first meetings

Layla Mayer

Well-Known Member
Layla was walking around after yet another argument with her mother, she was really bored and fed up of being at home, she just needed a break.

She noticed an unoccupied bench, she walked over slowly and sat down. As normal she started to day dream instantly, she almost didn’t notice when someone walked towards her.
As neive noticed the Harbour she was fantasised by the scenery. she needed another break after the eventful day!

She walked up to a bench.She needed a place where she could sit and be alone and dream about things unreal and different to her normal lifestyle. she noticed another girl on this bench." Could i sit here with you to have some different company ?" Neive was a busy girl and now found herself at a place where she was with another person but alone in her own world and happy for being at this bench by the harbour!
Layla was snapped from her day-dream when the a girl spoke, she looked younger than her, but she didn't mind that as she didn't really know anyone in this part of new zealand, "sure, I'm Layla" she said happily, usually she wouldn't be so welcoming this soon after an argument but the girl seemed nice enough.

She slid up the bench a little to make enough room for the girl, and turned so that she could talk with her comfortably, "you sound like you need a break, are you okay?"
" Thank you, infact i do need a break. im Neive by the way." Neive was nervous and afraid of the girl at first as she looked older and more mature than than her. "im new here im very afraid of walking around but i need a break, i was hoping to be alone but i am loving your company may i say. it is nice sometimes to be with someone older than you more mature!"
"You dont look well are you ok?" Neive was worried about the older girl she just met she looked very hot and looked like she had been crying!
(( you cant really say that layla looks like she had been crying because I didn't say that she had, and hun u can loose the '!' lol ))

Layla smiled kindly at the girl she knew what it was like to just need a break but not know where to be for the best, "cool name" she commented "You don't really need to worry about things here, there are alot of new people, I mean I have only been here a few weeks my self" she was nice to the girl, mainly because she felt sorry for her.

She had only noticed the age difference a little earlier but now she was wondering how much younger she was, "yeah, I'm fine, just having one of those days, me and my mum have been arguing again" she explained briefly "so why were you wandering around on your own? are things really that bad?" she was slightly concerned for Neive, walking around in a place that she didn't know and where she didn't know anyone must mean that something bad was happening somewhere else.
Thank you "yes things are really bad here and back at home really im just concerened and worried about many things and what people think" Neive felt reassured by Laylas concern towards what neive was doing and what had happened. " im alot younger than you layla im about 5 years or give or take less. Im loveing your company by the way with things at home its nice to talk to somebody that has an ordinary life. Or maybe someone with the same the same style life with familys." Neive had been in and out of care with her mother being the way she was but neive would never discuss what was wrong or her lifestyle except with close family.
Layla smiled she remembered what it was like to be so concerned about what people thought, she had gotten over that a year ago after things had got to the point that she stopped leaving the house unless she had no choice.

"you really shouldn't worry" she said kindly "the people that judge are just not worth your time or thought, there are alot of people that wont judge you out there" she liked to think that she is one of those people.

"anyway, your new here, like me, we can choose how people see us now, they don't know our history" she hoped that she believed her more than she believed herself. Starting in a new place was never easy "things will get better" she swung her laegs up onto the bech so she could sit crossed legs and talk with Neive.

"so did you move here with all your family?" she asked, it was very rare that families stayed together these days, she liked to think that her parents would still of been together now if her father hadn't of died but the truth is that they proably would have seperasted sometime ago, perhaps when her mother had begun to change into the person that she is now, but who knows maybe if she stil had dad she would still be the mum i remember, she thought to herself, she pulled herself out of the un-happy thoughts and took alook around, maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all

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