🌹 Rose Giving First(y) rose

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
29 (1/8/2034)
Willow was cluless as to how to track down the first years to give them their roses. there were so many of them. sheh ad figured one of them was in ravenclaw. after tracing down the first year ravenclaw time table she managed to figure that they had defence against the dark arts today.as the class started to file out she started to call out. "Sawyer, is there a Sawyer Carnahan here" she called looking over their heads to see if anyone responded.

@Sawyer Carnahan
Sawyer wasn't sure what to have expected from Valentine's day, but the chaos with all the roses all over school almost made him feel a bit more at home. Leaving DADA, he quietly wondered if the Professors ever got given roses, even Professor Styx, when someone called his name. He was able to spot a Gryffindor prefect with some roses and eagerly made his way over to her. "Hi, I'm Sawyer," He said, giving a little wave hello.
Willow smiled as a boy made his way towards her. was I ever that smallshe wondered. hey sawyer. How was class? Professor Styx isn’t being too mean is he? Here I have a rose for youshe said passing him a yellow rose with a note.
note said:
Have a great day!
Now that he was in front of her, Sawyer realized why the prefect looked so familiar, she was definitely the seeker on the Gryffindor team, which was pretty cool. "Oh, we have Professor Drage now, though my sister told me about Professor Styx. Is he really that scary?" Sawyer asked, dropping his voice conspiratorially before taking the rose with a nod of thanks. He'd figured it was probably from his sister, but he still appreciated it none-the-less.
willow paused. "Oh" was all she could say to that. professor styx had been the defence against the dark arts teacher forever. she wasn't quite sure what to make of a different professor taking the job. "what is professor Drage like? a lot of people find he is. i think he is scariest towards people in slytherin" she said. or that was what she heard. she wasn't scared of him, as such but she certainly wouldn't do anyhitng that could upset him.
"She seems very um, proper?" Sawyer offered, not quite sure yet. They'd only had two weeks of classes with Professor Drage, and while she was a bit more strict than some other professors, she didn't seem so bad to him either. Especially since the Dark Arts tended to be very serious on its own. "Glad I'm not in Slytherin I guess," He said with a smile, thinking of his sister and wondering if Styx was hard to have as a head of house. Professor Josephs had seemed pretty cool in comparison.
Willow nodded as the boy said that she seemed pretty proper. for DADA you needed someone proper. there was a lot to cover in the subject and it was something that needed to be serious. "yeah professor joesphs is your head of house right? she seems fair but I don't know her well" she said. runes has never been a subject that she had been interested in. "I had best let you head off to lunch" she said. she had a few more roses to deliver and she hoped to get at least a couple during lunch.

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