Finley Mackintosh Baros

Finley Mackintosh Baros

chronically late for everything
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
`F i n l e y M a c k i n t o s h B a r o s`

Finley; 'Fair warrior' ✫ Mackintosh; 'son of the leader' ✫ Baros; 'weight, gravity'
"Finley is a bright and curious young wizard who approaches life with an open heart and an unwavering belief in embracing the unique gifts that set him apart, finding joy and purpose in every challenge that comes his way."


✫ Basic Information✫
Date of BirthEducation Wand
December 3rd, 2051Hogwarts New ZealandAsh wood, Phoenix Tail Feather
OccupationBlood StatusEye Colour
StudentHalf bloodHazel-Brown
Hair ColourRight/LeftArea of residence
Golden-blondRight handedObsidian Harbour, Aotearoa

Basic Appearance;
Finley carries himself with an infectious kind of energy, always seeming to be in motion and he draws a lot of attention with this expressive demeanour. His golden-blond hair falls in messy waves around his face and it often bounces around his ears because his head tends to be on a swivel. His eyes are a mix of hazel-brown and they're definitely the most expressive part of his face. He has a smattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks and this adds something of a boyish charm to the rest of his features, though he's not the tallest, he stands at a modest height and he carries himself with a lively confidence, as if he's always on the go and ready for the next adventure.
  • Hazel eyes that shift between brown and golden, full of curiosity and mischief
  • Golden-blond hair, naturally messy and wavy, often tousled from his active lifestyle
  • Lightly sun-kissed skin, reflecting his love for the outdoors
  • Modest height, standing at around 140 cm, with a wiry, energetic build
  • Freckles dusting his nose and cheeks, adding to his boyish charm
  • Expressive face, with a wide, infectious smile that hints at his playful nature

Clothing Style;
His clothes generally tend to be prioritised for comfort and freedom, with a preference for the kind of loose-fitting shirts and shorts that let him move about easily. His wardrobe leans toward soft, easy colours but features playful details, like fun patterns or textures, showcasing his creative side. Textures also tend to play a bit of a role here, with soft knits, lightweight cottons, or fabrics that feel as comfortable as they look. Accessories don't tend to be his focus, but he occasionally sports a woven bracelet or a charm on a leather cord that accentuates whatever he happens to be wearing at the time. His shoes tend to be practical and sturdy, perfect for the kind of person who spends as much time outdoors as he does, climbing trees or exploring new places. His style reflects who he is: carefree, approachable, and full of life
  • Loose-fitting shirts made of breathable fabrics, allowing for comfort and easy movement
  • Shorts or relaxed-fit trousers, chosen for their practicality and freedom of motion
  • Soft, muted colours like earth tones and pastels, creating a laid-back and approachable vibe
  • Playful details such as whimsical patterns—small animals, abstract shapes, or magical symbols—adding personality to his outfits
  • Comfortable textures, including soft knits and lightweight cottons, emphasising his preference for easygoing clothing
  • Minimal accessories, occasionally wearing a woven bracelet or a charm on a leather cord to reflect his creative side
  • Sturdy shoes, practical and durable, perfect for his outdoor adventures and energetic lifestyle

Finley is a half blood wizard, though his father Zennon Baros is from a long line of pureblood, but his mother Samantha Mackintosh, is a half blood witch and so Finley is not a pureblood due to the presence of muggles in the family. Despite the importance placed on blood status by some in the wizarding world, Finley embraces his diverse heritage without hesitation, often finding his strength and pride in the rich mix of experiences and the perspective it brings. It’s a grounding influence, connecting him to both magical and non-magical worlds in a way that broadens his understanding and acceptance of others.

Finley was born in St Mungo's in Obsidian Harbour, and though his father is of American descent, he was also born in his families manor. His mother Sam is of Scottish descent and was born there. Finley is of Scottish and American Descent, but is a citizen of Aotearoa.

Narrative Snippet;
Finley Baros sat at the edge of the grassy knoll near Obsidian Harbour, tracing shapes in the dirt with his finger. The sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a warm glow over his hair as he leaned back on his hands, hazel eyes - brown and green depending on the angle - focuses on the swirling patterns. He had a boyish charm, with freckles dotting his nose and cheeks that hinted at his youthful exuberance. Born in St Mungo's in Obsidian Harbour, Finley was the product of a mixed heritage - his father was from a long line of pureblood, but his mother is of mixed blood status with muggle presence in her line. Though he was raised mostly by his dad, he's had influences from all over, both his father's closest friends and the fact his step-father is from a big mixed race family, being of Veela heritage.


✫ The Wand ✫

Straight 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

✫ Creds✫

Dividers by Claire
Some inspiration and direction on tables also provided by Claire
Categories and editing by Me
Etymology from
Wand characteristics from Ollivanders Wand Shop HNZ
Wand from
Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships
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B A S I C ✻ I N F O R M A T I O N ✻ E X P A N D E D
"w e m e t b e f o r e , b u t n i c e t o m e e t y o u"


Name Details
Full Name
Finley Mackintosh Baros

Name Etymology
Finley: The name Finley is of Scottish origin and is derived from the Gaelic name Fionnlagh, where "fionn" means "fair" or "white," and "lagh" means "warrior" or "hero." Thus, Finley can be interpreted as "fair-haired hero" or "fair warrior."
Mackintosh: Mackintosh is of Scottish Gaelic origin and means "son of the 'good' or 'fair' servant." The name is formed from the elements "Mac" (meaning "son of") and "An Tosach" (meaning "the beginning" or "chief"). The name is associated with the Clan Macintosh from the Scottish Highlands.

Finley: fin·lee
Mackintosh: ma·khin·tosh
Baros: bha·rosz

fin, mac (his dad strictly calls him finley though and doesn't like people to call him fin)

Legal Name Changes
So far Finley has not required any name changes, legal or otherwise. He does not forsee any in the future either.

Birth & Residence
Date of Birth
3rd December, 2051

Finley was born in St Mungo's in New Zealand, both of his parents were in attendance. As well as his Aunt Rowan, Uncle Elio and his Grandmother.

Finley is considered New Zealand-American as his parents are multinational, though for most purposes he is a New Zealand native and carries no other ethnicity.

Blood Status
Finley is a half blood.

Area of Residence
Finley currently lives in Obsidian Harbour with his father, Zennon Baros.

Previous Areas of Residence
Brightstone, New Zealand.

Finley often speaks in an American English dialect as he tends to emulate his father, who speaks with this dialect.

His accent is a mix of Midwest America, Kiwi and some English.

Education & Occupation
Schools Attended
Obsidian Daycare from the age of 3 to 11

Hogwarts House

Finley wished his dad could have been here to see him sorted. He knew that wasn't really what they did, but he was so used to having his dad all the time, even when he didn't physically have him, that it felt strange to know he would not see his dad at all until at least Christmas. He was used to being able to roll out of bed at odd hours and go and see him either just getting home, or quietly sneaking out to leave, one of either Ace, Glimmer or Tinsel staying behind to keep an eye on him until the babysitter could make it. Sometimes it was Aunt Leda, or Aunt Rowan, once or twice it was Aunt Sapphire who came to collect him from the apartment. He liked those days the best because Aunt Sapphire was really funny, and she let him make all sorts of messes as long as he cleaned them up. Something about how his dad couldn't be too upset about it since he was a messy kid at his age. Finley found that hard to believe since his Dad was hardly a messy person now.

He missed his mum too, but she was so busy with Zena these days that Finley barely got to see her at all. The thought of Zena had him looking up at the staff table, and there was his Step-father Ben, though he had never really referred to the man as his father, or even as his step-father. There was nothing in that, except that he didn't see the need in having two Dads when he had a perfectly good set of parents already, and whilst he had to share Ben with Danika and Zena, he didn't have to share his Dad with anyone else. His Dad only had eyes for him. A tiny shock of jealous crept up at the thought that now his Dad had more time on his hands to spend more time with the triplets, even despite knowing that he probably wouldn't. He stamped that down quickly, before paying attention to the song, wondering what heinous crimes the hat might be talking about because as far as he knew that wasn't the normal part of the song it usually sang.

Baros, Finley.

He knew it wouldn't take long to get to his name, it was really early on up in that list since he was a Ba, so he was one of the first B's after all the A's. He ran his hands against his robes, even though they weren't sweaty. He wasn't exactly nervous so much as just... cautious, he supposed. His Dad was a Slytherin, as was his mum, but he wanted to be able to forge his own path and he wasn't sure if he could do that with both of his parents in the same house, if he was also in the same house. Although maybe that was the best way to try and see if he could be more than what his Dad was, not that his Dad was or is anything to sneeze at. Being a Healer was a tough job after all. No, he didn't want to be like his dad, or like his mum, he just wanted to be Finley Baros - whatever that was about to entail. He sat on the stool and watched as the hat was placed on his head. Then, silence...

Favourite Class

Least Favourite Class


Learned Credentials



Health & Physical
Physical Condition
Finley is in excellent physical condition, with high energy levels, stamina and agility. He enjoys activities like running, jumping and participating in various sports, and is often seen engaged in some form of physical play. His coordination is steadily improving, and he is capable of handling more physically demanding tasks with some ease.

Finley is in generally good health. He very rarely experiences any serious illness and is pretty active without any significant health concerns. He, on occasion, experiences a cold or a minor injury from physical activities (he almost always has a bump or bruise somewhere) but overall he is healthy, and vibrant. Regular exercise, outdoor play, and balanced meals contribute to his good health.

Finley's eyesight is typically sharp for his age, as he has well developed vision (as most kids his age do). He can focus on distant objects with ease and engages in activities that require good eyesight, like reading and sports. He doesn't see any sign of later near or farsightedness, and he enjoys active games that require focus.

Finley has some mild, common allergies he suffers, such as pollen and large levels of dust. He has no food allergies, but of the two allergies he does know about, they usually cause him to sneeze or break out in a rash. They are generally manageable with minimal disruption to his active lifestyle. He is pretty cautious around his allergens, and has learned to manage his environment to prevent reactions. His allergies are not severe enough to restrict any physical activity.
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A P P E A R A N C E ✻ A N D ✻ P E R S O N A L I T Y
"w e m e t b e f o r e , b u t n i c e t o m e e t y o u"


Appearance Details

Basic Appearance
Finley has an energetic presence, with his golden-blond hair falling in messy waves around his face, often bouncing with his movements. His eyes, a mix of brown and hazel, are full of curiosity, always scanning the world around him. A smattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks add to his boyish charm. Though he's not the tallest, Finley carries himself with a lively confidence, like he's always on the go and ready for the next adventure. His clothes are all about comfort and freedom, favoring loose-fitting shirts and shorts that let him move without restriction. His wardrobe tends to stick to soft, easy colors, but there's a hint of personality in the little details, like fun patterns or textures that show he’s got a bit of creativity under the surface.

Resemblance to Parents
Finley definitely has a mix of both his parents' looks, but with his own twist. He’s got his mom’s golden-blond hair and those cute freckles on his nose and cheeks, which gives him that same youthful vibe she has. He doesn’t look exactly like her, though—he’s more relaxed and laid-back. From his dad, he probably got his height and build, but his personality is a bit different from his dad’s more confident, rugged style. So, while he doesn’t look exactly like either parent, you can definitely see pieces of them in him.

Hairstyle and Type
Finley’s hair is golden-blond and a bit wild, with soft waves that fall messily around his face, often getting tousled from all his running around. It's the kind of hair that has a natural, carefree vibe—nothing too neat, just effortlessly tousled from his active lifestyle.

His eyes are a mix of brown and hazel, always full of curiosity and energy. They’re quick to take in everything around him, reflecting his adventurous spirit and lively personality. You can tell he’s always thinking or observing, his eyes constantly darting around as he takes in the world.

Finley’s smile is wide and infectious, lighting up his face and making it impossible not to smile along with him. It’s the kind of grin that shows off a little mischief, hinting at his playful side, and it’s always there when he’s in his element, whether he’s joking around or enjoying a moment of fun.

Personality Details

Describe your character in five words
Energetic, curious, adventurous, playful, thoughtful.

Finley is energetic, curious, and adventurous and he's always on the go. With his lively, playful nature, he tends to get caught up in whatever catches his attention, whether it’s exploring the outdoors, discovering new things, or getting involved in whatever game his friends are playing. His mind races with ideas and he’s often daydreaming, so he’s chronically late for just about everything, from school to appointments. Despite his tendency to be late, Finley carries a genuine, enthusiastic charm that draws people in. He’s warm, friendly, and always eager to share stories about his latest discoveries, even if it means rushing in just as things are getting started. His fashion choices are practical and comfortable, favouring loose, relaxed clothing that allows him to move freely, reflecting his energetic, laid-back personality. Whether he’s bouncing around with his messy hair and sparkling hazel eyes or flashing his wide, mischievous grin, Finley’s presence is impossible to ignore.

Interests or Hobbies

  • Loves outdoor activities, especially soccer and skateboarding
  • Enjoys hiking, biking, and exploring new places
  • Has a creative side, enjoys drawing and working on random projects
  • Interested in nature books and exploring the world through them
  • Likes playing games with friends
  • Energetic: Finley has an endless supply of energy, always ready for the next adventure or challenge.
  • Curious: He’s always asking questions and eager to learn more about the world around him.
  • Adventurous: Finley loves to explore, whether it's nature or trying new things with friends.
  • Creative: He has a natural flair for thinking outside the box and coming up with new ideas.
  • Friendly: Finley is approachable and always up for making new friends, with an infectious smile and a positive attitude.

  • Fatal Flaw: Chronic Lateness - Finley’s tendency to lose track of time and get caught up in his interests often leads to him being late for important events, which causes frustration for those around him.
  • Major Flaws: Disorganisation, impulsiveness - His busy, energetic nature means he often struggles to stay organised, leading to missed details or forgotten responsibilities. Finley can sometimes act without thinking, diving into things headfirst without considering the consequences.
  • Minor Flaws: Easily distracted, occasionally overconfident - His curious mind often pulls him in different directions, making it hard for him to focus on one thing for too long. Finley’s energy and enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to take on more than he can handle, leaving him overwhelmed.

Values and Driving Force
Finley values freedom, adventure, and exploration. His driving force is his insatiable curiosity and desire to experience the world around him, whether it's through new activities, discovering new places, or learning new things. He’s motivated by the thrill of the unknown and the excitement that comes with trying something new. Deep down, he values connection with others and enjoys sharing his discoveries with friends and family, believing that life is best enjoyed when shared. His energetic, fun-loving personality often drives him to push boundaries, but he also seeks moments of relaxation and creativity to balance out his active lifestyle.
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L I F E ✻ A N D ✻ F A M I L Y
"w e m e t b e f o r e , b u t n i c e t o m e e t y o u"


Family and Relationships

Relationship Status
Finley does not currently have any interest in anyone, because he is twelve. Currently the only thing he cares about is Lemon (his dog) and trying to not be late to things.

Finley doesn't really care about what he is or isn't interested in at the moment, but he's pretty sure he has no interest in girls, and only really wants to know more about boys.

Immediate Family
Finley's immediate family includes his mother Sam Mackintosh, with whom he has a decently close relationship. His Step-father Benjamin Kaster, whom he sees about the same as he see his mother. They get along well enough, though often have seperate interests. His two half-sisters, Danika and Zena, who are both too young to really say how they get on, though he loves both of them dearly and his father Zennon Baros, whom he lives with and looks up to a lot. One might also consider his father's snakes Ace, Tinsel and Glimmer as part of the family.

Lemon, a mutt.

His mother was born and raised in New Zealand and his father was born and raised in New Zealand, though spent a lot to time in America, and his Grandparents are were American on his father's side. He is American-New Zealander, with some other mixed in, but doesn't really care to look beyond those two.

Life Details

Finley will attend Hogwarts New Zealand, but previous to that attended Obsidian Day Care, which isn't really a school, but he likes to count it.

Best school subjects

Worst school subjects

Current Job

Plans for the future
To potentially pursue a career in mathematics or astronomy, and to continue exploring his creative passions.

Though Finley is not yet able to produce a corporeal patronus, it is a dolphin, representing his playful and free-spirited nature. When he conjures his Patronus, it dances gracefully through the air, filling him with a sense of joy and freedom.

Patronus memory
Finley's Patronus memory is of a peaceful night spent stargazing with his family, feeling a sense of wonder and belonging as he gazed up at the star-filled sky.

Finley's Boggart takes the form of a swarm of bees, representing his fear of being overwhelmed by things he cannot control. When he faces his Boggart, he feels a sense of panic and helplessness.

Finley imagines his Boggart transforming into a crowd of butterflies instead, which looks really funny when they're trying to sting him.

Finley does not have the ability to transform into an animagus, but it would likely be in the similar form of his patronus, being a dolphin.
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"w e m e t b e f o r e , b u t n i c e t o m e e t y o u"

Year 2063 - 2064 (First year)

Major events
  • event one
  • event two
  • event three


month, year rp name - where with who

Thoughts on year




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