Open First Time for Everything

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Akihiro Chen

Too Cool For You- Pretty- Learning
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Fairy Wing Core
11/18/2042 (19)
Akihiro couldn't say he was impressed by the decorations this time. Not that they weren't grand, or aesthetically correct for the event. It just wasn't his cup of tea. Still, he was going to be here all the same, for his sisters sake. He just wanted to experience everything first, so he could show her anything she wanted to know when she got here. He was standing by the punch table, watching how everyone interacted.
Katya was quite enjoying her time at school even if everything wasn't going according to plan. She actually wasn't sure how to reach all this She thought that they would make this event more impressive but here she was, and she saw someone who seemed good enough to spend time with. "I hope that at least this punch is good," Rina stood next to the boy and faked a smile at him.
Akihiro glanced at the girl who approached him. She seemed entirely unremarkable. He glanced away again. "It is decent." He replied, not leaving much room for more conversation. She didn't really seem worth his time. He wondered idly where Gwen was, and scanned the crowd for her. He needed to spend more time with her, and he began plotting how to do so.
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