First Impressions

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Noemie Snow

Part-Veela | Class of 2048
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Elm Wand with Veela Hair Core
6/2030 (23)
Noemie had never attended a ball, she had been to children's parties, and celebrated things like that, but never before had she been to a celebration that was technically a ball, and therefore, when it had come to picking the dress, it had been a long process, the part-veela had wondered what would look nicest but also what would be most suited to what this ball was about, in the end, Noemie had decided upon a short lilac dress wearing her hair down and a pair of small heels, nothing overly formal but not informal either. She was walking to the hall feeling pretty shy about the entire event, she had wanted to see if she could go with someone, but asking someone to the Yuleball had appeared to a task too much for the girl who was usually hidden behind books. She was nervous running a hand through her hair, rubbing her arm, and tugging on the end of her dress as she entered the room. From her initial inspection it appeared that she had correctly picked the right thing to wear, it was not overly formal, people were dressed a lot more formally than the day to day, but not as formally as she had first feared upon hearing the word ball.

The young Ravenclaw let her gaze linger around the decorations, falling upon the students in front of her and as much as she wished to go join them, to dance and have a little fun, she didn't want to go alone, a friend would not go amiss at such an event. Noemie wished to be able to just walk up to someone and become friends, but she didn't want to embarrass herself or push them away by the likely fact that she would begin with a fact about the yuletide celebration. Instead, the girl with her gaze still lingering on all the faces of the happily dancing people made her way to the drinks table, if only for something to busy herself with, and she poured herself a little of the pumpkin juice on offer, a slightly shy and sheepish expression sat plainly on her face as she raised the cup to her lips and slowly sipped.
It wasn't Zara's first time attending a ball, but it was certainly her first time attending a ball on her own will. She could quite clearly recall the events she was invited to despite being extremely young at the time, both as the spawn of a pureblood (at least that is how many of her relatives often referred to her) and the sister to a young prodigy. Then the accident happened and she remembered the balls suddenly coming to a stop, which she suppose she could have dwelled upon but didn't care enough to. Now she was voluntarily twirling around in a pretty pastel dress and gently brushing out her hair as she looked in the mirror. Her mother had sent over the dress almost immediately after she mentioned a ball, and though she was slightly exasperated at the action, was nevertheless thankful for her mother's constant concern over her fashion choices. Not that Evelyn hadn't already done enough of that in place of her. Now she felt pretty and happy, as she left for the ball, ready to go. She left by herself, not having a date but not needing one as she felt she could push her way in to a group of first years and hop around as needed. She didn't know many first years going with partners, with the exception of maybe Luke and Evie. Not quite understanding the idea of crushes or anything of the sort, as she saw them leave she stuck out her tongue playfully, muttering dramatics about abandoning her.

Arriving, Zara only felt in awe of the beautiful decorations as she weaved her way through the crowd, her short height an issue as she got lost in the initial cluster of kids just arriving. Everyone looked so beautiful though, and the good aura of the crowd has Zara pumped as she watched everyone start to dance. Although eager to join, Zara wanted to seek out a friend or two first, and let her eyes roam around in search for a familiar face. And soon enough, the first year Gryffindor spot her pretty Ravenclaw jogging friend over by the drinks and basically skipped her way over towards her. She had grown quite fond of their jogs together, and by this point in the year considered the smart girl a pretty good friend. Zara approached from behind and tapped Noemie on her shoulder."Noemie you look gorgeous~" Zara sang, glancing over to the pumpkin juice before shaking her head. "What are you doing just standing here? Let's dance, let's dance!"
Noemie was so focused on her drink and not spilling any upon the dress that she was wearing that she didn't notice Zara until the girl tapped her on the shoulder, she whirled around to face her and then upon seeing who it was let her nervous expression slip easily into a smile, looking at a girl she would consider her friend, someone she was actually very happy to have met, that she was happy to have run into at this point, "Thank you, so do you," she replied quickly before the girl could get out another word, but she was quickly drowned out by Zara's question, she was standing because she hadn't seen anyone she knew and was more than a little nervous about heading out into the crowd to dance, she couldn't see her friend Venus anywhere. The young Ravenclaw looked at Zara, pondering what she'd said before slowly nodding in consent, maybe dancing wouldn't be too bad. After all, she did like this girl, and there would be nothing wrong with having a little dance at this ball, she assumed that no one would look at her and rather the attention would be focused on the clearly more outgoing Zara.

The part veela did however put down the drink and then letting herself be lead out to where others were dancing, she liked Zara, their little jogs together were enjoyable, though thankfully mostly passed in silence and didn't include all the information that Noemie knew about jogging, which would've easily bored the other girl had she had to hear it. Thankfully not though, "You do look amazing," she repeated her earlier statement, leaning into Zara to talk above the music, hoping the girl would hear her. Noemie listened to the song, brushing her hand through the loose auburn hair, and then began dancing, moving to the music easily, "I'm surprised no one asked you," she said after a little dancing, she wonder the moment after she said it whether that was a normal and right thing to say to someone, but regardless of that, it had now been said, and Noemie wasn't about to take it back. She was surprised that Zara hadn't been asked.
Zara was not one to accept no for an answer and confident that she would get Noemie to come along, barely waited for her to put down the drink as she started to walk backwards slowly towards the crowd, encouraging smile in place as she waited for the confirmation. And once she got it she hurrayed, attempting to drag the girl faster by her hands. She was excitable by nature, something that she was glad hadn't scared the Ravenclaw away as a friend. Noemie was a contrast from her Gryffindor crew. Many of her friends were extremely hyped at most given moments, almost as outgoing as she would consider herself (because really, she thought she took the crown when it came to putting herself out there). Noemie had a lot of facts and was usually willing to listen to her, although Zar had quickly learned to appreciate even the silent jogs. There was something calming about it that she just loved.

"Aww thanks! My mum sent it to me the other day," Zara beamed in response to the compliment. "I love your dress as well! Very cute," Zara nodded as she took a better look at the lilac dress, leaning in as well so that she could better converse over the loud music. "Perfect for the occasion. Have you been to a ball before?" Zar went on to question, curious as ever, swaying to the music casually... Well, until Noemie mentioned her lack of a date. She laughed, shrugging. "Guess they just couldn't handle these moves," Zara answered, bursting in to series of jerky and awkward moves. Unembarrassed of herself, she only stopped as she accidentally hit an older Slytherin student in the arm, having the decency to blush as he stared at her weirdly, giving a quick apologetic bow before returning to Noemie's side. She let out a loud laugh as she saw the Slytherin and his date move away. "Oops, maybe that's why no one asked me." She wouldn't be surprised; either way, she was in no way offended by the statement and her attitude assured as much.
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