Open First met.

Ronald Wagner

🍕Younger of Wargner family🍕
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 8 Inch Sturdy Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
11 (11 June, 2049.)
Ron was so close to Obsidian Harbour with her mom but they was stop by here outside Osbidian Harbour. She stoped here and Ron was enyoi the view here and he wanted know more about this place and he was happy that he was magical. @Sloane Ari
Sloane knew the town she lived in quite well since she’d been living there for almost half her lifetime, but she was sure there were still some areas she’d never explored before.
''You look nice'' The bo told her compliment when he see her. He hoped that he was not bad with people who have red hair and hand berty bots every flavor bean. This was his favorit candy.

@Sloane Ari

Sloane glanced up when she heard a voice near her, although she wasn't sure whether she'd heard the boy right. She looked around to see if there was anyone else he could have been talking to, "Who, me?" she asked the stranger.

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