First Years Lesson Five

Mallory was as surprised as she always was that the semester was almost over- perhaps a touch more anxious, as it was getting closer and closer to her due date. She had two more lessons and an exam; it felt surreal. She was always surprised by the support she’d find at school, really. She felt like she had made good friends, and she enjoyed the time she spent here. With or without her fathers' approval, Mallory hoped she was able to continue teaching here at the school for a good while. That was one thing that hadn't changed.

Mallory smiled happily at her students, standing and smoothing her deep red robes, small rosebuds dotting her chocolate braid. There was a pile of pillows in the classroom again, all different than the ones from before. “Good morning, my dears,” Mallory greeted. “Last week we covered the spell Accio, which you need to be very specific in using. Today, we will be doing the opposite, the Banishing Charm, which you'll know all about if you've done the reading for the week," She usually did a small review, but had decided to see if anyone had actually done the reading this week. "Can anyone tell me the incantation for this?" She asked, calling on a student that didn’t usually answer. “Depulso! Very good, five points.” she smiled.

Mallory took out her wand, pointing it to one of the cushions. “Depulso,” she spoke clearly, and the cushion shot across the floor, only stopping when it hit the wall. She used Accio to summon it back. She moved to her desk, fluffing out the burgundy pillow and setting it down. Almost immediately Amara jumped out from under Mallory’s desk and climbed onto it, kneading it with her paws a few moments before curling up on top of it. Mallory smiled, rubbing the Sphynx cat behind the ears.

She turned to the students again, a warm smile on her face. "Use the spell from last week to summon a cushion, and then I want you to try the Banishing Charm to get rid of it again. This time you don't need to specify the name of the cushion when you push it away from you," Mallory ran her hand lightly over Amara’s back. She motioned for them to begin, waiting until the lesson was halfway over before speaking again. “All right, darlings, summon back your cushions. You may keep these if you like, I saw great improvements from all of you. We have one more spell that I’d like to show you today,” Mallory informed them.

This spell was more defensive, and she could think of a few students who would probably be happy to learn it. "Now that we have this spell down, I want to move on to the Disarming Charm. Can anyone tell me what this is?" she asked, pointing to another student that didn’t normally answer, "Well done! Yes, Expelliarmus is the disarming spell," she confirmed, motioning for the students to stand. "Alright my dears, I want you to find a partner and practice on each other, and then once you've managed to disarm one another at least once you may leave. If anyone needs any help, I will be right here," she added with a grin, letting them get on with their charms.

-Two points to answer a question, please only answer if you haven't done so in a previous lesson.
Alana Cosgrove entered the Charms classroom, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. The semester was almost over, and the final lessons were crucial. Professor Grayveson stood at the front of the room, her deep red robes flowing gracefully. Her chocolate braid, adorned with small rosebuds, reflected her cheerful disposition.

The classroom had a pile of pillows, different from the ones used in previous lessons. Today’s focus was on the Banishing Charm, and Alana felt a surge of anticipation. Professor Grayveson began the lesson by gesturing to the board, where the word Depulso appeared. She demonstrated the charm, sending a cushion flying across the room, then summoned it back with a swift motion of her wand. Alana admired the precision and control in her professor’s movements.

The students were then instructed to use Accio to summon a cushion and practice the Banishing Charm. Alana focused intently, her wand movements precise as she summoned and banished her cushion repeatedly. Grayveson’s Sphynx cat, Amara, provided a comforting presence, curled up on a pillow by the professor’s desk.

Midway through the lesson, Professor Grayveson introduced the Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus, by writing it on the board and demonstrating it. Alana paired up with a classmate, and they took turns practicing the spell. She felt a sense of accomplishment each time she successfully disarmed her partner.

The lesson concluded with Professor Grayveson’s encouraging gestures and warm smile. Alana left the classroom, feeling confident and ready for the upcoming exam. She clutched the cushion she had practiced with, a tangible reminder of her progress and the skills she had gained.
Kharon Styx entered Professor Grayveson's Charms classroom, the anticipation of learning new spells evident in his focused expression. He settled into his seat, quill and parchment ready, eager to participate in today's lesson. Professor Grayveson greeted the class warmly, her deep red robes contrasting beautifully with the chocolate braid adorned with rosebuds. He listened as she reviewed the previous week's spell, noting her decision to delve straight into the Banishing Charm. When she asked for the incantation, Kharon raised his hand tentatively, hoping to impress with his preparedness. However, Professor Grayveson called on another student who hadn't participated much before. Kharon nodded to himself, mentally noting the correct incantation for future reference.

He watched with keen interest as Professor Grayveson demonstrated the Banishing Charm, sending a cushion across the room with a flick of her wand. The practical demonstration solidified his understanding of the spell's application. When it was time for the students to practice, Kharon summoned a cushion with Accio, feeling the thrill of successfully performing the spell. With a determined expression, he then focused on the Banishing Charm, waving his wand and saying the spell. The cushion slid across the floor, stopping a few feet away. As the lesson progressed, Professor Grayveson introduced the Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus, as the next spell to learn. Kharon eagerly listened, recalling its importance in dueling and defensive situations.

When she instructed the class to pair up and practice on each other, Kharon found a partner and stood up, ready to hone his spellcasting. He exchanged nods with his partner, a fellow Ravenclaw, and they began practicing Expelliarmus on each other. It took a few attempts, but Kharon managed to disarm his partner successfully. After ensuring everyone had practiced sufficiently, Professor Grayveson dismissed the class, commending them on their progress. Kharon gathered his things, and he left the classroom.
Saturday Weeks sauntered into Professor Mallory Grayveson's Charms class with a hint of excitement, eager to see what new spell they would be learning today. She found herself a seat near the front, noticing the colorful array of pillows scattered around the room. The sight made her grin, she had a feeling they were in for an engaging lesson. As Professor Grayveson greeted the class and introduced the Banishing Charm, Saturday mentally reviewed her reading. When Professor Grayveson demonstrated the Banishing Charm with a flick of her wand, sending a cushion flying across the room, Saturday's eyebrows raised in admiration. She had always been intrigued by the finesse of magical spells, and seeing them in action never failed to captivate her.

Following the professor's instructions, Saturday summoned a nearby cushion with Accio and then attempted the Banishing Charm, Depulso. With a focused expression, she waved her wand and muttered the incantation. The cushion wobbled slightly and then slid a few feet across the floor before coming to a stop. As the lesson progressed, Saturday practiced the spells diligently, occasionally glancing around to see how her classmates were faring. When Professor Grayveson introduced the Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus, Saturday's interest increased. It was a spell she had heard about but never attempted.

Partnering up with a fellow Slytherin, Saturday took turns practicing Expelliarmus on each other. They started tentatively, getting a feel for the spell's dynamics, and gradually gained confidence as they successfully disarmed each other a few times. As the class drew to a close, Saturday felt a sense of accomplishment. She packed up her things and left the classroom.

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