Finding my Muse

Leia Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand, 15 1/2", Tail of Charmed Newt
It was a few days after Halloween and even though Leia had finally met her bandmates and had a good 'getting to know you' type deal, the Hufflepuff girl was still a little downhearted, over a boy no less. That was so uncharacteristic of her, but she was seriously charmed. Today Leia was found wearing a simple black tank and jeans, as she was sitting in the lawn with a notebook in hand. She was trying to think of band names for the band she was now in and more pathetically, she was attempting to write music. Leia brushed her bangs out of her face as she gave a rather large sigh, still wondering why Kaleb had stood her up at the Halloween dance. Many thoughts rushed into her mind, What if he saw my costume and thought I looked stupid so he decided to ditch me? What if he did say hi to me but I wasn't paying attention and didn't realize it was him?! What if he was there with another girl? What if he was just leading me on to dump me at the feast?! Leia shook her thoughts away, naively thinking that they were only getting more ridiculous as she worried and that Kaleb would never do something like that to her.
Noah was bored, it was simple as that. It was the day after he'd held auditions for a band, and he was having a hard time choosing. They were all so awesome, and he really didn't want to hurt anyones feelings. Putting it off, he decided that they could all wait another day for his decision. Noah decided to go clear his head, maybe that would help him choose. Putting away his list of names, he then threw on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt, with a leather jacket over the top. Obviously it wasn't real leather, as Noah would never want to wear clothing made of animals. He still thought it was pretty cool though, even if it was fake.

As Noah walked through the grounds, he decided to just hang out on the lawn. It was a sunny day, so why not taky advantage of it? It was spring now, so the trees and flowers looked so pretty. But turning his head, he saw something even prettier. Far across from him, Noah spotted Leia Evans. The girl he had a massive crush on, but obviously wouldn't admit it. She was just so smart, and kind, and all of the other good adjectives he could think of. Stop it, man, you're going to embarass yourself, he thought, as if anyone could hear his thoughts. "Leia!" he called out, waving to her probably a bit over-enthusiastically. Play it cool, dude! he told himself, pulling his hand back down. Jogging over to her, Noah tried not to trip over his long legs. He had a bad habit of embarassing himself these days, especially in front of people he wanted to impress. "Hey, mind if I join you?" he smiled, sitting down next to her. "Whatcha up-" he begin, before looking at her again.

Noah hadn't noticed it before from a distance, but now he was closer he could tell that Leia was upset. Even if it was just something little, he could tell. There just seemed to be this slight sadness radiating from her, and it made him sad as well. Noah really cared about Leia, and didn't want to see her upset about anything, no matter how silly. "Leia, you okay?" he asked, looking at her with concerned eyes. Although the two were not super close, Noah still hoped she would tell him. Not because he was nosy, but because he truly wanted to help.
Leia was looking down at her notes, scribbles and scratches everywhere, so much that you could hardly see the words beneath them, which had been Leia's intention of course. All of a sudden she heard her name being called from a distance. She whipped her head around, her dark golden locks flying around as well, and when she noticed it was Noah approaching, she grinned brightly, momentarily abandoning all thoughts of Kaleb. "Noah!" she replied with as much enthusiasm he had called her name out. When he sat down she leaned in and wrapped her arms around him in greeting. It seemed Noah had noticed her crestfallen state earlier because he asked her what was wrong. She smiled as if to play it off, having been taught always to smile (for the paparazzi) even if she was sad or upset, but somehow Noah had caught on right away.

Leia bit her lip momentarily wondering if she should tell him the truth. He doesn't want to hear about some stupid boy problems. What if he laughs at me and thinks I'm stupid? What if he thinks I'm over-reacting? What if I am over-reacting?! Wait, it would be good to get a boys advice on this to see if I really am over-analyzing everything... Her chocolate brown eyes were staring back at Noah and she smiled again to state that she was fine however she shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I just had a lousy time at Halloween." 'Lousy' was probably over-exaggerating, she did meet a fellow bandmate there without knowing she was in the same band as her, and she did enjoy herself, though not as much as she thought she was because she had been under the impression that she and Kaleb were going to be spending time together there.
Noah smiled a bit wider when Leia greeted him just as warmly. Maybe she.. He began to think, before quickly pushing the thought out of his head. No, of course she doesn't. We're just friends. We are just friends. She is merely very friendly, he finished, wishing that wasn't entirely true. When Leia hugged him unexpectedly, Noah quickly turned a light shade of red, awkwardly hugging her back. Luckily, he was quite good at composing himself quickly, so hopefully she wouldn't notice.

Facing Leia again, he listened as she explained what was wrong. It didn't sound too bad, but then again, she wasn't really telling him much. "Oh," he said simply, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. "If you want to go into detail, I'm here to listen," Noah continued with a small, reassuring smile. He didn't want to push it though, as that would sound very rude. If Leia wanted to tell him, then that was her choice. The only reason Noah wanted to know was just so he could make it better.
Leia studied Noah's face for a reaction, as if trying to figure out if he was interested and she should go on, because she really did want to get it off her chest, or if she should not even bring it up. She saw Noah's reassuring smile and grinned back in gratitude. She inhaled before choosing the right words to say. "Well, I met this really cool guy, Kaleb," she began, a huge smile forming on her face at the mere thought of Kaleb once more. "And we had made plans to go to the Halloween feast/dance together," she explained, setting down her notebook for now. "But he didn't show up," she concluded sadly. "At least I don't think I saw him there," she added with a bit of uncertainty, wondering if she had somehow overlooked him, in which case she would be feeling horrible by now.
(( Sorry! :doh: Haven't been able to RP for a couple of days ))

Noah listened as Leia explain what had happened, and his heart began to drop further and further into his stomach. Of course he wasn't literally heartbroken, because he was only 11 after all. But still, to find out that the girl he liked was interested in someone else was upsetting. He prayed that she meant just as friends, but he really doubted that. "Oh.." Noah said simply, unsure what else he could say. Coughing slightly, he decided to try and reassure Leia. "Well.. I bet this Kaleb guy wanted to impress you so much, that he spent forever trying to get his costume just right. Maybe by the time he got there, you'd already left?" Noah suggested, forcing a small smile onto his face. "Or.. maybe he was so well disguised that you just couldn't see him, and he couldn't find you. Either way, I wouldn't worry about it.." he finished, with a small sigh.

Noah really wished he could have just spoken his mind. If he'd been truthful, Leia would have heard something along the lines of 'That beep! How on earth could anyone stand you up?! You're like.. perfect! Just forget about that loser, and get together with me!' But obviously that would have been rude, and probably upset her even more. That was the last thing he wanted. But what he did want was to make that stupid Kaleb look as bad as possible, but even that would be going against who Noah was. Even if he didn't like someone, he could never slander or judge them, without even meeting them face to face. For now, he would just have to paint this boy as the hero, if that's what made Leia happy.
Leia watched Noah curiously, wondering if somehow she had upset him or something, but decided not to bring it up as he instead tried to justify Kaleb's absence, at least his reasons were more positive than the ones she had been thinking ealier. She giggled lightly at his attempt but shrugged her shoulders in agreement. "Oh well, I'm sure he has a good reason right?" she asked hopefully. Kaleb was such a sweetheart, he would never blow her off so rudely like that. Leia figured she'd go looking for Kaleb somewhere in the dungeons to hear his explanation later. "So, how was your Halloween?" she asked him with a grin, hoping to change the subject.
(( Sorry sorry sorry sorry!! Faaaak I hate school :frantics: ))

Noah turned his head to look out over the lawn, so that Leia couldn't see his face. He had noticed her watching him curiously, maybe she had somehow caught on to how he really felt. Hopefully not.. "Yeah yeah, I'm sure Kaleb had a good reason," he smiled, looking back at Leia. Noah hoped what he said was true, but having never met this Kaleb, he couldn't be sure. What other reason would there be to stand up Leia, except for being incredibly stupid? If Noah had the chance to go on a date with her, he'd definitely treat her right.

Noah then smiled when Leia changed the subject. He didn't think he could bear continuing the other one. "Oh, my Halloween was pretty boring actually. I was going to go to the feast, but then, being a Ravenclaw, I remembered we had some homework due," Noah said, slightly embarassed at his own nerdiness. "I even got dressed in my costume and everything! So yeah, I spent the night sitting in the common room in costume. I got quite a few sideways glances," he laughed, remembering the odd looks he got.
[It's okay, I've been busy myself.]

Leia didn't want to talk about Kaleb anymore now that she was in the presence of one of her best friends Noah who had an uncanny way of cheering her right up with just his smile. She listened as he told the story of how he spent his Halloween night and began laughing once he was done with his story. She put her hand over her mouth to stop her giggles and said, "Aww! I wish I could've seen what you looked like!" she whined. "What were you?" she asked with interest, wondering what it could possibly that made people stare at him funny. Hers was rather plain and unimaginative she thought so. She smiled brightly at him as if to convince him to tell her what he was in case he didn't want to tell her.

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