Old School Week first day on the ward

Rhiannon Archer

Healer McGowan, new mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
31 (4/2022)
It was Rhiannon's first day on the ward. She had only started in st mungoes a few weeks ago and she was learning so much already. every night she had gone home and hardly been able to move she was so mentally drained she felt sorry for Tybalt who had been amazing to her. despite the fact she had worked in hospitals for years already this was all different, magic was allowed. today was her first day on this ward. she left the staff room, her pocket containing her wand and notebook and stethoscope. not that it was a particularly common tool here but she felt weird working without it. she paused trying to remember what she was meant to be doing.
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Rhiannon turned around to see the healer she was to be shadowing this week. "Hello, I'm Rhiannon, I will be working with you this week" she said. offering her hand to the woman to shake.
Oh!” Verity realised what had happened. “No, no, sorry, I’m still in training, I’m shadowing this week too!” She said, shaking the woman’s hand. “It’s still lovely to meet you though, I’m Verity.”
Rhiannon felt silly. she had bot the lady mixed up with the healer she would be following. "Nice to meet you? I am glad i am not the only healer in training, how long have you been at st mungos" she asked
Verity smiles at the older woman. “Not long, I’ve been training in America for the last couple of years, but I wanted a change of scenery so I decided to come here. I’ve some family here as well, so it made the transition a bit easier then say, picking up my life and moving to England. How about you, Rhiannon?” She asked.
Rhiannon listened to Verity. "that makes you closer to being the healer than me. I only started here at the start of the year so it is my third week. I have spent the last two years working in a muggle hospital in Australia" she said.
Oh, really?” Verity asked, somewhat interested in her experience with Muggle medicine. “I’ve not had a lot of experience with that, is it very different in your experience from what you’ve seen?” She thought it would be. Of course she hadn’t much experience with muggles at all, they scared her rather a little.​
Rhiannon smiled. she did seem to get that sort of reaction a lot from people when she said she was a doctor. "IT is more similar than you would think. some of the processes are a lot different but we are all human" she said. it would be weird even thinking of suggesting surgery here. but it had been common in the Melbourne women's hospital
Yes,” Verity said, thinking about it for a moment, “I suppose you’re half right,” after all, not everyone who needed help from St Mungos was human. Veela certainly weren’t, nor goblins or giants or their part human counterparts. And was a werewolf ever truly human again? It was an ethics question really. Not wanting to get into it, Verity changed the subject. “Where does your interest lie?” She asked then, “what sort of healer do you want to be?”
OOCOut of Character:
ooh thinking the tough questions.

"only half?" she asked. She was not keen on not being right. the next question was one she knew the answer two. "Obstetrics, gynaecology and neonatal health, how about you" she said. her last hospital had been a woman's hospital so she had the most experience with it and had enjoyed it immensely. beside it was the area she thought magic and muggle would be most similar. before that, she had been at a paediatric hospital which was challenging but so so sad. she had often come home and just cried because of a patient.

OOCOut of Character:
let's make this real old school week. and I am going to say I have to pop off four ten minutes or so to have a shower and make tea. did you want some tea?"
Well, it’s rather complicated to go into it, but let’s just say there are members of Magical society who aren’t actually human, either in entirety or in aspect, Veela are a good example,” she said, but shook her head. “However your best to not ask me about that sort of thing, I’m afraid I was never much good at care of magical creatures and couldn’t tell you anything beyond a textbook.” She added. “Those all sound so interesting, I’ve been dabbling some in mental health myself, psychiatry is my current focus with specialisations in addictions and mental wellness.” She said, thinking about the work she’d started in America. “What made you move into magical medicine?”
OOCOut of Character:
I’ve gotta go to bed, maybe hold the tea for next time!
OOCOut of Character:
well that took me far more than ten minutes. It took me about ten just to be motivated to move. sleep well. and I will think of you when drinking my tea.

Rhiannon shook her head. "even if biologically they differ. the process behind treating someone would be the same even if the treatment is different." she said. you still had to talk to them and assess their symptoms the same way. you would just manage things a little differently. as the lady said she was interested in psychology she nodded. while it had been an interesting topic she had always found that a hard one with too little known and too much space to trial and change things until she got things right, the opposite of cardiology and oncology where there were strict processes that needed to be followed. "psychology is interesting but not one of my favourites." she said.
Again, I suppose you’re right again, but when you look at it, you’ve a part giant, right, and they’re actually immune to some magic, I’ve never met a part giant but I imagine it would be hard to treat them if you can’t use the same sort of treatments, right?” Verity shrugged. “But let’s not dither on that, I don’t know enough about it.” She gestured ahead of her. “Shall we get out of this corridor, I believe the break room is further along.”
some medicine doesn’t work as well I. Some groups of people either she said feeling that this was pushing the argument further than it needed to be. i have never met one either. But I did hear one of the healers I was with talking to a different healer about a part giant patient so maybe we will see one soon she said. Glad that the debate was close to an end she nodded the tea room is that door there. I was trying to find the healer I was with today. she said pointing at a door a little way along the corridor
Verity decided wisely to leave the conversation where it was, lest it fall to an argument which she was not in the mood for. She was never in the mood for an argument of course, she just preferred not to get into it at work. They both had their opinions, though they had just established Verity had more experience within the magical side of medicine, but she wasn’t going to bring that up. She wasn’t petty. “We can agree to disagree, the tea room sounds wonderful, after you?” She said, holding the door open for her fellow healer in training.​
With no other idea of where to go Rhiannon followed the other trainee healer back into the lunch room. do you know what we are doing today? she asked she wasn’t even familiar with this ward enough to know what it treated
Well,” Verity looked around the room. “This is the creature ward, for magical creature induced injuries, so I can only imagine that was what we were going to be working on, however, everyone seems to be busy and are taking no notice of us, so I’m not totally sure what we should be doing.” She said, shrugging.​
Rhiannon frowned. I never took care of magical creatures" she said. "So i am totally out of my depth here" she said.
I wasn’t very good at it back in Illvermorny either.” Verity said, sitting at one of the tables and flicking her wand to make herself a coffee. “My best subject was charms.”
Rhinnon watched as the girl made coffee. and looked at her watch. she was sure she should be doing something other than sitting here chatting and drinking but then making friends would also be good. "I liked potions best. but charms was also one of my favourites" she said. it was then that she noticed the noticeboard with the staff allocations on it. "It Looks like I am with a healer @Felix Warrick this week. which sort of explains the creature wars" she said examining the roster. "then move to potions with healer kozlov next week" she said musing to herself.
I’m sure they’re both nice too. Wasn’t Kozlov the one who tried to run for Minister?” She hadn’t been here during the elections, but she’d heard enough about it from her family ties to the country. “Seems wasted for a healer to do that, what experience would he have had?” She shook her head then. “Oh, excuse me, I didn’t meant to say that.”
Rhiannon shrugged yes three was a kozlov running but didn’t really follow the election very closely she said. It seems her time working In muggle medicine was good for something she would not have been able to tell a white lie that easily before. She thought it would have been good to have someone who actually looked after healthcare.
Yeah, I don’t know, I was in New York at the time. I’m sure it works similarly to MACUSA though”.
rhiannon shrugged "what's MACUSA?

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