tired yet smiling Professor Carter at his desk. Despite dealing with a disruptive Mandrake party the previous night, Professor Carter maintained his enthusiasm for teaching.

Today's task involved gathering mistletoe from the edge of the Forbidden Forest for the Yule Ball. With gloves and pruning shears in hand, Alana and her classmates followed Professor Carter into the forest. He demonstrated how to clip the mistletoe sprigs, emphasizing the importance of keeping the leaves and berries intact.

Back in the greenhouse, they snipped the sprigs into smaller pieces, disposing of the scraps and placing the finished mistletoe in a trough for curing. Alana felt a sense of accomplishment as she completed her task, ready for the next lesson.
Saturday Weeks bounced into the Herbology greenhouse. She remembered the fun they had with the pumpkins last time, and the idea of venturing into the Forbidden Forest excited her. She grabbed her gloves, pruning shears, and burlap tote bag, ready for whatever adventure awaited them. Saturday followed eagerly, her eyes scanning the path ahead for any sign of magical creatures. The forest always held an air of mystery and excitement, and she couldn't wait to see what they'd find. Saturday watched as Professor Carter demonstrated, then quickly set to work. She enjoyed the methodical task of carefully clipping the sprigs and filling her bag. The cool forest air and the rustling of leaves made the experience all the more enjoyable. By the time they headed back to the greenhouse, her bag was full, and she felt a sense of accomplishment.

Back in the greenhouse, Saturday mimicked his actions from his demonstration, carefully cutting the mistletoe sprigs. Saturday worked, enjoying the tactile task of preparing the mistletoe. She made sure to throw her scraps into the compost heap as instructed, feeling a sense of pride in contributing to the Yule Ball decorations. As she placed her finished sprigs in the trough, she couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement for the upcoming event, even if she did not know why people got so excited over a dance. Let her decorate it instead.

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