First day in Hogwarts...


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For the last years, he was doing lot of things. Cleaning house, making food and a lot more things. He known Hogwarts, the newest wizarding school since it opened. He was very happy he haved chance to get in Hogwarts and be Hogwarts House Elf. All Elves can not easy get in this school. Today he was very happy than other days.

Today was first day in Hogwarts. This elf wanted to talk with other elves in this school and with some students to make some contacts. He likes to talk with friends. In "other world" he haved lot of friends and he don't wants to change that. Evrywhere this elf haved friends. This day was to look more at Hogwarts and make some contacts. Other things can be done other days. He don't thinks he will need to clean today. If elf will need to do it, he of course will do it. Dusty don't want to lose his "job" in first days in this school.
Lady Helena floated throughout the school minding her own business though not trying to avoid meeting others should they cross her path. She was simply doing what she enjoyed doing most and that was wonder around and ponder her life and of course her death. The living often did not understand why a ghost would want to be so morbid all the time however it was something that one could not understand unless they had died. Lady Helena greeted a few of the students as they walked past with a slight curtsy she found an old piece of Armor on the fifth floor that she often had conversations with, it was a good thing for him that she had learned Morse Code back in the wars. Not many people were able to understand the old armor and they would miss out on his fascinating stories because of that. Lady Helena stayed with him for a moment and then said goodbye as she moved down the sacred castle absentmindedly, until she found herself outside the castle.

Lady Helena entered the kitchens and smiled at the house elves that worked inside of it, she had spoken with quite a few of them late at night when they went up to clean the Gryffindor common room. They all loved talking to her even if a few were also afraid at the same time, Lady Helena was always nice to the little creatures and often told students not to bother them with sneaking foods and deserts back to the common room. "Good morning House Elves, has today been busy?" Lady Helena asked with a curtsy as a few of the house elves turned and nodded towards her. Breakfast had obviously been served and now the Elves were working on lunch and so probably did not have too much time to spend talking. Lady Helena moved towards the center of the room as she sat down on the air and watched the little creatures do the work that they loved.
Dusty countiuned to make lunch. This was his favourite thing what to do. Interesting, which house elves don't like to make food and clean rooms? Evry house elf needs to do it almost evryday, if they are normal and "real" house elves. This elf don't wanted to make contacts, but he was very busy today and don't haved time to meet someone. That's not very big problem for him, because he can do that other day. That don't need to be done today. It can be done in next days, when Dusty will not be too busy. Really, he liked his work and elf wanted to do it from hours to hours, but little break will be great then too. If really, this elf don't wants to work from day to day, from hours to hours, from minutes to minutes. That would be very big booring for him and other elves, who would do that with Dusty.

This elf was cooking lunch. Because soon all students will go and eat. He won't to have problems then about don't working. Dusty never had problems and never don't want to have them. This elf was working and... There arrived ghost. He never knew that he will be able to make some contacts in this day. Dreams come true! Dusty is really happy today. He looked at ghost.
- Good morning! Elf said to ghost. Ghosts are pretty nice creatures or maybe no. One ghost can be good, second ghost stupid, third ghost good, etc. This ghost just must be good. Ghost asked question for Dusty and other house elves.
- Yes! Today has been busy. Dusty answered to ghost question and countiuned to work.
A few of the busy House Elves that she knew spoke happily however also very rushed as the moved plates back and forth trying to get all of their delightful foods ready for the meal that was to come. Lady Helena looked at the foods and frowned slightly, they all looked quite tasty however she was not sure if she could remember what they tasted like. She knew that she should not judge food simply because of how they looked but since she was unable to taste, then she would have to. Lady Helena would have to ask the little creatures if the food was indeed as delicious as it looked, she had died so young that she had been unable to try so many different things not to mention that some things had simply been difficult to make at that time so they hadn't been around and so plentiful as they were now. Lady Helena turned towards one of the House Elves that had spoken to her, she hadn't seen this one before in her times downstairs and in her conversations with the House Elves at night.

Lady Helena stood on top of the air and smiled at the little creature "Good afternoon, little friend" Lady Helena said with a smile and another curtsy as she decided to introduce herself "My name is Lady Helena the Brave and Patron Ghost of Gryffindor House" Lady Helena said proudly as she sat back down. "I do not believe I have seen you around before, little friend" Lady Helena said as she looked him up and down taking in the little one's features when suddenly there was a loud CRASH! as several of the House Elves who were normally very careful not to run into each other did. It was a very rare occurrence that Lady Helena had only seen a few times before in the past, considering how many Elves worked down here there accident rate was very very low. The Elves were quick to start cleaning as more elves began to make up for the food that they had dropped onto the floor. Lady Helena simply placed a hand over the lower part of her face as she chuckled to herself.
Dusty cooked and cooked lunch. For him that really was not hard. How can cooking to elf be hard? Dusty liked to make lunch and breakfast. And he just liked to make food. That was not fun in all, but that was pretty good activity, what you can do. Elf liked to do it and that is good. He also liked to make contacts and talk with ghosts, other creatures and students in all. Talking with ghosts can be really fun and interesting, because you never know where they was, what they was doing and at last what they found? These questions can be asked to evry Hogwarts ghost and not only to Hogwarts ghosts. Evry ghosts may know secrets, that know only he and someone else, but not evryone.

Ghost said good afternoon now. Why Dusty would answer? That ghost just like said good morning. But okay. This elf is really friendly to evryone who talks with him and he respects evryone and evrywhere.
- Good afternoon. Dusty said to ghost. This ghost was friendly like elf. That was only great. He only seen one friendly ghost, this would be second. Maybe there are lot of friendly ghosts in this school? Who can know?

A bit later ghost introduced herself. Lady Helena. That really was nice name for ghost. All ghosts really have nice and pretty good name, same as elves. Evry elf have cool and pretty good name.
- Dusty. Hogwarts House elf. Dusty would a bit introduce herself. Elf don't want to say lot about him now. He will have time to tell all stories, but not now. Now he needs to make lunch for students and at end professors.
- I am here first day. Dusty would say that.

Lady Helena listened as the little Elf spoke of it being his first day, "Well than House Elf Dusty, I am honored to meet you and lucky to see you and be able to wish you well on your first day" Lady Helena said with a smile as she flew towards him "Are you enjoying yourself so far?" Lady Helena asked as she sat down on the air. A busy Elf ran through her without noticing that she was there and fell down as he was unprepared for how cold it would feel going through a ghost. The plate he was holding flew into the air however another Elf quickly got a hold of it as Lady Helena looked at them in surprise "Oh my!" she exclaimed as she flew back towards where she was earlier. "I did not know you were so busy, I should probably best be on my way and allow you to continue in peace" Lady Helena said as several of the other house elves looked at her and frowned. A couple began to shout that she should stay and that the Lady was never a bother.

She had heard rumors that a few of the elves fancied her however she had merely shrugged them off until now, "If I could blush than I assure you, I would good elves" Lady Helena said as she beamed a smile towards them. A few of them were definitely blushing as they desperately tried to continue their work without flaw however such a feat proved to be quite troublesome for them. Lady Helena took a deep breath in another futile attempt to smell that food that was being prepared however as she did not breath she felt nothing enter her. She frowned for a slight moment before turning back towards the Elves "Would you mind telling me the flavors of the foods you are making?" Lady Helena asked them as she sat back down on the air, she did enjoy talking with those that could smell and taste and feel. It reminded her almost of the life that she once had and all that she had given up when she had died.
Talking with ghost really was fun and interesting thing. They are saying lot of things. Not only lot, but also interesting things too.
Yes. Okay. He answered to first questions. Elf was very happy today. Of course he was. How can not be happy in his first day in this big school and magic school there? Dusty are planning to be find out lot of secrets in this school, because this elf just knows evry school must have secrets. And it is magic school, then there must be 101 secret.

Ghost asked lot of questions to elf. That was a bit hard to answer them one by one. For Dusty this was pretty hard now, because he was making breakfast for students. Ghost asked about flavors of the food he are making. Elf don't want to say, because that ghost will see that in breakfast.
- You will see. Elf said and countiuned to make breakfast. He was thinking about how this ghost died. For ghost it would be pretty hard to speak, but Dusty want to know that. Maybe he will be ghost one time?
- If I can ask, How did you died? He asked.
She frowned slightly when Dusty told her that she would see how the food tastes since she figured he must not know that she was unable to eat or taste and that the food would only go through her and land on the floor. The closest she could get to tasting would be when the food was rotting and while it did feel better to almost be able to taste it was definitely not the same. The expression on her face however changed when the little elf asked about how she had died. "Well" Lady Helena said with a delighted expression her face as a few of the Elves that did not know her story looked up at her while continuing their work. It was one of the moments she loved most about being dead since she like many ghosts enjoyed telling people how they had ended up the way they were now. "I was married to a Muggle Lord who was also a wizard and worked at the Ministry as liaison between the two worlds" Lady Helena said with a smile.

"He had made a few enemies inside the ministry since we both felt strongly about protecting Muggles and did not care if magical and muggle blood mixed" Lady Helena continued as her eyes glowed with excitement. "They came to kill him one night and would've too had I not taken the killing curse for him" Lady Helena said as she looked at some of the other elves that had stopped working only for a moment to hear her tale. "They tried to sneak up on us in the middle of the night but I saw them, unfortunately there were too many so we couldn't face them and they were of poor moral character so we knew they would not fight fair, our only choice was to run" Lady Helena said as she remembered the night very clearly in her head "We didn't have time to run before they attacked and while my darling husband tried to save us both I knew that he wouldn't be in time and so thanks to my noble sacrifice he was able to escape!" Lady Helena said as she smiled brightly. "That is how I died" she finished as though she were telling a story rather than her own demise.

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