First time out

Isabella Chaos

infamous | fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ash Wand, 14 1/4", Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
1/2009 (44)
Isabella hadn't really looked around the castle since she'd gotten here and since she was caught up with all her homework she decided now was a good time. Not knowing what to expect she brought a book with her, just in case there was nothing to do, or she found a good spot to sit down and read.
When she finally got to the lake she was amazed at its vastness. She reached the edge of the lake and sat down. Abandoning her book on the side she sat down at the edge and pulled off her shoes and socks. She then slid her feet into the water, but not deep enough because she didn't know what was in the lake!
This is nice....I guess, she said. Honestly, school had been a lot different than she had expected. Since they had started she had hardly seen the few friends she first made on the train here. But she didn't want to get worried, it was just the first week that was hard for them. Things will get better, she said to herself determinedly.
Isabella laid down against the grass and put her hands behind her back with her feet still in the water.
Andrew had decided to spend his day by the Lake because he ahd completed all his homework and couldn't bare to stay in the dim-lit dungeons all day.He took his Journal which he had just got as a gift from Mallory and decided that he could write something in it peacefully near the Lake.

However when he reached Lake Front he didnt feel much like writing and he noticed that another first year Slytherin, whose name he couldn't remember was wandering here .He wondered if she would like his company, he hesitated to ask at first but than he did, "Greetings.May I join you?"
Isabella had been about to close her eyes and let her mind wander for a bit when she heard somone's voice say "Greetings. May I join you?" She sat up very quickly and looked to see who it was. She recognized that it was an older Slytherin that she'd seen around the common room.
"Hi, sure, you can join me," she said nicely.
"Thankyou. You are Miss.Chaos, aren't you? I remember you from the introductions in the common room.Do you remember my name?"he asked her to start with introductions.
"Yes I am indeed Ms. Chaos, but you can call me Isabella," she said smiling. "I think I remember you...your name is Andrew right?" she asked, hoping she had gotten it right. Her face turned a little pink with embarrassment in case she was wrong.
"Yeah, I am Andrew"he said with a smile." Isabella, is a nice name.Where do you come from?I come from england but now i live in Australia with my godmother"he told Isabella.
"Well Andrew, I come from Italy," she said simply. "England and Australia must be nice. Why did you move to Australia with your grandmother?" she asked.
"Godmother" Andrew corrected Isabella with a smile."Well, I didnt know at first that I am a wizard and when my Godmother knew that I was back to the wizarding world where i belong, she fullfilled her promise to my mom of taking my care.She lives in Australia and so I moved here"he exaplained.
Isabella listened to Andrew's story quietly. "Wow, so was your mom a witch too or a muggle?" she asked interested.
"Pureblood witch"Andrew replied proudly."Too bad she fell for a muggle who dumped her and me after he knew about the wizarding world, stupid bloke.I swear if I ever meet him.."Andrew said and broke off, shaking his head.
"Woah, what a jerk!" she said quietly. Noticing Andrew's anger Isabella tried to calm him down. "Do you think it's safe to go swimming in this lake?" she asked, looking out towards the calm lake. Sure it looked calm from the surface but what if there was a mess of things under the surface!
Andrew calmed down himself.He looked at the water it was looking quite perfect and according to Andrew the Giant Squid was friendly so there was no harm in a swim."Yeah, its safe"he said with a smile."You know how to swim, I do but not professionally.I had never gone for swimming lessons"he said a bit embarassed.
"I've been swimming all my life," Isabella said smiling, thinking about it. "I don't know if you call it 'professionally' but I have been on a team."
"Do you want to go in with me?" she asked. "We won't go in deep!"
"Yeah, that would be nice.Maybe, I can get a few skills from you"he replied with a smile."Would you be swimming in these clothes?"he asked her.Andrew was okay, he'd just remove his shirt and would swim wearing his shorts.
(I m unsure what u have worn))
"Well actually I put my bathing suit on underneath my uniform, just in case I got brave enough to get in the water. Isabella began tying her hair up into a ponytail, then taking off her shoes and asked "Are you sure there's nothing in the lake?" She looked a little nervous but didn't wanna let it show.
Andrew waited for Isabella to tie her pony thinking if she looked more better that way or in open hair but he couldn't make up his mind on either because she looked pretty whatever she did to her hair."Yeah, I am sure"he said with a smile."unless if the Dumstrang ship had smuggled anything here, we are totally safe otherwise."he said jokingly.
Isabella laughed at Andrew's joke about Durmstrang. Once she was done putting her hair up she carefully took off her shoes and socks. "Look away," she smiled as she told Andrew, then took off her skirt and shirt to reveal her silver one piece bathing suit. She felt a little weird since she had basically just taken off her clothes in public! Anyone she didn't know could be watching! But she was used to being in a bathing suit since she had been on a swim team. "Ok you can look now."
She walked up to the edge of the lake and turned to Andrew. "Well, here goes nothing," she said and then stepped into the lake. "Oooh, it's cold!" she squealed, but still took more steps in until the water reached her knees.
Andrew felt a bit akward when Isabella told him to look away because that was when he realised that he was going to swim with a girl who knew more better swimming than himself!

Andrew followed Isabella into the cold water."It sure is"he said with a grin.There was a sea weed infront of him in the water so he uprooted it and threw it aside.He walked a bit deeper to go and stand near Isabella."So, what do you do when you swim?"he asked thinking that might have been the stupidest thing he ever asked.
[Sorry I was out of town!]

Isabella walked a little deeper into the water slowly. She shivered and then answered Andrew's question. "Well usually when I swim it's because I'm racing someone, but for fun I just splash around."
"Let's race, a race in which the results are known from first.Just that if I drown, please save me"he said with a grin."Atleast, I get some warm up practice"he added.

(Thats okay.I have exams so it'll take time for me to reply)
"Ok then, a race it is, but only about halfway and back, no further than that because I'm scared of it being too deep," Isabella said shuddering, wondering what might be in the middle. "And I promise I'll save you if you drown," she said sticking her tongue out at him.
"Okay cool."he said taking his position in the water hoping that he'd be able to swim."Ready, set, go!"he said and started moving his arms back and forth and splashing the water with his legs.He gulped a sip of ocean water and it was salty!Ugh!He didnt stop he continued swimming water, now allover his face disturbing his vision.He was trying to figure out how far Isabella was.
As soon as Andrew had said go Isabella took a huge breath. She motioned her arms over her head over and over as she kicked her legs in the icy water. She thought she could feel things passing by her in the opposite direction against her legs but she didn't want to think about that. She came up for air and noticed that she was a little ahead of Andrew. She couldn't help it, she had just been on a swimming team for so long, it was in her nature to beat everyone. Once she had reached the halfway mark, she yelled out to Andrew, "Ok now back!" and kicked her legs to go in the opposite direction, back to shore.
Andrew noticed Isabella was a bit ahead him so he lowered his head and bent his knees and started stroking his hands over and than under the water splashing it all around.He heard Isabella's shout, she had already started moving back.He sawm till where she had been when she had shouted and turned himself and strated swimming in the opposite direction.

Something in the water bit his leg.Andrew swallowed water as he was being pulled down by the creature.He saw that it was a Grindylow.He had read about it in DADA text book although they hadnt been taught about in class yet.The creature cut his skin with his hand-like organ and it had sharp nails which it sunk into his white skin.Andrew tried to shoo off the creature but it also attacked him in his hands by making similar deep cuts.His hands and right leg were excessively bleeding and he had swallowed almost three to four cups of water."Isabe.....llaa ...Help!!"he screamed shaking his hands on the surface of the water and tring to bring up his head.Than suddenly he remembered that he had his wandHe withdrawed it from his pocket and murmured "Stupefy" at the grindylow.It left his leg and was thrown far in the lake.Andrew had no more stamina and he fainted.
Isabella had just started swimming back in the opposite direction when she could hear a different type of splashing going on behind her. She poked her head up to see what was going on and heard Andrew yelling for help. Panicking, she began swimming back to where he was struggling. She wondered what was happening that he couldn't swim anymore but it looked a lot more serious than a cramp.
Isabella saw Andrew pull out his wand and say "Stupefy" to something in the water and realized something had got him. She moved her arms faster and faster as she saw him faint. "Andrew!" she yelled, kicking her legs faster so she could get him.
Finally she reached him and he was knocked out. She didn't have any experience in life saving but she tried her hardest to pull him towards the shore. It was hard pulling him and trying to swim at the same time so she was swallowing lots of water. She kept coughing and began to sink a little underwater with Andrew. As she was sinking she finally felt the floor of the lake and kicked off from there, struggling to reach the surface and get some air, while pulling Andrew up with her at the same time. She broke through the surface and took a huge breath. She was so tired but she kept swimming to save Andrew.
Finally she could walk back so she walked to shore and pulled Andrew out of the water. "Andrew! Andrew, wake up please!" she yelled a little panicked. She didn't know what to do! Should she take him to the hospital wing? Or call for help?

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