Open First Year of Fun!

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Sophie Shepherd

sporty | social | loud
OOC First Name
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11 (07/2051)
Sophie had been enjoying her time at Hogwarts so far. Sure she didn’t have many friends as of yet but that didn’t stop her from having fun. Maybe she could make some friends while she was at the yule ball. Once the girl got ready for the school event, Soph made her way down to the great hall. When she entered the great hall, she gasped with excitement as she looked around the great hall. Everything looked so wintery and cool! Sophie made her way towards the big christmas tree that was in the middle of the dance floor. She couldn’t believe how big the christmas tree actually was! She hadn’t seen anything like it! Sophie looked at the gifts that were scattered underneath the christmas tree. “Are these gifts actually for us or are they there for decoration purposes?” Sophie asked to a random person near her, curious about the gifts.
Teo hadn't bothered dressing up, just showing up to the party. He bounced around a while before spotting his sister. He snuck up behind her, almost thinking she'd caught him, but smiling brighter as he realized she hadn't. He leant in, close enough to whisper without touching her. "Who'd want to give a gift to a ravenloser?" He teased, before jumping back, bouncing with his fists up, an impish smile splitting his face. He was ready to fight with Sophie, any way she wanted.
Sophie had been so focused on the gifts at hand, that she hadn't realised who was near her until it was too late. The Ravenclaw jumped a little, surprised by the sudden whisper she heard, knowing who the culprit was by the sound of the voice. She whipped around facing her brother, her face scrunching up with annoyance. Teo!” Sophie whined at her brother.
Teo struck a pose, one hand on his hip and the other behind his head, trying to be sassy. "The one and only!" He declared, looking back to her with an impish grin. "You actually came to this lame dance?" He teased, hands in his pockets as he moved in close, trying to nudge his shoulder into hers. "Loooser,"
Sophia rolled her eyes playfully at her brother's comment. Not surprised by his odd antics. She shrugged at her brother's comment. "I guess I did," Sophia says with a small smile. "If it's so lame, why are you here then? Wouldn't that make you a loser too?" Sophia teased back at her brother, again not surprised with what he had said to her. He had a way of pushing her buttons.
Teo did a little wiggle. "I came to find you," He teased, sliding in next to her. "This seemed like the sort of dumb thing you'd do," He stuck his tongue out at her. "Surprise, you were here," He winked playfully, falling back and folding his hands behind his head. "Called it!"
Sophie rolled her eyes again at her brother, who was getting more and more annoying. "Why are you so annoying?" Sophie whined at her brother, shaking her head, her face scrunching up at Teo. She looked at her brother, arms crossed. "Are you sure? I don't know if I believe you" Sophie asked, one eyebrow raised with question, not entirely believing her brother came just to find her.
Teo laughed. "Why are you so easy to annoy?" He threw back at his twin, putting his hands in his pockets and circling her like he usually did. "Aww, Whats wrong Soph? Can't I just loooove you?" He teased her, leaning in and giving her a wicked grin.
Sophie let out a loud sigh at his next statement. Sophie didn't like how annoying her brother was, despite how she loved her brother. "Yeah sure, but you're still annoying" Sophie says with annoyance and shaking her head. Sophie didn't know if she was enjoying her time at her first-ever ball with her brother annoying her every second. But she couldn't help it, she'd have to deal with him the whole night if she had to, which she reluctantly didn't mind, but she still was annoyed.
Teo laughed. He could tell when he'd pushed enough, and he decided to let up a little. He offered out his hand. "Come on, loser. Wanna dance?" He asked, his smile more genuine. "If you can," He couldn't help but tease, giving her a playful wink.
Sophie dropped her annoyance a little when he asked about wanting to dance. "Sure, but just know I'm a better dancer than you" Sophie challenged her brother with a chuckle. That was an obvious lie, she was terrible at it, she had two left feet and could trip at any moment when it came to her dancing.
Teo smirked, sensing her challenge. "Want to bet?" He countered- even if he knew he was impatient and clumsy. "I bet I'm better than you are- you'll trip over your own to feet, I know it." He reached to grab her hand, intending to drag her to the dance floor with him.
"Absolutely. Challenge accepted" Sophie challenged back at her brother, squinting her eyes at him towards him, hoping that maybe it would somewhat scare him off a little, but he doubt that would've done anything. She then shook his hand quickly and he grabbed before being dragged onto the dance floor, ready for the challenge, even though she was most likely going to faceplant onto the dance floor at any given moment.
Theo didn't know how to dance- but that wasn't going to stop him. He was bouncing around, shaking his hips and wiggling his arms. He probably looked ridiculous, but that was alright- he just needed to outlast his sister. He gave her a devilish grin, completely confident he'd win.
Sophie started to laugh and shake her head at her brother's dancing. He looked absolutely ridiculous. "You look like a worm!" Sophie says with a laugh, as she sways side to side to the beat of the music, comfortable with doing so at this stage, maybe she should do something a little more fun a little later, but for now, she was content with swaying side to side, she knew she was playing it safe.
Teo laughed, shaking his rear at his sister. "Better a worm than a stick!" He threw back, pleased with how well he thought he was doing. "Come onnn, Soph! You can do better than that!" He tried to entice her, showing off to her how well he was dancing.
Sophie playfully rolled her eyes as he compared her to a stick. She was content and comfortable with what she was doing now, but she frowned a little at her brother's comment, was she not doing good enough at the dancing she was doing. Sophie shrugged if off and decided to awkwardly to the robot dance to the beat of the music instead.
Teo was busy trying to show off, and in doing so he tripped, falling onto his rear. He paused, before bursting out loudly. "Aw, man," He looked to his sister with sparkling eyes. "Well, I guess that means you win," He declared. "What prize do you claim, sister dear?"
Sophie laughed as her brother fell over. She cheered as he announced that she had won. "Well, what do you reckon should be the prize?" Sophie asked her brother gleefully, happy with what she had accomplished on the dance floor. "Need a hand?" Sophie asked Teo with a small smile as she puts her hand out towards her brother.
Teo accepted the hand, letting her pull him back to his feet. "Well its hardly a prize if I decide," He countered, giving her a playful wink. "What do you think you should win, Soph?" He asked, locking his hands behind his head and moving off the dance floor. He spotted the ice skating rink and stopped, completely distracted. "Oooh, come on Sophie, let's go do that!"
Sophie shrugged at her brother, she guessed he was right. "I dunno, maybe one of the gifts under the tree might be an idea?" Soph said with a small smile and shrug, She had been eyeing the gifts under the tree wondering if they were in fact real or for decoration purposes. Sophie's eyes went wide at the mention of the ice rink, before smiling excitedly. She did like ice skating, but she wasn't the best at it. "Alright lets go!"
Teo laughed and hurried over, struggling a bit to get his skates on in his excitement. This was one of the things he was slightly alright at- as in he could keep his balance and skate around easily enough if he wanted to. He smiled at Sophie as he stepped out on the ice, holding out his hand. "Come on, lets go!"
Sophie quickly followed her brother to the ice rink and quickly put on the skates. Once she put her skates on, she got on the ice, her legs shaking a little at first, still a little unfamiliar with balancing on the ice. She smiled a little, as she moved stiffly forward on the ice, before grabbing a hold of her brother's hand.
Teo smiled and held onto Sophie's hand tightly, moving slowly so she could get used to being on skates again. "Maybe when we get home we should talk mom and dad into going again," He offered, as usual his mind moving a thousand miles an hour.
Sophie shrugged at her brother's statement. "Yeah right, good luck with convincing mum, she's never gonna agree to that" Sophie says with a sarcastic laugh and a shake of her head. Their mum was always busy with work. They barely got to see their mum at all because of how much she focused on work.
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