Open Finding a star!

Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

🐺Dragonologists , Sweden dragon reservation🐉
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Austin )
Sexual Orientation
Austin ❤️
Pear Wand 11 5/8" Mermaid Scale
21(10June, 2038.)
Jenna had decided to take a short walk to the North Tower. Today she wanted to see the stars in the sky shining brightly. Of course it was too late, but she hoped she would learn to find some interesting constellations. Dressed in a Hufflepuff-colored sweater that was quite warm so she wouldn't get tired of watching the stars.

The road to this place was distant, but she climbed up to the north tower and came to the railing. It was a nice cool evening and the wind was flushing her hair.The North Tower was looking at a rather interesting place, and Jenna wasn't quite sure why she had come here, but the feeling was that she just wanted to look up at the sky.
Normally, Kauri loved how busy Hogwarts was. There was always something to do and someone to talk to. He had taken up meditation though, as part of his Seer training, and living in a castle with hundreds of other teens made that particular practice almost impossible. So Kauri had taken to looking for quiet places he could be alone with his thoughts, and the north tower was one of his favourites. Kauri regretted quitting Astronomy class when he had had trouble staying awake for it, and it was nice to sit and watch the stars while he meditated. He was surprised when he stepped out into the fresh air and saw another person there, giving the younger girl a smile and a wave. "Are you okay up here?" He asked, just in case she was lost. It was late enough in the year now that Kauri didn't see lost first years often anymore, but it never hurt to check.
There was peace in her smile, and just a simple girl looked at the strangers they were addressing. ''Hey, I'm fine and i just can't sleap tonight, you?'' The girl replied to the older boy and looked at the stars again, hoping to find some constellation. ''Do you think, we can find the pegasus constellation tonight?'' She asked the boy.
Kauri nodded in response to the girl's comment, though he couldn't entirely relate. With the amount of studying he needed to do for his NEWTs, sleeping was all he wanted to do. He looked up at the sky when she mentioned a constellation, shrugging. Not for the first time, Kauri felt embarrassed about dropping Astronomy. "I don't know, I'm not very good at Astronomy. All I know how to find is the Southern Cross." He said apologetically. "What does it look like?"
''Why that? Astronomy is easy for me. I know that star. The Southern Cross is one of the best known asterisms in the night sky, and the most familiar star pattern in the southern hemisphere. It's the smallest star of all'' Jenna smiled to the older boy, she looked to sky and hoped she will be find to pegasus. ''Pegasus is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the winged horse Pegasus in Greek mythology. He looks like a hourse with wings. The Pegasus star is in the northern hemisphere and we are here. The night is very clear. A little left and up will be Pegasus.'' The girl found the pegasus constellation in the sky and showed the older course to the boy. Hopefully she had hit the target correctly and had not made a mistake in her calculations.
Kauri listened with interest as the younger girl explained the constellations to him, wishing he knew all of this. Dropping Astronomy class had really been a silly mistake, but it was too late to go back and fix it now. He smiled apologetically when she described the Pegasus constellation. "Well, if it's in the Northern Hemisphere, you probably won't have much luck finding it down here." He said apologetically. "We're about as far into the Southern Hemisphere as it's possible to be." He looked up at the sky, pointing out the Southern Cross. "See? There's the Southern Cross."
it was nice to talk to someone about the stars and look at the sky. The stars here were much more than her home in New York. Anyway, Jenna was very short of home and she wrote to her dad and asked her how to go to Bella and told her about her brother because she still thought her brother was blaming her for her mother's death. '' What your name?'' Jenna a little change to subject talk about it. She was forgot ask him. ''I see, so nice'' Jenna smiled to him.
Kauri smiled kindly when the girl asked his name. "I'm Kauri, what's your name?" He asked kindly. He was used to first years recognising him from his tours, but it had been long enough since then that his name had probably faded from memory.
''Nice to meet you Kauri, my name is Jenna! Are you Kauri Tipene from Head boy?'' She finaly remember him and he was a nice and coolest head boy and she was hear that to from another people. ''How you came Head boy? I just to dreamed be some day a prefect''! She smiled to him and looked to the stars.

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