Open First Talking, Then Twirling

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Summer Irvine

eldest of four 👑 need it all my way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
01/2049 (12)
Summer was glad for any chance to show off a pretty dress. She had liked the one she had worn last year for the yule ball but perhaps preferred this one even more. It was long and flowy and had a super cute pink colour. Definitely something she could twirl around the dancefloor in, hopefully catch a compliment or two. While it was easy to move in she was relieved she didn't have to walk down multiple flights of stairs to make it to the hall like some students from other houses had to. Surely, that would double her chance of accidentally tripping on her dress. And two times a little is still something. Summer made sure to fix one of her pearly hooped earrings before walking into the hall and heading for the refreshments table so she could pour herself a drink. She leaned against the table a little as she took a sip, eyes wandering around the hall to take in all of the different outfits. Dancing was next on her list, she just needed to finish her drink first. Or perhaps find someone to dance with even if she wasn't opposed to dancing by herself.
It was almost the yule ball and violet was feeling uncomfortable. she was 13 now. she wasnt a kid. and as much as she tried to to ignore the fact, and make herself look pretty and older with makeup and styling her hair. but the truth was that under it all she knew she still looked like a kid where as a lot of the girls in her dorm were growing up. She tried hard to believe her mama who said she was just a later bloomer. but she wished she would just bloom already.
She dressed for the ball. She had picked out a dress in the winter holidays she had liked it but as she put it on it felt incredibly childish compared to those of her dorm mates. oh well. she would have to try better next year, try better for valentines. but for now she would have to make do with the dress she had. she had already skipped the halloween feast and she didnt want to skip another event this year. she sighed when she finished putting her eyeshadow on. she really needed to practice more. it looked okay but she knew it could look better. older girls used more than one colour and make themselves look incredible for the ball.
she made her way up the stair to the great hall. and took a drop breath trying to push away her insecurities as she walked into the hall. She was confident. she was pretty. and she was the main character in her life. She went over to the drink table she could look cool and grownup sipping on a pretty pink drink as she watched and judged other people measuring herself up against them. She saw a girl in a pretty pink dress at the table realising only too late that it was one of her dorm friends, it was too late now to pretend she hadnt seen her looking pretty in a pink dress showing off how pretty she was. "Hello Summer" she said as she got nearer. "you look amazing in that dress" she said. deciding that right now it was better to sweet talk her more popular friend than be Violet no-mates.
Summer had gladly been sipping her drink and taking in how much effort people had put into dressing up. Some certainly more than others. She couldn't help but to admire some of the older girls' dresses, counting up the years in her head to figure out how many different outfits she would be able to show off during her time at Hogwarts. The answer was plenty and she was already excited for the Valentine's dance even if the Yule Ball had only just begun. "Hi, Violet." Summer put on her friendliest smile when the other girl joined her, waving away the compliment to look humble while on the inside she was already basking in the compliment. "Awh, thank you! Yours is super cute too." She easily returned the compliment with one of her own. A genuine one. The dress definitely suited Violet.
Violet smiled back at summer. glad that she had a friend here. "Thank you" she said feeling slightly more confident with the compliment, subconsciously standing a little taller. she wasnt quite sure if she wanted to be cute, but at least cute was a compliment, she just hoped that it was a real compliment and not a fake one. she took a sip of her drink the sweetness and bubbles sparkling in her mouth and smiled again. 'this tastes so good," she said.
Summer finished her drink and nodded when Violet mentioned it tasted good. It would be shameful for the school to put out all of these refreshments and snacks for them to not taste good anyways. She looked around for a minute, eyes falling on the dancefloor as she tried to make a decision about what to do next. "Do you want to go dance?" Summer eventually asked Violet. She wasn't a cute boy to dance with but she was a friend, which was by far good enough to go and hit he dancefloor together. Plus, she was sure she'd get even more looks when she got to twirling around in her dress.
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