Open Finding the Familiar

Doyle Mooney

quiet 🎧 confused
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Spruce Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
03/2052 (11)
Doyle was still waiting for someone to come tell him that all this about a magic school was just a joke and that he had to go home. Part of him would probably be sad but the bigger part of him would probably be relieved. He was having an ok time but it was exhausting to be so confused all the time. That's how he found his way out to the lawn with his radio and a notebook in hand. When he sat on the grass he could almost pretend he was at the park back home and his friends from school were on their way. He turned on the radio and whatever magic it possessed granted it signal all the way out here and he was grateful for it even if he didn't know any of the songs, but he was starting to recognize some. He took out his notebook and tried to write a letter to his dad. The only way he could get it to him would be with an owl and he just hoped his dad remembered that's how wizard mail works before trying to shoo it off before it could give him the letter.
Peregrine liked her dormmates, really, she did, but they were all so full on and sometimes a girl just needed some peace and some fresh air. Even Percy had plenty of moments where he could just be quiet and calm, usually when he had his nose in a book. Peregrine had a book of her own with her, some story about a unicorn princess that was a bit average but fun enough for a distraction.

And yet the sudden quiet made Peregrine feel very lonely now. At least at home she usually knew her mother or brother were nearby, and with Uncle Gaius he'd always be quiet but a reassuring silent presence if she needed him. She wandered the lawn and spotted a familiar face and walked up, calling out a greeting. "Oh, Doyle, hi!" She wasn't sure if he heard her over the radio, though, and waved her arm to a ridiculous level hoping that might help.

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