Closed Finally Together

Eric Holland

💥2055 Grad | Angry | Fighter | HNZ Caretaker💥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Minnie)
Vine Wand 12 3/4" Dragon Heartstring Core
10/2036 (27)
Eric had thought a lot about how to do this. It hadn't been easy, he wasn't a very romantic person and wasn't very good at big gestures. Yet, here he was, in the spot he had first met Minnie nearly fifteen years ago. They had only been kids, not even old enough to go to Hogwarts yet. Eric still remembered how odd she had seemed, but also how he had already been weirdly fascinated by her. While they started off on the wrong foot, he also felt like their journey was somehow inevitable. Or maybe he was a more romantic person than he'd thought.

He had made a nice spot under the tree he'd found Minnie reading so long ago, spreading out a blanket and putting down candles. He had left a note in her office to meet him here and Eric hoped she would show up soon. He had also stacked a bunch of books in the middle of the blanket, both because he had met Minnie while she was reading and just because he knew she still loved it. He had bought them over the past year, picking up one he thought she might like whenever he was near a bookstore. They were mostly romance books, as he knew Minnie liked those. He paced anxiously near the blanket as he waited for her to arrive, hoping things would go well.
Minnie had just finished the grading for her class, she had worked a little on her book, and had found herself eager to find out what Eric had wanted to do. She had found his note, and had been both confused and eager to spend the time with him. She loved him, so easily. She had put on a slightly nice outfit, not sure if this was a date or just them spending time together. But she just liked to make an effort for him. She spotted him the moment she apparated to the edge of the park from the edge of the school boundary, and smiled easily. She approached and frowned a little, she could see him pacing, could also see the candles, and the books. "Eric, what's all this?" she said, though her tone was fond as she approached him.
Eric had hoped he would see Minnie before she saw him, but that clearly hadn't been the case. He turned around at the sound of her voice, freezing for a moment at the sight of her. She looked beautiful as always, and suddenly Eric felt nervous. There was a part of him that wanted to run away and hide, but he knew he couldn't do that. He had to push through and do this. He could only hope Minnie would say yes. Eric hadn't prepared a romantic speech and right now he was kicking himself for it. He had hoped the words would come to him in the moment, but when had that ever happened to him? He swallowed. "It's- for you." He said, gesturing to the books. "We met here- remember?" He croaked out, fumbling with the box in his pocket before he finally dropped to one knee. Thankfully, he managed to get the box out without dropping it. He opened it, showing her the ring he had picked out. "Minnie-" he said, words failing him. He felt like he should be explaining himself, putting their entire history into poetic words. He couldn't do it. "Marry me?" He simply asked instead, hoping it would be enough.
Minnie hadn't seen Eric this nervous in a long while, she was completely at a loss as to why he might be. She smiled at him though, wanting to reach for him, to provide him with comfort and whatever else he needed from her. Minnie looked at the books, and then nodded. She did remember that they'd first met here. It hadn't been the best first meeting but it had put them on this path, and she loved him so much, in every universe she'd accept such a first meeting, if it meant she got him in the end. Minnie gasped when he dropped to one knee, and she was already half crying before he asked the question. "Of course," she said immediately, barely letting him finish the question. "Yes, Eric, yes," she didn't need lots of words, or an out pour of romanticism, she had only ever needed him.
Eric was anxiously searching Minnie's face, so much that he almost didn't hear her answer. He blinked, then his face cleared up in delight. He beamed at her, then dropped the box, got to his feet and threw his arms around her, briefly forgetting about the ring entirely.
Minnie couldn't stop her smiling, she wrapped her arms around him, as he wrapped his around hers. Feeling her heart warm with love for him, for the life they had so carefully built for themselves. That they had worked on, that they had taken nurtured. She couldn't imagine her life with anyone, couldn't imagine ever being with any other man. She giggled in overwhelming joy.
Eric held Minnie close for a long moment, burying his face in her hair as he let out a few tears of relief. She wanted him, she still did. He didn't understand why, but he was eternally grateful for it. Then he let go with a start, remembering how he had dropped the ring. "Wait- hold on." He said, dropping down on his knees to look for it. It had cost him quite a lot. Thankfully, he found it before long. He held it up to Minnie with a shaky smile. "Dropped this."

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